fake news

In before the Skipper.

wow those hot states already suck.

what happens when everyone moves north?

>>what happens when everyone moves north?

Good summer read, if you're into that sort of thing.


The weather up north sucks. 

Tell it to Brohamamama. He's a Northerner.

How old are you gravy?

Guess first....?



Same age as you, Brahstalarasta. Would you believe it?


Referring to books or having seen JGB sometimes makes me look older...frownsadcrying


Good showing in here graivy.  

gtrain, did you meet up with a zoner yet? i don't remember.

of course, Turtle. 

Thanks, JR.

>>what happens when everyone moves north?

I, for one, will throw coins at them until they head back south in defeat.

I, for one, will throw coins at them until they head back south in defeat.

Coins from St. Albans banks???

South will rise again....is this what they meant?  


>>wow those hot states already suck.

Sweeping generalization

i'll go south towards one of the mountainous islands. 

Leave it to 45 to coin such a basic term

sorry to be so mellow about this, but...the projected 5-15% reduction of County GDP is almost certainly based on a reduction of future GDP growth, not a reduction from current GDP levels.

It just means that if it keeps heating up, people might stop moving from the north to the South at the current high rate.

>>wow those hot states already suck.

he's talking about arizona and new mexico



I thought American War had potential, but the whole premise is based on some really ignorant and erroneous caricatures of The South with no real sense of the true complexity of the region. Also, so many other books have treated the tired touchpoints it incorporates much much better.


Its not awful though, and the writing is solid. 

Gravy is right.  It's probably some good summer pap for the beach, but it doesn't break any new ground.


>>wow those hot states already suck.

Sweeping generalization<


its what we do here.