Funny article: Why can't you ever shut up at a concert?


This opinion piece is on the long side, but here's my favorite excerpt: 

"These days, "whatever I want" mainly means not listening to the music. We face an epidemic of People With Enough Disposable Income To Ignore The Event They Paid For [PWEDITITETPF], and it's gotten increasingly worse in the past few years. I have no raw data to support this, but I feel pretty comfortable presenting it as fact, and I blame the Internet and cell phones, which have trained our lizard brains to always be somewhere else that's not where we are right now."

Answer: drugs

MKUltra cell phone has your brain banana... and its squeezing it hard...

Drugs tend to make me clam up.

Clam up, or shuck off

(((lizard brains)))


People seem to talk less when they're holding their phone up, it seems - so it's a trade-off from noise to obstruction.


People talking while holding up their phone = total douchebags

No, not drugs.  Alcohol. 

I know, alcohol is a drug but doing the common usage.

Would be much better if it was just drugs.