Happy Birthday Joseph Campbell!


I love this quote:


joeseph campbell birthday.png

One of humanity's great teachers.


Happy Birthday Joe!

I caught "Snowden" on a flight back from Spain on Wednesday, and at one point in the movie Snowden mentioned Campbell as an influence. If I recall correctly it seemed to be the one thing that raised an eyebrow early in his career. Fascinating movie and well worth the view. No surprise at the end I saw it was an Oliver Stone film. I will likely watch it again.

I've actually been rereading The Hero With A Thousand Faces recently, and finding I appreciate it much more now than when I was in college.

Great man, great mind. 

I recently relistened to The Power of Myth series of talks with Campbell and Bill Moyers and was once again blown away by what a good storyteller Campbell was. After five years in front of a classroom, I can now see how he influenced me as a teacher and encouraged me to find and follow my bliss.

Happy birthday, Joseph Campbell.



Thank the gods for joseph campbell!

great quote, judit

Loved that guy. Used to listen to him for hours.

That was a great series Mike.

(((((JOE CAMPBELL)))))