GD songs that don't mention the song title


Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)


any others?


Well, Loser mentions losing, so there's that.


Sand Castles And Glass Camels

Sage and Spirit

Unusual Occurrences In The Desert

Cryptical Envelopment 


If the Shoe Fits

Childhood's End

The Eleven

Two Souls in Communion

I thought a song has to have words... so instrumentals don't count here, do they?


Two Souls has BOTH titles in the song.


Two souls in communion, both body and mind

I'm a Stranger in your town

Greatest Story Ever Told

Black Peter and Wharf Rat came to mind quickly.  Black Peter does read Poor Peter however. 

I think hunter's original lyric says wharf rat in the first two words of the song

black peter?  the black part at least.

Correct fish.

 Hunter's lyric book has "Wharf rat down" but Jerry never sang that.

I've always thought it was funny that the song title is "Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo" but the lyrics are "Half-Step, Mississippi Uptown Toodeloo"

new speedway boogie

the other one

good one


The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion)



When is this due?

I got one wrong already.