Is the FAA in the pockets of the Airlines?


The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., on Friday ordered aviation regulators to consider setting minimum standards for the space airlines give passengers.


The court said the FAA had used "off-point" studies and "undisclosed tests using unknown parameters" to justify its initial refusal to review the rules. "That type of vaporous record will not do," the court said.

The combination of less legroom and larger passengers has created a safety hazard, Flyers Rights argued, making it more difficult to exit a plane in an emergency and heightening the risk of deep vein thrombosis, a potentially fatal condition of blood clots in the legs that has been associated with longer flights.

“We’re really gratified,” Paul Hudson, president of Flyers Rights, said in an interview. "We hope the FAA will now take it up as a proper rulemaking."






All fucking corrupt.  Get used to it.

FOM ~ I suspect that if the airlines are required to increase the space allotted to each passenger that they will pass on that cost, and more, to each remaining passenger. A 30% increase in airfares isn't so good either. 

FOM ~ I suspect that if the airlines are required to increase the space allotted to each passenger that they will pass on that cost, and more, to each remaining passenger. A 30% increase in airfares isn't so good either<<<

skifurthur:  not sure where you're getting a 30% value from, but why shouldn't everyone absorb the "cost" to allow for those who might be a bit taller / larger to be accommodated with a seat they are able to fit into if they simply happen to fall outside the parameters of an arbitrary calculation re: the dimensions of an "average sized" passenger?    It could easily be argued that taller people who are forced to purchase an upgrade have been subsidizing lower costs for those who are lucky enough to fit into economy seat dimensions the airlines have arbitrarily formulated as being "standard".  This is to say nothing of the possible safety risks associated with having more people on a plane all trying to use the same number of emergency exits.

On coast-to-coast flights, I save a few $$ by arranging to ship myself as "Live Veterinary Experiment"  in the cargo hold.  "Live Octopus" was too chilly that time.

The airline personnel are more respectful towards live cargo compared to Coach-passengers.

I carry my own damn 1/10th Oz. Peanut & Pretzel packs.  Better quality.