Freezer Reprise


Step into the freezer for some ice cream at Baker's Dozen.

In honor of the Baker’s Dozen theme, “Freezer Reprise” is described by B&J’s as “sweet cream ice cream with a vanilla glaze, chocolate donut swirl, chocolate donut pieces, and fudge fish.” The flavor will be available for a limited time, beginning at an opening-night event just outside MSG and at Burlington, VT’s Three Needs Taproom & Brewery on the run’s final night, August 6.


Cool!  Bring back Phish Food too.


You can't get Phish Food?

I haven't seen it in a long time, do they still make it?

Phish Food is still available in my local grocery stores.


Phish food is readily available here, my daughter loves it.

People who go along with "themes".

Tillamook Mudslide or death

That flavor looks tasty.  Must try.

You guys tried "One Love" flavor?  It's killer.  Like Chunky Monkey, but way better, more stuff.

I have been to the Ben & Jerry ice cream factory tour up there in Vermont,  and think that it's fascinating to see the manufacturing process take place.

Although  most of their current repertoire strikes me as 'Instant Diabetes in a Pint'  I'll try and catch their Debut of Freezer Reprise,  if the lines are not too bad.

To explain,  many or most of the B/J flavours have super - Sugar components soaked in Extra Sugar chunks,  with Cookie - Dough and Sprinkles.  It's  a bit  much for me.  I am more of a Meat / Poultry / Seafood w/ a taste of Vegetation Diet.

My daughter works at the scoop shop at the factory. They get to bring home 3 pints a shift. 

Last Summer she worked 5 days a week, and at one point we had 23 pints in the freezer. We only have 6-7 right now because she's been at college, and then traveling a lot this Summer.

Ben and Jerry's killed Jerry Garcia.