GOP v Women's health


Fuck you, Pence and the GOP who vote to endanger women's health

Off-topic but I just saw Baker Creek Seed Co facebook page is being flamed to shit by racists for having a fundraiser to send aid to Syrian Refugees. Tempted to say something there but I don't want to bump the racist threads up. Who the hell would have an issue sending food and medical supplies to innocent civilians in a war ravaged country? Anyhow, there's some fucked up people on the right, not exactly a news flash, I know. Just an observation.


(I bought two Goji Berry plants)

Saddening, disgusting, misguided, irresponsible, shameful, assholish, so many words come to mind.

Mostly, Republican men creating a situation where it's impossible for women to maintain their health, get accurate information, protect themselves.

Fuck you, is right.

Reprehensible. Not unexpected.

the easiest way to control women is to impregnate them.

^^^^^^the easiest way to control women is to impregnate them.

Dominating congress and the supreme court are other ways.

Right wing abortion activists are domestic Terrorists and should be jailed under Guantanamo!

Right wing compassion ends at birth.


Is PP the only place that treats women?

((Anyone but Hillary)) Amirite??

>> Reprehensible. Not unexpected.

Of course it's not unexpected. They ran on it. And the majority of white women voted for Trump/Pence.

Years ago I found a small lump in my breast, and being broke at the time with no insurance, I went to PP looking for help getting a mammogram. I thought that even if they didn't do mammograms there they could help me find a program with assistance.They told me to go to a doctor. Gee I never thought of that. I left in tears. Thanks for all the help, PP.

Is PP the only place that treats women?

No, but in many places they are the only source of information about contraception and of affordable or no cost women's annual exams, preventing cervical and breast cancers, among others. They give unbiased pregnancy information after pregnancy testing, unlike most places that are low or no cost. 

I believe that you know all of this. If not, there is plenty of information online.

Why don't Buffett and Gates kick in the funds lost? 

>Is PP the only place that treats women?

Since you know that's not even remotely the discussion at hand, what If I answer yes --- PP is the ONLY place that treats women?  What now?



So there are other places then. Some are low or no cost.

Thanks for all the great info

He broke that tie with a giant smile on his face I'll bet.  Fuck you Pence!


>> Why don't Buffett and Gates kick in the funds lost? 

PP is losing around 500 million/year. If the federal budget is 4 trillion, that's 0.0125%.

Just get every democrat to chip in a fiver every year in a gofundme and the problem is solved.

>I went to PP looking for help getting a mammogram

The last time I went to my dentist looking for a pap smear I was so fucking pissed off when they told me to call someone else. 




Government should run at a loss. The constitution says so.

Jonas, you do realize that mammograms are typically considered a part of women's health care, right? PP touts itself as a group that helps with women's health services for low income women, and I went to them looking for help on finding a low cost I missing something there in your snark? 

>women's health

Nope.  Reproductive health is the proper term. Possibly you could have used a women in the white house to better define your needs. It's to bad you were happy with letting Trump take hold.

Uhm this happened over twenty years ago, I was just relating a personal anecdote of what my experience with them was. I ended up paying to see a real doctor after wasting a day at PP looking for assistance with women's health care, something PP is often lauded for. I've never needed them for anything since, thankfully. As for me being happy about trump that's a ridiculous accusation, I didn't vote for him, he's an imbecile. You're on crack.

^^^^^^I went to PP looking for help getting a mammogram^^^^^^^^^The last time I went to my dentist looking for a pap smear I was so fucking pissed off when they told me to call someone else. 

Dental offices aren't for mammograms unfortunately there for sexually harassing young female dental hygienist. Sad!

>> Possibly you could have used a women in the white house to better define your needs. 

I voted for a woman and a woman won my state. 

I also voted for a woman and a woman won my state, Knots. Amazing!

Again Dise, PP is used for reproductive health care.  I'm not sure where the disconnect is here?

Anyone but Hillary = Donald Trump       

New York's bravest voted for Trump. 

Sorry dude you're barking up the wrong tree, yes I think Hillary was a terrible candidate, that certainly doesn't make me happy about trump, just pissed off the DNC didn't put forth a winning candidate. She lost to a tv clown so obviously anyone but Hillary would've done at least as well as she did, but she won my state in the GE, so what's your malfunction? I just hope no one else makes the same mistake I did in thinking PP is a women's health service? 

Planned parenthood gets roughly 500 million/year in federal funding and then spent $30 million to help Democrats in the last election.

