Do gooders denied entry


Canadian volunteer  group turned away at border.



>A group of church volunteers from Hamilton heading south to do relief work were denied entry to the U.S. for fear they would take American construction jobs, said a spokesperson for the church.

The 12-person contingent from Hamilton's Rehoboth United Reformed Church was travelling by road on the morning of Saturday, March 11, to New Jersey. 

Erik Hoeksema, the church's outreach director who was travelling with the group, said they intended to spend March break cleaning up and rehabilitating neighbourhoods affected by Hurricane Sandy.

U.S. border law says Canadians do not require a visa to enter the country for volunteer work, as long as they can provide proof that their work will not be compensated...

time for Trump to build a wall along the Canadian border to keep all these volunteers out of our country, because there are so many volunteers already helping and we don't need their assistance!

Canadians will be finding other destinations where they are welcome and where they will spend their time and money. fuck Trump and his travel bans.

Nancy you can't make America great again with Canadian babies!

jesus christ on a cross.

Nancy's spirit animal is a woodpecker. 


These anecdotes are not the basis of an effective argument. Can you show me statistics about how immigration has changed with this new administration? 

Good report Nanc.

But they're just a bunch of bible thumpers, right? So fuck em'


>But they're just a bunch of bible thumpers, right? So fuck em'


 They're people who do Jesus' work, you know like Jimmy Carter. The good kind of Jesus lovers, ones who have compassion and are willing to work to help those less fortunate. Not sure why anyone would confuse them with  nutso "bible thumpers" any more than one would confuse compassionate Muslims with Isis. I know that concept is difficult for Trump and his supporters though. Carry on. 

peck peck peck

Well stop pecking, hen pecker hound her

sorry, it's just too easy. I'll try

On a related note, BIbi has a ban now on visitors critical of Israeli settlement expansion and those calling for boycotts


Yes, Sandy. People are still trying to rebuild and could use help.

On the night of Oct. 29, 2012, Linda Vergara looked out the front door of her home in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn, and thought: “This is not good. We better get out of here.” Hurricane Sandy had arrived a few hours earlier, and Ms. Vergara, like thousands of New Yorkers, assumed she was in a safe zone and would not need to evacuate. Then the surge came. By the time she got her coat on and headed out to the street, the water was up to her waist. She saw cars and other debris floating around and joined some of her neighbors as they struggled to reach higher ground.

More than three years later, Ms. Vergara, 60, is still waiting to get back into the home and the neighborhood that she loves. “It’s such a wonderful community,” she said. “There’s no place like it.”

New York City’s recovery program, Build It Back, has been a bureaucratic and paperwork-filled nightmare for Ms. Vergara. She has moved in and out of temporary housing over the years, each time hoping construction would begin. Unfortunately, something would always come up. At one point, she was able to fix her house up enough to move back, but then she had to deal with issues like mold and water getting into the electrical box. The longer it has taken to rebuild, the more her house, and her health, has deteriorated.

Last August, Ms. Vergara was told that reconstruction would start soon, but that she would need to relocate once again until it was completed. She reached out to Shorefront YM-YWHA of Brighton-Manhattan Beach, a beneficiary agency of UJA-Federation of New York, one of the organizations that receive support from The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund. The group withdrew $600 from the fund to help Ms. Vergara with moving expenses.

All donations made to The Times Neediest Cases Fund go to one of seven charities: Brooklyn Community Services; Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York; Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens; the Children’s Aid Society; Community Service Society of New York; Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies; and UJA-Federation of New York. To help, please make checks payable to The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund and send them to P.O. Box 5193, New York, N.Y. 10087. Donations may also be made with a credit card by phone at (800) 381-0075 or online at