Deep Stater Marie Yovanovitch Complaining About President Trump



     ...please discuss 







    * she's very upset about it 



Discuss:   You are a clown without big shoes

go back to music troll who hates the constitution 

Hey bry, putting folks down is not why I'm here, but I just gotta tell ya man, 

if you were twice as smart, you'd still be a total fucking moron

Hey bry

“If your office is so important to you that you’re going to violate your oath and vote for someone who violates his oath every day and who uses the office of the presidency to enrich himself and to enhance his power, then I really think you are a pathetic excuse for a human being,” Tribe added.

you support the anti-president

And do not support the constitution and the law

Perhaps u want to take a step back

and try to help the GOP 

Partisan?  100%?   All or nothing?  Only black or white?

Guys please, don't you remember that he hitchhiked to see Jerry?

Bite you tongues.



Trump committing witness intimidation in real time during her congressional testimony



I only hitchhiked to one dead show in my life - Colt Park in Hartford, 76 I think. Bought a bottle of Tango at the packy on the corner where I got dropped off not too far from the park.

I've picked up quite a few hitchers over the years. Most ever - going to see The Outlaws up at Tanglewood one year on labor day. Had a volvo wagon and I must have crammed 10-12 wandering nomads into it. By the time we hit the show we were all cerimonial high brothers. One of the Outlaws, Billy Jones I think, had appendicitis and didn't make the show, but the other 2 guitars stepped up and shreaded the place. Fuck that was a good day !

Fuck those were the days

there is already much blood on your seditionist hands

>>>>Had a volvo wagon and I must have crammed 10-12 wandering nomads into it. 

I was riding back into SF from Shoreline in 95 in my friends van and we pulled over at the on ramp onto the highway were there was single hippie thumbing a ride back into town.  We opened the sliding door to let him in but then a dozen or so more hippies appeared out of nowhere and started piling in.  The driver hit the gas and there were still more hippies trying to jump in and chasing after the van like the evacuation of Saigon. 

We rode from Laramie, Wyoming to Vegas in 91 with 11 people and a dog crammed into a VW van, but it was an organized party and not hitchhikers.     

Wow, the occupant live tweeting during the hearing and it's becoming part of the hearing. What a world. 

But I bet he won't be watching......


     Fasten your my opinion, and I feel like I have an extremely accurate gauge on the situation, we are about to witness a watershed moment in this afternoon's cross examination of this witness.  Whichever side of the fence you're on, the crux of the matter is whether or not Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election is genuine or contrived...if I'm correct, this should be an historical afternoon in that regard.

" Deep stater "

You are an ignorant, perhaps willfully ignorant propagandist...get your facts straight you fucking asshat troll motherfucker

She started in the Foreign service in 1986..she was confirmed by voice vote to be an Ambassador by a Republican controlled senate in 2004....\

Deep state my ass you fucking moron


Russian bot thread. Say hello to Edward Snowden for us. 

Bryen fuck you!!

Oh Christ, Bryen, you've been pretty much off base about everything so far. "History will show this, history will show that..." You have zero understanding of our political system and separation of power, and you have no accurate gauge of anything. Get the hell over yourself.

How long has it been since you've experienced ego death? It's time for you to megadose.


>>> Fasten your my opinion, and I feel like I have an extremely accurate gauge on the situation, we are about to witness a watershed moment in this afternoon's cross examination of this witness. <<<

You're coming off pretty nerdy right now, boring, not much pizazz...

Are you sure you're hydrated enough?



Trump Republicans should blame deep state BS on ex-Republicans not Democrats but you know how they like to pin there crimes on other parties. Trump Republicans vs normal Republicans is your problem not the Democrats calling them to testify about corruption among there infighting. Corrupt Republican party on full display for 2020 elections.

I hitchhiked from Eugene out to Florence and down the 101 to Berkeley in 85, then caught a ride with friends there to the Boreal Ridge show.  About as close as I came to hitching a ride to a GD show.  I did hitchhike from Charlottesville, Virginia to Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland to see Frank Zappa on the Them Or Us Tour in 1984.

>>> we are about to witness a watershed moment in this afternoon's cross examination of this witness.   <<

Minority's consul is circling the drain.

Nunes set the table when he said he didn't have many questions for her. So wrong, very, very wrong.


^Agreed.  He's sounds so timid/tentative. Very shaky (must be embarrassing to be pushing the conspiracy theories...)

I thought Trump was all about optics?

What's with ham sandwich in the back??



Witness intimidation 

Is a crime


supporting asshole criminals is a crime 



Robert Reich here, for MoveOn.

For weeks the conventional wisdom has been that the House will impeach Donald Trump, but that the Senate's GOP majority will exonerate him.