Why should tax payers be paying to put one side's candidate in office?

The Republicans just voted for more abortions today


Since you know that's not even remotely the discussion at hand, what If I answer yes --- PP is the ONLY place that treats women?  What now?


I was just informed that they don't treat women, they're a reproductive services agency.

>the democrats didn't put forth a winning candidate


They did, her name was Hillary Clinton.  You smart asses thought that it would be a good idea to stay home or vote for Jill Stein or Bernie.  Brilliant!!  


I voted and hillary won my state, but still lost the general election...are you an imbecile?

>I was just informed that they don't treat women, they're a reproductive services agency.

Context is a thing

Context is indeed a thing, look at the thread title. I guess semantics only applies when you're being a jackass.

Some of the women's and reproductive services Planned Parenthood provides are referrals to other medical providers when needed. Almost no OB/GYN's do mammograms in their offices, so they refer to imaging centers. And even fewer would be qualified (by training or experience) to read a mammogram film.


You're deferring to title of the thread?  Ok. 


Semantics?  Lol.  Sure... 



Judit that was kind of my point, I went to them looking for referrals to mammogram assistance programs and they couldn't even give me a doctor's name let alone help finding a low-income financial aid program. It was weird, I fully expected compassionate women's health services and got just the opposite when I was desperate for help. Thankfully my roommates all chipped in so I could see a doctor I found in the yellow pages. 

With all due respect to women with breast cancer scares,  I happen to think Jonas is right. Reproductive is the keyword here. And PP does TONS for women in that regard. 

Back on topic-   If Trump had his way, he would fill the supreme court with justices who do not support womens health initiatives or PP or anything similar.  Legally. Then impoverished (and all) women will really be in trouble. So F trump and pence,  those that voted for them and those who tacitly supported them. ((womenz health)) On that would should agree.

All you republicans in here are also fine with the fact that Trump wants our air

to be as filthy as CHINA?

Being back the coal! Great plan!

>>>those who tacitly supported them


The DNC? I've never seen such a shit show, how exactly did they think they'd win after the absurd primary? Let's not forget they put forth trump themselves giving him a long lead as a 'pied piper candidate'. I've no doubt hillary would've won if they'd run a clean primary, but they were caught red handed moving the goal posts to manipulate voters. I don't blame independents for the democrat's losses, that's on the DNC for running off independents during the primary because they thought hillary didn't need them to win.

>> So F trump and pence,  those that voted for them and those who tacitly supported them. ((womenz health))

My mother voted for Trump and is pro-life. She was an RN, then a child-birth educator for 20+ years and is now a doula. I don't know anyone that cares more about women's health than her. She volunteers at the woman's shelter and offers her doula service for free to people who can't pay. She is passionate about empowering women to be informed, make their own medical decisions and not be pushed around by doctors.

The PZ's understanding of women's health seems to be an abortion specific political construct. 

The GOP and those who support their agenda are idiots if they think that denying funds for women's health care screenings and contraception will reduce abortions. you got it backward, Ender. it's the GOP that is hung up on abortion. 


>make their own medical decisions and not be pushed around by doctors

So then she's pro choice. No?

As governor of Indiana, Pence signed the most abortion-restrictive regulations in the nation, banning abortion even in cases where the fetus has a “genetic abnormality” such as Down syndrome and holding doctors legally liable if they had knowingly performed such procedures. The law also required that aborted fetal tissue be buried or cremated. Following the Supreme Court’s decision in a landmark abortion case in June, a federal judge blocked the law from going into effect.

He led the national fight to defund Planned Parenthood and forced so many of its clinics to close in Indiana that he triggered an H.I.V. epidemic in one county.



Or in other words, Pence's 'understanding of women's health seems to be an abortion specific political construct.'






H.I.V. Epidemic? No problem, and god bless the doctors who weren't pushing education and STD screening. 





They want to kill us all, not only women. 

Look at their Trumpcare bill and his executive order on the environment. 


>> H.I.V. Epidemic? No problem, and god bless the doctors who weren't pushing education and STD screening. 

I actually read jamjuice's link in his link about that. The first sentence of the story says the epidemic was "fueled by needle-sharing opiate addicts". I guess that's Pence's fault???

