Happy 4th of July Weekend! Except...


Attention Trump supporters: you don't get to play "patriot" this weekend...

If you voted for Trump or support him in any way please don't waste your time pretending you're a proud little patriot of the U.S. this Fourth of July weekend. You're not. You don't give a damn whether a foreign government interfered with our democracy, so long as your oafish clown got elected. Had they done the same for Hillary you'd already have assassinated her. Literally. And when the evidence comes out you people will just bellow and shriek that it's fine the Russians stole the election since Hillary was just so horrible and awful. 

You people proved you're more interested in allowing corrupt rich white pigs kick people off medical insurance, pass laws controlling women and minorities, promote bigotry in the name of "religious freedom" and make the U.S. the laughingstock of the world. You don't give a damn about this country, only your sick and warped "vision" of it, whereby only you people are Americans and everything belongs to you. 

So don't bother mounting your precious little U.S. flags on your vehicles, wearing your red white and blue, or waving your goddamned stupid "Make America Great Again" hats around this weekend. You forfeited any right you once had to pretend you're anything resembling an American patriot. 

The only flags you fucking clowns get to parade around are the Russian flag or your pathetic beloved Confederate traitor flag ("states rights" or "Southern heritage" my ass). Either amounts to the same thing. 


Patriotic Americans who care about this ENTIRE country


Let the healing begin?

you people <<<



One suggestion would be to scroll down to May 6th and hit play and listen to Arthur Brooks.

I'm pissed too, but troubled about how we'll get back to some unity.

But Mr T is definitely moving the people in that direction. Only 12% like his health plan.

I fight with how much power do I give this dirtbag to affect my psyche - while staying involved. 

Power To The People


Resist The Pigs

Resistance is futile, welcome to the new world order!



resistance is essential !!


A related op-ed in the SL Tribune today.  http://www.sltrib.com/opinion/5459123-155/op-ed-stand-up-to-trumps-indec... Might be too "Utah milquetoast" for some.

"The biggest challenge to any civilized country is knowing how to respond to a person who has no ethical compass; who will say and do anything without regard for the consequences. A leader like Trump, without moral principles, can wreak havoc on people guided by morality. Yet, without violence or malice, we must consistently proclaim the truth and stand for what's right."

Thanks for the quote, Slick. Friday on PBS News Hour, when talking about Trump's tweets that morning, Judy Woodruff asked David Brooks,

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, speaking of the tweets, David, we have seen some eyebrow-raisers. We have heard some gasps. But I guess the president’s tweet yesterday morning about the “Morning Joe” MSNBC cable hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, where the president tweeted very personal insults, low I.Q., face-lift, and so forth, it seemed to reach a new low.

Do we learn anything new about this president at this point?

DAVID BROOKS: Well, one of the nice things, if we can find a silver lining here, is, it’s possible for everybody to be freshly appalled, that we are not inured to savage, misogynistic behavior of this sort.

And I saw a lot of people around. And I certainly felt in myself a freshness, a freshness of outrage."

Well I guess that settles that.

And one more time....

if you think Trump is a Fascist you are only displaying your incredible ignorance of what Fascism is.

How about one last time, please, Thom

Fascism is fluid

Fascism; plural noun: Fascisms

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.


No, Thom, Trump longs for authoritarian rule.

 Trump has disdain for a free press, like most authoritarian leaders.

I don't believe I have read any criticism from you regarding Trump's attack on the free press. 


thom loves trump n co. they're the best america has ever seen. 

he defends everything the guy does, fox news tells him to.