Fake Attorney General Sessions investigates Harvard


...for discriminating against whites. 


Won't answer questions about it at "press conference".


Wow, that guy is a great journalist. Just sticks to the facts and doesn't let his personal opinions get in the way.

GQ lol.


If you don't like GQ as a source the story is on all the services.

I guess you think poor white people are being fucked over by elitist Harvard and Beauregard is going to save the white race.

2/3 of Harvard students rich legacies. 

So yeah, fucking hilarious. Keep laughing out loud at racist Trumpland.

Discrimination against anyone is wrong, right? How about we just admit people who have the grades and can afford the tuition?

So, only the rich can go?

Or, we could let anyone with the grades get in and pay for it with higher taxes on the well-off.

Send people who can't afford Harvard to farms to bend and scoop.

>>Discrimination against anyone is wrong, right?

not if they are salt addicts 

Salt addicts should get free treatment. It's not their fault.

There's a lot of things I'd like to do that I can't afford, so i don't do them. I live within my means. crazy, right?


I'm not sure why being able to pay tuition even enters into this situation. Harvard guarantees that anyone who gets offered a spot can attend, regardless of ability to pay. 

Huh. I didn't know that Ski. Even better. I don't think race should be part of the equation

Many do not know that, Hounder, so don't fret. Pretty much every Ivy League university and other top rated schools with large endowments does the same. They will bend over backwards for a qualified candidate with a combo of scholarships, grants and student loans. Two well know Harvard grads of color who both had serious financial assistance are Barrack Obama and Tom Morello. 

But Legacies!

Continues to support racism. 

Is Harvard racist? Why would minorities want to go? Cronyism?

Just make the affirmative action based on poverty not race and that would eliminate the issue.   Because minorities (aside from Asians) are disproportionately lower income, they would disproportionately benefit from income based affirmative action, thereby helping to address the historic underlying problem of racial inequity without setting up cries of foul by poor whites or making minorities feel they somehow need a thumb on the scale simply because of the color of their skin. 

In my family, I have seen it work both ways.   My brother was passed over for years by medical schools and he strongly suspects the fact that he was a white male put him at a disadvantage.  He finally got in and is now doing well for himself, but I can see how an equally qualified white male might have gotten discouraged and given up.  By comparison, my son is half-Latino and attends a Latino majority university (New Mexico State).  He is applying for law schools and is getting attention and solicitations from all sorts of law schools he would not otherwise be in the running for and we suspect its because of his Latino heritage and the law schools' desire to increase diversity.

>> Continues to support racism. 

Treating everyone the same in the eyes of the law is racism?

>>>Discrimination against anyone is wrong, right? How about we just admit people who have the grades and can afford the tuition?

ha discrimination is wrong unless it’s against poor people I guess 

Unequal treatment exists all over the law in terms of how the powerful have the advantage. Too small are the efforts to right that.

Thomas Jefferson:

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."


Tyranny of the majority is the reason the Bill of Rights exists.  In a pluralistic society when institutions like governments and universities do not reflect that pluralism that society is suffering from institutional racism.

The fact that an Attorney General with a history of racist actions in both his personal and professional life uses the Civil Rights division of the Justice Dept. to restrict a civil rights initiative is reprehensible.

Kinda like an EPA head who is against environmentalism and a Sec. of Ed. who dislikes public school.

No surprise though considering their boss tweets discredited videos which originated with a Nazi organizer.

Those of you who have no problem with any of this are complicit.

That blood is on your hands. 

I clean pools.

i don't believe you slacker. my guess is the pool thing is a ruse and you're really a trust funder.

The biggest affirmative action program that exists is for men. Female applicants in general have higher grades and test scores, but universities take men with weaker credentials in order to balance their classes 50/50.

anybody have any purell?

can’t you afford any of your own?

Yeah but I don't want to buy a whole bottle. I just need enough to get this blood off my hands

Did you slay someone in this thread 

>It's not their fault.

its the government's 

The Numbers and the Arguments on Asian Admissions

Justice Department inquiry renews debate over whether top colleges hold some applicants to an unfair standard -- and what the data say about Asian-American applicants.

