GOP seeing blue on ACA


Until they see something better?

Who broke the ACA or Obamacare signed into law in 2009?????

Republicans have been in control of House of representatives since 2010 who controls funding (purse strings) for fixes to ACA. Seven years a no fixes to ACA and now it's having issues. Well no shit! Has to be replaced since we let it go to hell by neglecting it.

Double post my edible must have kicked in

Who broke the ACA or Obamacare signed into law in 2009?????

Republicans have been in control of House of representatives since 2010 who controls funding (purse strings) for fixes to ACA. Seven years a no fixes to ACA and now it's having issues. Well no shit! Has to be replaced since we let it go to hell by neglecting it.

Mitch McConnell Says Senate Will Vote To Repeal Obamacare And Replace It Later

After weeks of wooing colleagues, the Senate majority leader has abandoned his bill.

By Nick Visser

SlackBlueOaks ,,

Every little ladyfinger of legislation toward "Health Care" in the last and next Decade has been, and will be (in perpetuity)  Gifts to the Insurance Industry.

Does not really matter much if they wear the Jackass or Elephant costume;  they all want the $$$ from wherever they flow.  All politicians are greedy parasites working for corporate bribes and enslaving the Worker - Bees for Life.

Think of Ants farming Aphids as nectar-colonies,  but enacting legislation to make it more profitable.

We can say "blah-blah-blah" all day long,  but are just insect slaves in the Ant-Farm.


They are crazy if they vote to repeal, then replace later. They've had almost 8 years to put something acceptable together and have come up with horseshit. A two year transition will come down to a scramble in the last two months leading up to the deadline, as that's how Congress works. Idiots. No way this passes.