Vice President Pence's unwillingness to be alone with a woman is a symptom of a bigger problem

Paul Waldman, Special to The Washington Post

Newsom shreds Pence over vote to block Planned Parenthood money

The second-ranking politician in California is calling out the No. 2 official in the federal government for "astounding" hypocrisy after a United States Senate vote on Planned Parenthood funding.  

California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom sounded off on Facebook after Republican legislation letting states deny federal family planning money to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers squeezed narrowly through the Senate on Thursday. The legislation was rescued by an ailing GOP senator who returned to the Capitol after back surgery and a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Mike Pence.

In Congress' latest clash mixing the politics of abortion, women's health, and states' rights, Pence cast the decisive vote in a 51-50 roll call. The tally had been tied after two GOP senators, Alaska's Lisa Murkowski and Maine's Susan Collins, joined Democrats opposing the measure.

"Yesterday: Pence led a forum on empowering women," Newsom wrote on Facebook. "Today: Pence led a group of males in a vote to strip access to birth control & cancer screenings. The hypocrisy is astounding."

On Wednesday, Pence and President Donald Trump spoke at a White House panel on empowering women. Earlier this week, Pence was awarded a "Working for Women" honor by The Independent Women's Forum. The award drew harsh criticism from the ACLU and other progressive organizations. 

"I must say I find it somewhat ironic that he would be winning the 'Working for Women' award when basically he has spent his career in politics working against women, not for women," Lenora Lapidus, director of the Women's Rights Project for the American Civil Liberties Union, told The Washington Post.

Thursday's Senate approval sent the legislation to President Donald Trump, who was expected to sign it. The House voted its consent last month.

The bill erases a regulation imposed by former President Barack Obama shortly before he left office that lets states deny family planning funds to organizations only if they are incapable of providing those services. Some states have passed laws in recent years denying the money to groups that provide abortions.

Passage gives Republicans and anti-abortion groups a needed victory just six days after the party's highly touted health care overhaul disintegrated in the House due to GOP divisions. Besides erasing much of Obama's 2010 health care law, the failed House bill would have blocked federal funds for Planned Parenthood for a year.

There is already a ban on using federal funds for abortion except for rare instances.

Democrats assailed the legislation as an attack on women, two months after Trump's inauguration prompted a women's march on Washington that mushroomed into anti-Trump demonstrations around the nation.

"While Trumpcare was dealt a significant blow last week, it is clear that the terrible ideas that underpin it live on with Republicans in Congress," said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., using a nickname for the failed House health care bill. Murray, among a stream of Democratic women senators who spoke, called the Senate measure "shameful" and "dangerous."

Republicans said the measure would give states more freedom to decide how to spend family planning funds. States would be free to divert money now going to groups that provide abortion to other organizations that don't, like community health centers.

"It substituted Washington's judgment for the needs of real people," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said of Obama's rule.

With Republicans holding 52-48 control of the Senate, the Collins and Murkowski defections could have derailed the bill because Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., has been absent since Feb. 20, when he had spinal surgery.

He had a second operation March 15 and has been recuperating in Georgia under doctor's orders. But he got permission to return to Washington for one day, his office said, and he did so using a walker.

"We didn't know at the time what it would be but it turned out to be the vice president's tie-breaker," Isakson told reporters after an earlier procedural vote.

The federal family planning program was created 1970 and in 2015 served 4 million clients at nearly 4,000 clinics. Most of the money is for providing services like contraceptives, family planning counseling, breast and cervical cancer screening and sexually transmitted disease prevention. It has a $286 million federal budget this year.

Most recipients are women, and two-thirds have incomes at or below the federal poverty level, around $12,000 for an individual. Six in 10 say the program's services are their only or most frequent source of health care.

Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, mocked Pence.

"Mike Pence went from yesterday's forum on empowering women to today leading a group of male politicians in a vote to take away access to birth control and cancer screenings," she said.

The Congressional Review Act has lets lawmakers undo regulations enacted in the last months of the Obama administration with a majority vote. Congress has already used the law to eliminate Obama regulations that strengthened protections for streams near coal-mining operations and prevented some people with mental disorders from gun purchases.

Under the Constitution, the vice president casts tie breaking votes. Pence broke his first tie on the nomination of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Shreds. Totally shredded. Shredded cheese. The shredder. Shreddidiah. The ol' shreddidtsky. 

Newsom shreds, Slacker cleans pools

yes, Ender - Pence's fault - he advocates prayer as a cure for addiction and is eager to slash funding for mental health care and treatment centers. Fuck him, and fuck the GOP.