Dementia: Does DJT have Frontal Temple Dementia?


A very close friend of mine developed Frontal Temple Dementia.

He was a brilliant man.

His brain crumbled.

His judgment and recall disappeared.

He fooled some people for a while.

But eventually he started acting like Trump.



I honestly think the President of the United States of America has FTD.

There is no doubt he is the poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder but frontotemporal dementia?

Kind of a stretch, no?

You can parse it however you want, but IMO he is stupid, evil, and insane.

Brain specialist doctor believes Donald Trump’s frontal lobe is failing

By Bill Palmer

My impression is that he never had to actually learn anything he or his parents couldn't pay someone else to learn or do for him. The only thing he knows how to do well is never to question himself-everything he does is always right, which is probably the only thing he ever learned from his parents servants. I think he actually believed people were sincere when they kissed his rich ass. His brain is pudding from lack of use.

I think that 45 is experiencing cognitive overload, secondary to ADD.


Who knew that being president would be so complicated?

The guy is just a dick.

He hasn't changed at all, he's always been like this.

Remember when everyone was guessing Hillary's illnesses on the campaign? We're a long was from the medical privacy FDR  and JFK enjoyed.

I honestly believe that you would honestly believe anything that denigrates Trump.

Trumpy denigrates himself every time he opens his mouth, I can't top what he does to himself.

Thom, I'm just trying to figure out why he does such stupid things...every day.  He's POTUS for heaven's sake.


And why would anyone keep Sean Spicer as his official spokesperson?  I mean, show yourself some self-respect, Mr. President.

Maybe he will learn to differentiate between il and un.

Thick as a brick.

What's your theory, Thom?


>>He was a brilliant man.

His brain crumbled.

His judgment and recall disappeared...




Trump was never brilliant.


TRUMP: Well, first of all, the wall will cost much less than the numbers I'm seeing. I'm seeing numbers, I mean, this wall is not going to be that expensive.

AP: What do you think the estimate on it would be?

TRUMP: Oh I'm seeing numbers — $24 billion, I think I'll do it for $10 billion or less. That's not a lot of money relative to what we're talking about. If we stop 1 percent of the drugs from coming in — and we'll stop all of it. But if we stop 1 percent of the drugs because we have the wall — they're coming around in certain areas, but if you have a wall, they can't do it because it's a real wall. That's a tremendously good investment, 1 percent. The drugs pouring through on the southern border are unbelievable. We're becoming a drug culture, there's so much. And most of it's coming from the southern border. The wall will stop the drugs....

Oxycontin comes from Mexico?

He was always like this.  If you see old interviews he speaks exactly the same way. Believe me. Is he more of a spluttering angry old man?  Sure. Not dementia, just years of persecution complex regarding the media and being so insular he thinks his little bubble is the real world. He's had the same presidential platform since the 80's.







They were warned, yet they persisted

in electing a fucking idiot blowhard with a 7th grade vocabulary and no reading skills as president.