By Scott Jaschik August 7, 2017


The admissions world focused on issue of affirmative action last week with an intensity not seen since the U.S. Supreme Court last year ruled that the University of Texas at Austin's admissions plan met constitutional standards. That ruling reassured many admissions professionals who consider race and ethnicity in admissions.

So they were surprised -- and many were angered -- when first The New York Timesand then others reported that the U.S. Justice Department plans to investigate and sue colleges over alleged illegal discrimination in admissions. Then came word from the Justice Department that the focus was a suit against Harvard Universityclaiming that the institution discriminates against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department hasn't sued anyone, let alone won court backing for its view. But the news renewed complaints from some Asian-American groups that colleges discriminate in unfair ways against Asian-American applicants. And stories were shared of Asian applicants with perfect grades and test scores getting turned down by top institutions.

The data (as opposed to anecdotes) support arguments that might be used by those charging discrimination -- and also some that might be used on the other side. There are studies that suggest Asian-American applicants need to have higher grades and test scores than other applicants (including white applicants) to gain admission to top colleges.

But there are also data showing that, as a proportion of the U.S. population, Asian-Americans fare well beyond their numbers in admission to top colleges. Asian-Americans make up about 5 percent of the population of public high schools in the United States and were 22 percent of those admitted to Harvard's freshman class this year. Asian-Americans make up 26 percent of the undergraduate enrollment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Of course, those numbers may not reflect the full extent of qualified Asian-American applicants. And there is no consensus on what data would actually demonstrate illegal discrimination.

Following are summaries of what some of the data show and some of the key legal developments on the issue of alleged discrimination against Asian applicants.

Do Colleges Consider Race in Admissions?

Yes, but only some of them do so. Much discussion about affirmative action suggests that nearly all colleges consider race in admissions. Most don't.


i love when nugs speaks his mind 

What did he say?

He said Asians are just smarter than the rest of us and we should learn how to deal with it. 

>What did he say?

he has nothing to say except when it comes to shitty food and weed 


No problem with Asian Americans going to American colleges.

Don't want mega rich Chinese citizens taking all the American college spots just because they have the cash and our kids don't without a loan or very bad loan.

My new neighbors boyfriend is asian. He seems really dumb. Maybe he's just faking to make me feel comfortable around him?

Hounder catches the Shakespearian reference.

Did you skip the rest?

No comment on the tyranny of the majority?


>>>>>He said Asians are just smarter than the rest of us 

Is it that they are somehow biologically smarter, or is it because some Asians (especially ones that have immigrated to America and Canada) have a culture that places a great deal of emphasis on education and academic achievement? 


It's because they have no friends. 

As a teacher in gifted ed I was told a few times to test all the Asian kids in the school for admission.

Racist?  Yep.

Giftedness exists in all populations, 5 to 7%, depending on who you ask. 

Asian students, too. At least...the oldest son.  If you ask the father.

I admitted many Asian students in my program.

Jeff Sessions wants to keep blacks out of college and in jail.

You can take that to the motherfucking bank.

That's why he is going after legal pot Dec. 8.  Marijuana is the number one weapon filling jails with black and brown people.

Get. Woke.







why are we talking about Asians 

Has Sessions ever been to California? 

>> why are we talking about Asians 

Because they are discriminated against by institutions that receive federal tax dollars?

>> Is it that they are somehow biologically smarter, or is it because some Asians (especially ones that have immigrated to America and Canada) have a culture that places a great deal of emphasis on education and academic achievement? 

Yep. The "problem" isn't racial, it's cultural.

>> Racist?  Yep.

Pretty much says it all.

Jeff Sessions' DOJ is targeting Asians as a way to take down affirmative action altogether. It's a means to an end. Discrimination against Asian applicants is an issue worth discussing, but that's not why they care.

The wall we need to build is the kind to keep the Chinese out, The people not the food. The ones here can stay. 

Menace solved

>>>>>As a teacher in gifted ed I was told a few times to test all the Asian kids in the school for admission.

Racist?  Yep.

I admitted many Asian students in my program.

 Sounds like you're part of the problem



>>>>>Just make the affirmative action based on poverty not race and that would eliminate the issue
