Egg Wars?


Did you ever participate in egg wars? Tossing eggs at other, houses, etc?

Seems to be a  "game" for the local kids around here.  just so  wasteful and destructive. Maybe paint ball would be a better alternative?

Apparently "egg wars" are a  tradition at the local H.S. that used to occur at the end of the year. Last spring it was a crazy mess around town, and many parents are defending the "game" because the kids "need to let off some steam". Meanwhile cars and homes are getting damaged. If you've ever  had your property egged, you'd understand. Impossible to clean up and actually damages the paint. 

the "egg wars" are happening more frequently than just once a year now and the quantity of eggs being thrown are getting absurd. They're buying so many eggs that after the last game a neighbor found over a hundred eggs still not cracked. I think the entitled kids are buying them at Costco by the pallet. or parents are buying the eggs for them. 

Got any way suggestions on how to curtail the "egg wars?" Seem like as bad of a tradition as "hazing". Yeah, could be way worse behavior than just tossing some eggs..

And it's not as bad as the parent who just got busted in a nearby community  for hosting sex and drug parties for young teens.

Seems like there are some very immature parents raising the new Tiktok generation. 



Ok, Boomer

Nimbyism is all pros and no cons. 

That's not an example of Nimbyism. It's an example of poor parenting and entitlement. 

But there are examples Nimbyism are here, luckily their voices are getting drowned out by those in our community who favor building low income and below market rate housing. 

Kids have been egging things ever since chickens were first domesticated (and probably before that even).  I have buddy who worked at an alligator farm in Florida that also featured other exotic animals.  He would wreck serious havoc with the ostrich eggs.  

Right, but didn't most parents discipline our generation  if we got caught?


We're talking about parents buying the eggs for their brats and condoning the "egg wars" because of tradition.


Seems alot like excusing the "tradition" of hazing, and how many of the older generation still condone that shit too. 

Maybe if it snowed here they could have snowball fights instead?

 Nope, my friends and I never egged anyone's car or house when I was a kid.

Our family house was egged by some  ne'er-do-wells a few times. I remember  Dad staying up one night with the lawn hose at the ready and nailed a couple of the neighborhood teens who were up to no good. Freezing cold night too. 

you were supposed to deserve the egging, not a random act..

t.p. i guess is too valuable a commodity? 


Do tick tok bathroom challenge next

Kids today, I tell ya.

I never egg'd a house or person, only egg'd cop cars on mischief night, the night before Halloween, back in 7th + 8th grade. 

Cheap Thrills 

By HS it was all over.  From that point on I took to girls drugs and alcohol for my kicks.

Wet toilet paper way up in a tree is a bitch , it doesn't destroy paint though.

We egged houses in the country club neighborhood.


Nancy must be in the new country club neighborhood.  

Nope, our immediate neighborhood has  been spared- these are kids running around egging everything and each other in Palo Alto. 2 rival HIgh Schools battling it out with eggs and vandalizing opposing HS residences. So country club kids egging other country club kids with way too much collateral damage


Slacker, you still dream of owning a home? 

I'll take a drive to Beverly Hills
Just before dawn
An' knock the little jockeys
Off the rich people's lawn
An' before they get up
I'll be gone, I'll be gone

>>>>>Slacker, you still dream of owning a home? 



Around someone like you? Never. That rules out California. 

Cool. When are you moving out of California? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Try Texas? 



Egg Wars 


The number one Rejected Title Considered by Margaret Atwood

<<Cool. When are you moving out of California? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Try Texas? 

Burn. Nancy's still got it. 

Walked outside of the Sprouts in Petaluma one night a couple months ago.  Had several eggs and what looked like a breakfast sandwich all over my car. Have no idea what that was about.

Vivalafacebook thread.