Game of Thrones


I think that dragon lady gets hot and bothered by John Snow. Discuss.

Game of Jones or stfu

That Dragon Lady is Jon Snow's Aunt.
And the discussion between Sam and his wife where his wife read from the ancient text and Sam ignored it was a major plot point in Last night's episode 5.

It suggested that Jon Snow's parents were  married and that their marriage was annuled but it suggests that he's no bastard and that he has a legitimate right to the Targaryen throne.

She still gets hot and bothered by him. She almost came when he was petting her dragon. A marriage would also be a convenient way around him not kneeling before her.

Plus, this season has been way too low on the sex, and that hook-up is the only real prospect on the horizon.

Keep in mind, I'm a pretty simple viewer, haven't read the books and miss a sentence here or there. To my simple mind, that hook-up checks a lot of boxes.

It suggested that Jon Snow's parents were  married and that their marriage was annuled that Jon's dad (Rhaegar) had his marriaged to Elaa Martell (Dorne) annulled.

Whoops and thanks for the clarity on that detail Steve.











Are you talking about the queen with the dragons, or the queen who fucks her brother? 

episode 6 has been leaked

This season needs some steamy sex.

Jon Snow is alleged to be the nephew of the Mother of Dragons.  Daenarys....  
Cersi is the nutcase who allegedly has a bun in the oven put there by her brother Jamie.

Cersi, Jamie and Tywin are the sibling remnants of the Lannister family.
Tywin murdered their father (for abuse) with a crossbow.

I guess I should start watching this again. Finished the first 2 seasons last year on a binge then gave up.

>> Cersi, Jamie and Tywin are the sibling remnants of the Lannister family. Tywin murdered their father (for abuse) with a crossbow.

Tyrion -- Tywin was the father he killed


only 1 more left this season :(

So Jon is not of Stark blood then? 

^They established that he was last season. Waiting for him and Denarious to fall in love is getting exhausting. Not a bad episode last night. I guess 7 episodes is a full season now?

Blue eyed dragon....


>>>This season needs some steamy sex.



>>Blue eyed dragon....<<






The Night King is a Targaryan.

im guessing the night king was around well before the targaryans moved from valyria to westeros, about 125 years before aegons conquest. in the books the "nights king" is a legendary, historical figure, was the lord commander of the nights watch ~8,000 years ago, before the valyrians found and tamed dragons, and founded the valyrian freehold, which would certainly predate house targaryan or any of its immediate predecessors. in the show he is made by the children of the forest using one of the first men, who first came to westeros from essos about 12,000 years ago, even older than the night's king in the books. so in both the books and the show the night king was made before the targs or any of their ancestors were even close to westeros.

now, the night's king in the books is not necessarily the night king in the shows, but they are both associated with the others/white walkers and it may give us some insight to the show night king. old nan tells bran that the night's king was a stark also named brandon.

there are lots of theories around this, none of the ideas im discussing are new at all. but it could explain why the night king in the show is trying to hunt bran down...perhaps he wargs back in time into the first man who became the night king, or into the night king after his transformation, in an effort to try and stop him, or simply by accident...the show has really hammered home the fact that if you remain for to long in another's mind as a warg or in a greensight vision, that you can get stuck or forget who you are...maybe this is just plot armor, but it does seem like they've mentioned it enough that it could be important in bran's arc.

bran wargs into the night king thousands of years ago...the night king knows that he is bran, but bran does not know he is the night king. why that motivates the night king to track down bran i dont know, but it has not been clearly shown that the night king's goal is to kill bran or not. the three eyed raven only said "he will come for you".

lots of theories floating around that bran will use his abilities to become bran the builder, or that all brandon starks from all of history are all bran stark from the game of thrones storyline.

i kinda prefer jokes about bran using his greensight to watch people fuck, but fan theories are nice too


The Night King walked through the fire unburned.

Did I get this right: John and Denarius are half siblings, sharing the same father?

Jon is her nephew. Her older brother is his father.

I sure hope, this season 8 to start mid 2019 is BS.

Sad only 6 more left


give us some bad A$$ Spin offs!

I fucking love this show. Holy shit. 

If that is the end of the season though, I am a little pissed. WTF?   A season has always been 10 shows.

You saying only 6 shows next yr?  I could see this story line going at least 3 or 4 more seasons. And full ones. No way they rap it up in 6 shows. Unless the dead win...... Looking pretty badass with their blue eyed dragon.  How long was that wall up? 10,000 yrs? 12?


The Dead always win

Arya owns Littlefingers face now.

"You saying only 6 shows next yr?"

Lots of talk that each episode will be like 2hrs long. Last night was 1 and a half.



"How long was that wall up? 10,000 yrs? 12?"


I've read 8,000 years


Going to be a long wait even if they start on time again next year. If they are 2hr long episodes than why not just release 1 every few months....


Going to be so SAD when it's all done.


Then Mr. Martin needs to get out more books so he can finish it the way he's had planned. I'm very interested in reading the different direction he supposedly has planned for the up coming book(s).

>> Arya owns Littlefingers face now.

100% she's taking it and going to Kings Landing to kill Cersei