But now that the top U.S. official in Ukraine has provided irrefutable evidence that Trump made aid for Ukraine contingent on helping Trump's re-election and a war hero and Ukraine expert has confirmed the whistleblower's account, convicting Trump in the Senate has become a real possibility.

Let me say that again. Impeaching, convicting, and removing Trump from office is within reach. Finally!

Recent polling shows that a full 50% of Americans believe that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. And the numbers keep ticking upward. 

Republicans know that the walls are closing in on Trump. The #2 ranking Republican has admitted that things look very bad for Trump, Senator Mitt Romney has continued to pull away from the party line, and some Republican senators are literally running away from questions about Trump's criminality.

MoveOn has hired teams of organizers in four key states to work with local activists to turn the pressure way up on the Republican senators most likely to break ranks with Trump. This is exactly what we need to win because how Republicans in the Senate respond will depend on how much pressure they feel from their constituents. But organizers in just four states isn't enough, and these organizers will need considerable and consistent resources to really make a powerful initial splash--and then keep on working for months to come.

Will you join me and chip in to MoveOn to help impeach, convict, and remove Donald Trump from office?

< single hippie thumbing a ride back into town.  We opened the sliding door to let him in but then a dozen or so more hippies appeared out of nowhere and started piling in. >

Ahh the ol Trojan Hitcher routine. Used it a few times back in the day myself. We'd use one of our girlfriends as bait, while a couple or so of us hid in the shrubs.

I'll post this here wtf

As they present their findings to the public, House Democrats may find it easier to let President Donald Trump build the case for impeachment himself

LOL deep Staters. You have been spending way to much time on those main stream media sites. The real news is on the dark web. Trump and Yavonvitch share the same hair. They are working together to distract us all from the alien witch invasion. Don’t you see Yanvovitch has witch in her name and Trump is always talking about witches.

And I hitch hiked from Denver to Oklahoma City to Kansas City to St Louis none of this wimpy east coast hitch hiking a few miles. If it ain’t a two to three day drive between shows and if the trucker who picks you up isn’t huffing rush while he drives his 18 wheeler -  it ain’t really hitchhiking. That means I am very trustworthy source on this whole witch thing.

Early this morning on the mall - my daughter's down there with her Masters Program class from Uconn.

They're at the Capitol right now. Fuck of a time to be in that city.





CSPAN is the deep state broadcaster.

Nice. I was there for the marine corps marathon a couple weeks ago. Coincided with the World Series games there. Place was lively, we watched the games on the outdoor screen at the wharf 

My son is in DC too for law school and walks by the White House everyday to and from campus.   He watched Erdogan's motorcade leaving the White House earlier this week and flipped the guy off as he passed.  That can get you in serious trouble back in Turkey.

 >>> my opinion, and I feel like I have an extremely accurate gauge on the situation...if I'm correct, this should be an historical afternoon in that regard.  <<<


wrong wrapped in wrong and then melted over a large pile or wrong.


of wrong, that' s a large pile of wrong - I gotcha man

< flipped the guy off >

Very well done

< That can get you in serious trouble back in Turkey >

Here it may help get you elected

 Bry has a very good handle

of the definitions of Out of control 

And witness intimidation

And obstruction of justice

with Republicans frightened to death 

And scurrying like rats

As the leader of the free world is off the rails and cannot stop tweeting

even if he's not watching


ducked on to the House floor, while Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) quickly whipped out his cell phone and began talking into it, even though his home screen was visible and there was no call in progress.

You can't make this shit up 

"I feel like I have an extremely accurate gauge on the situation, we are about to witness a watershed moment in this afternoon's cross examination of this witness"




     My initial thoughts:  Is Yovanovitch the Deep State?  In my opinion, she certainly other news, water is wet.  Did the cross examination go to great lengths to address the Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election?  Somewhat, although it seems that was mostly left for another day, when that did surface she certainly didn't refute the notion...candidly they didn't take up that issue to the extent I thought they might, opting instead to fight the battle at hand.  Was she a sympathetic witness?  I understand how that will be the talking point, but that's really not overly significant to the strength or weakness of the case against Trump...I think it was fairly evident on many occasions she was highly advantageous to the President's case, so yes, there will be the celebration of all things "poor little Ms. Yovanovitch", but on a point by point evidentiary construct of the defense, I think it was clearly a very good day for the President.  She certainly has a double standard on what she views as corruption worthy of her efforts as a champion of justice.

     I'd be curious to hear Ken's opinion. 

Bryen doesn't have to change his views. He's a stranger on the internet. He won't ever feel awkward about this. 

Now we know when you say Deep State, what you really mean is any career government employee that you don't agree with. Derp.


     When my views change on unseating a duly elected president based on the two phone calls in question, you'll be the first to know Knotesau.

