Fun Facts


In the late 60s, The Zombies already had disbanded by the time their music became popular in the US, so a company hired a couple fake bands to travel the country pretending to be The Zombies. One of those bands eventually became ZZ Top

During the 1970s and 80s, gay men would find each other at bars & events by saying they were "friends of Dorothy", in reference to the Wizard of Oz. The US military found out about the code phrase, but mistakenly thought Dorothy was a real person & spent years trying to find her.

The last guillotining in France occurred the year Star Wars first premiered.

Jimi Hendrix opened for the Monkeys on an American tour.

and many more:

Lots of folks don't know that Yoda from "Star Wars" had a last name. It's Layheehoo. 

After many years of research I have discovered the invention of an adjustable Hex/ Allen wrench is impossible. 

^Although many will fail to successfully negotiate the difference between Standard and Metric

Phil Lesh is a dashing 82 years young

You can determine the temperature from cricket chirps;

Dolbears Law

(though I think Svante Arrhenius might have come up with it during the same time)

George Harrison is not perfect.

George Harrison Rejected Crosby, Stills & Nash's Audition for Apple Records

In the 1920s, cars slaughtered so many pedestrians that the public was furious. Car owners were regarded as sociopaths. Car sales dipped in 1924. So the auto industry fought back with a clever ploy: "Jaywalking" If you got hit, it was *your* fault:

Reno is further west than Los Angeles.

I didn't know that, Mike. 

It's strange but true, Jaz. Picture the curving coast of California.

Russia's economy used to be the size of California. It's probably even smaller now

We promised we'd protect Ukraine from Russia when they gave up their nukes.

Jeff Chimenti and Brent Mydland have the same birthday (Oct 21) do Weir & Mayer (Oct 16)

my girly is coming to stay over for the next couple nights!

btw, Barry: there is no fun to your fact


Facetious is the only word that contains all the vowels in the order they appear in the alphabet.

France is tight. 

Mike-. Reno is farther west than Los Angeles.   In many ways Los Angeles is further west than Reno.

Most Korean people don't have armpit odor

My x wife was Korean, you're right.
She smelled like Kimchi. crying

So is that better than BO? 


depends on your kink