~@~ Happy belated Birthday Brightday!!! ~@~


Happy belated Birthday, Brightday!!!



One of these Days,  I will take a ride up to the Catskills and visit...

Then we can have a Beer & Lunch.

Until that day,

Happy Birthday !!

Happy Late B-Day to ya BrightDay!

I still have fond memories of the great times we all had when we both attended the March 2016 DNB Alaska shows

I think I still have a cell # for you from a year or so ago... if I ever make it down to the Noo Yawk Ciddy area I'll be sure to give ya a call

Happy Birthday!

Hope your B-Day was the happiest, Brightday! smiley

Hope you had a great day, and have even a better year ahead

Happiest Belated, BD!

Happy Birthday Brightday!

Thanks so much everybody!


Some day I'll learn to post a picture on viva, until then, imagine some peonies below.

The really nice, light pink ones. That's what we usually have blooming here this time of year.

Poppies mostly have gone with the wind (storm).... oh welz. 
