Dogs & Cats what's the difference


My dog eats everything she can get her mouth on. The cats shit. Deer shit. The cats food when not noticing. etc. 


The cat  has obviously finicky eats  food that he only likes at the time. One day likes a certain food but the next day he seems over it. Sometimes have to put it in my palm to feed him.


Cat shits in his box.


Dog shits on the carpet if needed. I'm tired of getting up at 3 am in 30 degree weather. How do you teach a dog to shit  or pee in a box!?






Doggie door

My cat is indoor and outdoor and doesn't shit in a box.   In fact, I don't ever recall seeing him shit anywhere.   Its like magic.

Dogs: Loyal soliders
Cats: Ninja assassins

Ha ha, Ken! Same here with two indoor/outdoor rescue cats I've had for over a year- JUST got home from having the male neutered... a must that stressed the shit out of me. The sitch was a serious dark cloud in my life, so praise God!


Love dogs, also, but too much work. 

Doggie door without a fence doesn't work. Plus it's a Cocker.

Cat was outside cat but was aggressive when inside. Now indoor. What's the point of bringing him from off the streets of Newark, NJ to live in the burbs. He would have had more meal opportunities there but wouldn't be here today. I think he prefers the plush He turned into a lazy hipster and is relishing now in his suburban life.



Plus in 2007 I spent 5 hours at night looking for him when he was out in the freezing 20 degree 2 foot of snow weather looking for him when he got away. Long funny story but I finally got the dog to get him by calling the dogs name when he was in a drain ditch and he came running to the dog and I snatched him up and brought him home! He's still here because of that. The dog Katy is gone but Christy is here to replace her and give him excitement.

People have dogs as pets. Cats have people as pets.

Cats do what they want.

Dogs do what they're told.

It's true that I'm an indentured servant to these two. They're both black and white, aka as "Tuxedo Cats", which is not necessarily a breed, but they're known to be particularly astute. These guys really are.

Shakespeare had one- Google me up on that. 

pure evil

Domesticated. lol


Huge difference, here, this may help doolittle,, some educational viewing for ya

Cats & Dogs



 mikeedwardsetc on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 – 03:58 pm

Dogs: Loyal soliders
Cats: Ninja assassins


I like that Mike.

Dogs save lives and give people life. Like seeing eye dogs and search and rescue dogs. They are loyal and like they say "Man's best friend" 


Cat's are independent but can be loyal too. My cat is. Never had a cat before but would definitely have another one. It all depends on how you raise an animal imo or person.


Of course snakes not need to apply.

Nice one Matt

I went into Walmart and I saw this old fucker with a BIG German Sheppard and he was swinging the dog by its back legs over his head.

I went over and was pissed, WTF POPS

Im blind and Im lookin around

Got 3 dogs and 2 cats.

They got me pegged as a sucker

How many dogs and cats do you have when your not dosed!? :)

Hüsky slaughtered a Bunny Wabbit yesterday and took the decapitated Wabbit corpse with HIM on his walkies. He munched some of the innards.

I had a Kitteh which slaughtered a couple Wabbits and left them as a Gift on the porch. Some other critters too. I told the cat, "Oh, you should not slaughter the Wabbits, they are your fuzzy pals", so he murdered a larger critter and left it for me.

So 'Prey Drive' is similar.  Hüsky would likely eat a Burglar, or scare them off.  Kitteh would hide under some Bed.

I'm surprised cats don't attack us while we sleep.

I haven't seen a canine attorney on the Internet.  Yet.



Riff Raff K-9 Attorney


cat and weed2.png

the best dogs are cats