Since you asked, my opinion is that its pretty obvious Trump was attempting to use a previously approved aid package as leverage to get the Ukrainians to investigate Biden and Son.  You don't need weeks of testimony to prove that.   The question then is whether Trump doing that rises to the level of impeachment.   The Democratic controlled House will say yes and draft articles of impeachment, but then the GOP controlled Senate will say its not bad enough and Trump will remain in office.   By that time, the majority of the public will be tired of hearing about it (it doesn't have the sort of "xxx" factor the Clinton deal had to keep the public's interest) and the whole affair will ultimately not have much influence either way in the upcoming election.     

Most reasonable people think that way, Ken.


     Ken, what are your thoughts on impeachment being weaponized in an unprecedentedly partisan application?  What do you suppose the founding fathers would have to say about that?  Also, as a practicing attorney, what exactly is the crime?  What are the statutes that were broken?

Did you hear the phone calls?

Byren....where are the convictions of the traitors? Seems like an awful lot of the tRump camp has been convicted of federal crimes, and not one single derp state actor has. Don't you find that revealing? Any thoughts from your accurate gauge, Byren?



Fuckin a dude 

do you think trump is doing a good, or even acceptable job?  Please be honest    I will accept your opinion 


ken does make a point

now if she gave trump a  BJ. (Shudder)

Deep throater


You guys ask Bryen a lot of questions. 


     I think we can all agree it was a devastating day for the Bidens.

It's very unlikely I will ever agree with anything "you say"about politics

Have a good weekend go away somewhere


     A good weekend to you as well...thinking of checking out the Billy Strings stream.  Also, the 3rd season of the Crown is released Sunday...for those that haven't watched, this is television at a very high level, I highly recommend you check it out, but you should really watch the first two seasons first.

>>>>what exactly is the crime?  What are the statutes that were broken?

Impeachment is an inherently political process, so no proof of statutory crime necesary.   "High crimes and misdemeanors" as used Section 4 of Article Two of the Constitution just means really bad behavior and an abuse of power by the President, irrespective of whether any law on the book was broken.   

>>>I think we can all agree it was a devastating day for the Bidens.

I think we can all agree you are extremely confused, and delusional, and a troll, but Namaste, ya know? 

>>>what exactly is the crime 

Like Ken said don't need a crime necessarily, just an impeachable offense.

Attempted extortion/bribery and obstruction of justice for starters, but wouldn't be surprised if you turned a blind eye to that.   


But officer, after I pulled my gun at the counter and told him to put all the money in this bag, he didn't. So what crime was committed?   


     I get that discussion Ken, although perhaps you'd is noteworthy there were no statutes broken.

No pyramid in this thread.


guess bryen has this one.

.it is noteworthy there were no statutes broken.<<


Actually, it's irrelevant.

Well "Bryen", which statutes were broken when Clinton got a blowjob in the White House?

I thought Clinton was popped for perjury. But certainly, the acts of the current occupant clearly surpass Clinton's misdeeds.   

Hey Bry 

not once have you answered a question 

especially; DO YOU LIKE TRUMP?


many think he is a traitor

and many more that his is an embarrassment to this great country 

Make America Great again   He is doing the exact opposite 


trump at the baseball game reference-

I don’t need to believe he cried to experience satisfaction. Just watching the progression through which his face went was so satisfying; to see his arrogant “Everybody look at me, I’m President” face melt into an upset, petulant-child look, was priceless.



Will Tommy Jones

Thu · 475 upvotes including Edward Adamchek

I agree 100%. Every single word of what you said are my sentiments exactly! It is nice to hear others express my true feelings about this embarrassment of a president and “human being” who is so full of himself and so mentally twisted. It amazes me that so many people who are friends of mine, some of whom are very close friends, still support him regardless of the fact that he has made fun of handicapped people on national television,, made racial slurs towards most every race in existence, turned against anyone who crosses him, has the rhetoric of a 4th grader (if that), made statements one day and lies the next saying he never said this or that, and put our national security at risk. Donald Trump is a straight up traitor and in my personal opinion I feel that there should be a way to skip the impeachment process and send a group of people that includes doctors, armed military personnel and a straight jacket and literally drag him out of the white house and lock him up in a mental hospital somewhere. At this point in time there is absolutely not one thing that he is not capable of. He is mentally ill and he has pissed off all our allies and buddied up w/ our enemies and it scares the hell out of me. I am saddened by the entire situation that we have gotten ourselves into.


Jean Paul: A thoroughly accurate depiction of the single greatest fraud and empty-suit president in our nati...



Ambassador Yovanovitch  was deeply rewarded for her Deep Statedness work effort  by the Deep Staters.

The Ukraine and Somalia.  Very choice appointments.