Design the Wall



>The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced online Friday that they will solicit prototype pitches in early March to fulfill President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The department is requesting contractors to submit a concept paper of the wall design, stating that they intend to provide an opportunity to offer proposals for: “the design and build of several prototype wall structures in the vicinity of the United States border with Mexico.”

Thanks to the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection, we ALL get a chance at this once in a lifetime opportunity to submit our ideas to DHS and CBP. As a bonus you could be awarded a piece of the $20 billion contract to build the border wall!

What are your walls made of? Cats? Baby goats? Bacon? Teak? Ceramic tile? Marble? Will you go with leather or a vegan pleather finish? Let’s get creative and show the world what America really envisions for our wall.

However you design your wall, don’t forget that in order to meet our president’s approval it must include a “beautiful door.”  Be sure to include prototype images and cost. Along with your application you can submit photos, videos, renderings, etc. Concept papers are due by March 10, 2017.

Also, make sure to share your submission via social media channels with the hashtag  #qWALLified

Let’s show John and Travis that we are hungry for this contract of lifetime and ready  to go down in history, along with them, the DHS and CBP, for building the most divisive wall since WWII.  

Primary Point of Contact: 
John P Callahan,
Contract Specialist
[email protected]
Phone: 317-614-4934
Fax: 317-298-1344

Secondary Point of Contact:
Richard A Travis
Contract Specialist
[email protected]
Phone: 317-614-4580
 Fax: 317-298-1344

Source:– “Design Build Structure”

how about orange construction net fencing? be about as effective and  cheaper.

He needs a wall around his communications department 


I'll do an aluminum mesh fence border for under a Billion. 8 months.

All we need is all those show cassettes that most have boxes of and pull out and use the tape.

Free work for him is free work for him. 

Tear down the walls.


Design your wall out of paper then. 

Canada is building a wall to keep Americans out but they said it only needs to be four feet tall

adobe since the mexicans are building it




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