HA HA HA He met the Pope then


got fired later in the same day. The irony.

Can't wait for SNL's take on this.


My bad, I didn't see the other thread.

Yea, and he's only going to walk away with $40,000,000.  Poor guy.



Fuck him and his money. Lot of folks do not measure a  successful life or legacy by  dollars.

"Yea, and he's only going to walk away with $40,000,000.  Poor guy."

And his next cash grab will be,   Killing  O'Reilly: How the Liberal Media and Feminist Movement Destroyed  My Career.

lol, thom has no shame. 


CNN's story this a.m. equated him to Archie bunker...I think they need to apologize to Archie Bunker...

The Bill O'Reilly News Network?


Lol, Hoople. 

Sexual harassment is cool with "the right"....