Do The Work


You have probably heard this but...

With the New Year upon us...

Me & My Little Brother Steven used to see these guys play all the time...

This is relevant regardless of political or religious views...

Happy New Year...


" our conditioning to be polite - all of it culminating in our silence and inertia " 

Couldn't agree more.



>our conditioning to be polite - all of it culminating in our silence and inertia<


I do not suffer from this particular problem.  Recently, a neighbor told me to get the fuck out of his house, because i repeatedly stated facts  which contradicted his lies regarding Trump.



I was chuckling as i left, and i almost thanked him for i did not need to create an excuse to leave.


Bump for the funk.

Thanks for this Crabneesh, loved it... I'm a Jazz Mafia fan in all their forms.

Thank you, Jazz Mafia was not on my radar,  

Love it!

Damn, that is good. Thank you