Did Michael Travis (drummer SCI) Go Too Far?


It appears that SCI thinks their drummer, Michael Travis, went a little too far in some comments on Facebook about International Banking over the weekend. Come on VLZ...did Michael go too far? I think some things are better left unsaid on social media.   

Michael Travis Comments on Controversial Facebook Post and Antisemitic Allegations, Apologizes for "Extreme Ignorance"


I have found the site below to be pretty informative about the International Banking cartels, etc....true agenda. 

copy paste or type it in yo as pasted links won't connect to there now.  www. overlordsofchaos .com 



Ok I will try again: http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/holy_grail_11.html    The site is large, poke around! 

When you are a minor celebrity like him, you can expect a certain amount of backlash when you go on Facebook to defend yourself, but leave off by noting:  "Of course there are other bankers that are doing evil money things. But the Zionist banking cartel is a thing… let me know if you can refute its existence.”

He should have also mentioned he plays music with a Korean guy.  That would have cleared things up.


Nershi needs to leave that band and just do acoustic gigs with Drew Emmitt.

He should borrow Billy Joel's jacket for their next show.


>>>Nershi needs to leave that band and just do acoustic gigs with Drew Emmitt.

His banker has advised him not to do this.

Great drummer but has horrible taste in music(electronica crap), and apparently is a racist to boot. Too bad.

I once saw Zilla and another band at a bar in Hood River.   He was right next to me on the dance floor for the other band's set and spent the whole time slow dancing and sucking face with a tall blond chick in daisy dukes and a cowboy hat.  It was kinda awkward and felt like telling them they needed to get a room, but it was kinda funny too.

Haven't read his Facebook comment, but I have alwaysbthough he was pretty much garbage on the drums.

Too far??  It's a well-established and factual truth...

I saw nothing in his tweet that was attacking or derisive... or even remotely racist.   Just facts and maytbe some economic/political opinionation.

Shitty world we live in where you can't even have an opinion founded in objective thought anymore...  people are WAY too soft and overly defensive of the dumbest shit these days.   You can't even call out those who deserve it anymore if they're part of the wrong group.

Rothschilds have manipulated and controlled world finance for generations.   And they indeed suck more than the world economy they've been derailing and leeching off of.  Imagine if they were Russian...  

The current system is a problem and open to criticism to anyone who has half a brain, IMO -  If only they weren't part of a group that can't be talked about without someone claiming bigotism.   Sucks.

What is wrong with people. I mean just because this meme lead to six million innocent people being brutally slaughtered 72 years ago doesn't mean we can't have an intelligent conversation about it today without people getting all uppity 

Cool thread.  Are the dudes in SCI in their 50s?  Bunch of Cornholes.

Sad stuff, terrible music.

It's a well-established and factual truth only to conspiracy theorists who call opinions facts.

Of course, those who don't see it a fact are blind and/or sheeple, right?

SCI continues to be a major embarrassment to the state of Colorado.

>>>>Rothschilds have manipulated and controlled world finance for generations. 

Perhaps if drummer dude had limited his remarks to that specific family it wouldn't be as bad.   But his remarks of a broader "Zionist banking cartel" doing "evil money things" reeks of anti-Semitism.  

There is most def is a structure similar to and as crooked and self-serving as a cartel (who happen to be overwhlemingly Zionist, woops sorry) and money is inherently evil, if not the root of all evil.   

These people are certainly not doing 'wonderful money things'...   

I personally have nothing against Zionists, but I could do without the high-powered ones manipulating global power/money/politics who seem to be untouchable while they steamroll the entire world seemingly without a care or nary a check of power - or even allowable criticism.  You know... the ones who are the topic of conversation here...

But yes I guess he was wrong to mention their political leanings.   It certainly isn't relevant in any way, amirite?

I think it's also worth recognizing that a Zionist doesn't even have to be Jewish... there are many who aren't.   I'm seeing the proper use of the word in political context.   He didn't say Jews or Semites.   And FYI, Arabs are also Semites - So Anti-Semetic is a grossly overused and misappropriated term.   Maybe we need a new word, cuz what it's come to mean in modern times is just wrong.   The phrase was basically somehow claimed by only one particular group of Semites and bastardized so that now it only applies to them.   

I know it's confusing, but just don't question it whatever you do...



I know it's confusing, but just don't question it whatever you do..<<<

You like saying Gore-Tex, don't you?

>>>But yes I guess he was wrong to mention their political leanings.   It certainly isn't relevant in any way, amirite?


>>>and money is inherently evil, if not the root of all evil. 

No it's not.  It's the love of money that is!

Money is just a place holder, so we don't forget how many sheep-skins we have to trade for that other tribe's stash of obsidian.

People who talk about global zionist bankers are pretty much either nazis or just fucking idiots.


signed, former Marriner S Eccles scholar.



But...but...it's fact that It's a global Zionist conspiracy.

At least that's what a nazi or idiot said in this thread.

Google "Zionist Banking Cartel" and see what comes up.

I did and one of the first things that popped up was a website called "Real Jew News."   Lovely:



Nershi was too sick of the band to play on Monday. 

Was the Iron Bank . . . y'know . . . stereotypical?

I know it's confusing, but just don't question it whatever you do..<<<

You do realize your "argument" has an enormous and gaping hole with respect to a logical fallacy pertaining to the "implied conclusions"?

... even in light of what might be "factual".

Well, I'd be more than happy to discuss it... except it can't be done without someone getting butthurt or inevitably calling racism.

In truth, it has nothing to do with that... for me anyway.   It's just a tricky game of economics and politics, and nothing more... until people take it 'there', which always seems to happen.  I don't think it's wrong to question the hows or whys of people, politics, and the universe.   It used to be heatlthy, if not a waste of time.    

To me, the implied conclusions are - you can't touch it with a 10 foot pole without any true discourse being immediatley stifled and further division anymore.

I love bankers of all ethnicities.   Fine bunch of folks, they are...! ;)

Dude, you used the "Zionist banking" conspiracy by name and called it fact. It isn't fact, and has been shown to be nothing more than racist BS.

So, now you've backed down on what you really meant, and think that people just don't want to discuss it. Why? Because true discourse is being stifled? Convenient for you, but there's nothing to discuss. Face it, you spewed the same BS on here that racists and bigots have been saying about Jews for centuries.

I'm sure that the 50 Fascists in Boston last weekend would have engaged in true  discourse with you about it.

A bank holds our money until we write enough checks that there's no money left to hold. 

If only they weren't part of a group that can't be talked about without someone claiming bigotism<<<

Are you suggesting the "group" maintains a set of explicit rules pertaining to banking practices?

Cool thread


>>>Well, I'd be more than happy to discuss it... except it can't be done without someone getting butthurt or inevitably calling racism.

great point! Ever wonder why???

>>> Did Michael Travis (drummer SCI) Go Too Far? <<<

Of course he did. He's a conspiracy theorist using an antisemitic (anti-Jewish) stereotype that has been in place among paranoid people for years.

So this is the problem you are worried about

 The top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%

And this chart is just disgusting


But it has nothing to do Zionists and the people who are telling you that are just working to keep you from seeing the real problem which is just plain old fashioned Oligarchs who are equal opportunity when it comes to religion.