GD lyrics that you continue to get wrong


My baked brain has trouble remembering:

In Truckin' Bobby sings " Knocked Down gets to wearing thin,"

I always sing "Knocked Down, get to where we've been"  

Doesn't  have the same impact.

For years I thought it was - Truckin like the dew dog man

Lost Sailor- "Yeah there's a price for being free"

For the longest time, I thought the lyric was "yea there's a price for beer, free"

I honestly don't know what I was hearing, but "Annie Beauneu from Saint Angel" always tripped me up in Black Peter.

"He's Gone"; 

"Lost one round but the price wasn't anything
A knife in the back and more of the same"

I was always like, "Lost one down and *&^*%#@^*... Right from the back, and more of the same".



mighty swell mighty swell


I honestly don't know what I was hearing, but "Annie Beauneu from Saint Angel" always tripped me up in Black Peter.<<

Anyone know from sin and gin.


Made sense to me on the heels of the previous line. 

For a really long time.


Lost one round but the price wasn't anything.<<


It's not prize?


> Anyone know from sin and gin.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I was hearing, but I couldn't bring myself to type that.

I thought for a long time that in The Wheel:

Bound to cover just a little more ground was Bound to become just a little more round

Any one know; why a frozen angel, say the weather down here's    so fine

it cost a lot to win and even mortal ooze

the rain fallin down the grateful dead but I never know


>>I thought the lyric was "yea there's a price for beer, free"

Ha ha, I know someone else who also thought that.

"It's the same story that Joe told me, it's the only one I know."

hair so long he's got to calling it home.

Believed that for a long time.

>>> Anyone know from sin and gin.


i used to think it was 'sin & guilt'


'Where's the Dark Star?'


also,  'speedy afro, sharp and narrow'

I knew it was wrong but I used to sing:

"went down to home depot, never got there on time"


Early on I thought the lyrics in Truckin were Here is a man flashing his keys on the Main Street. I still hear it in my head even when singing the correct lyrics. 

"Had everything sown up tight. How come you weigh a lake all night long?"

MiracIe = I need mirror full every day.......

Alabama getaway = I inhale a gram a day.....

"Had everything sown up tight. How come you weigh a lake all night long?"


Merl actually sings that on Save The Planet So We'll Have Someplace To Boogie

Brown eyed women and red denim jeans, the bottle was dusty but the liquid was clean.....

Fitzman, I'm sensing a theme in yours.

I think occasionally Weir does sing "flashing my keys ".

For a while I knew all the verses of Standing on the Moon in order.

Not that Garcia got it just exactly perfect everytime but man he had a head full of lyrics

Woaah hoe what I waa aunt to knoooooow ooo ooo - where did my dog go

Might As Well - right step, right step, right step, right step

mighty swell, mighty swell...

Dough knees, dough knees...

Yeah, it always sounded like "flashing my keys" to me.

I was able to give Weir shit at the right time a while back when he told me he was going to sing

the National Anthem before the Giants game. I said "Well, at least they don't want you to try to remember Truckin'!"  He laughed.

A friend of mine thought in Hell in a Bucket it was ".....Champagne from your boob."

And nights when Jerry would sing stuff like " can't read at 17" were pretty funny.

Watching him crack up was almost as great as hearing him play....



Keep your lame job

One more Tuesday night

When the windows all are broken and your love's become a two plus chrome...

Didn't get these 2 Bobby lines wrong, had to look them up, they fly by too fast.

I need a woman 'bout twice my weight
***A ton of fun who packs a gun with all that other freight***

Cause me such excitation, got the lightning now
***'Bout to end my suffocation, come on strike me now***


That's a good story local.  Made me laugh and remember the time at the Nokia when I asked Bobby why he continues to play El Paso when he can't remember the lyrics for shot. He just laughed and shrugged his shoulders. 

That should have been remember the lyrics for shit. Damn autocorrect. 

This goes back to the mid 70's. I could never make out the Annie Beauneu line .

At this time I also new a couple of people in the Mazatlan Carcel.

I used to sing - As anyone knows from staying in jail

the weather down here is so fine.

Tears I cried for that woman, I'm gonna fuck your big river, and I'm gonna sit right down 'til I cry.

Pretty sure I heard Weir sing it that way a few times.

One very high night at Deer Creek I swore that, during Victim, Bobby sang, "These are the haunts of Indiana..."

Maybe off on some high cold mountain "range".  Sometimes I hear it as "strange" or "chain".


It IS "chain".


>>>>>".Champagne from your boob."

Or a taste of your elegant pie.

Are you sure???

He's Gone bridge:  "chain" and "prize" are correct per GD Anthology.

< continue to get wrong

On purpose

Instead of roll away the dew, for years I been singin - 

Roll up, some boo. You better roll up, some boo

yeah there's a prize for being free