The debate


Singular because after the dumpster fire of the first debate both campaigns will scramble to scuttle any more


Joe should have a team of scribes in real time sending Trump's contradictory quotes to his phone, or better yet the newest google/apple/microsoft notebook/pad so that during the debate instead of responding  he can hold up the device to the microphone and play Trump's contradictions instead of debating.

After the replay:


"You sir are a liar and a con man! How much more do you think the American people can take?"

Oh wait, joe has lied for a living too.

So sad in the short history of humans this is the best we can come up with

George Carlin said it the best:



Honestly, my only wish is that it somehow devolves into an actual push-up contest.

> George Carlin said it the best

Carlin said it best about so many things.

Trump has already started working on lowering expectations of his debate performance.

Trump Predicts Biden Will Win Debates In Last-Minute Effort To Lower Expectations

Honestly, my only wish is that it somehow devolves into an actual push-up contest.)))))))))))

Incredible line! I'm loling!!! 

Hillary easily won all three debates in post debate polling. It got her 3M more votes but because I count less than people who live in WI she didn't win. 

Debates won't change anything unless one of them drop dead are starts masturbating. 

Debates won't change anything unless one of them drop dead are starts masturbating.

idk, i think this time around alot of folks are watching these debates to judge joe bidens mental state. its the first time in quite awhile that people will have the chance to see him respond to criticism and speak without a script for a prolonged period of time. whether or not there is anything to that concern, i think joe has more riding on these debates than the average candidate.

the 3 hour unscripted no ads rogan debate would have been the best tho. trump obviously only agreed because he knew joe would not agree or stay silent, and it would drum up controversey that tends to fall in his favor, but man...that would be sweet

Yeah man like sports too. Fox, CNN and MSNBC will have their own piped audience reaction and laugh tracks. 

It's pretty fucking sad that so many people have bought into the propaganda that Biden is mentally unfit, and that he somehow or another has to prove that he isn't.

Other than armchair quarterbacks nitpicking any stutter or slur, and making false diagnoses, there's nothing to point to the guy being in any phase of senility.

And he has to prove that he isn't senile? He'll never pass the false litmus test. All those people who are supposedly looking to see his mental state have already decided. What the fuck has this country come to? 

Homeowners want lower taxes and no low income housing. 

Bk did joe stutter when he said the real black people don't vote trump?


Or was that something else?

>idk, i think this time around alot of folks are watching these debates to judge joe bidens mental state



That's  Russian propaganda you're regurgitating.


This will make you all sleep easier at night. What the gop and trump are up to steal the election.


 No, Bss, that was him making a dumbass comment, something any and every politician has done. If you see it as senility, all the power to you.

why doesn't he call him donald chump?

i think it would make him flip out.

Bk I've been watching and listening to him my entire life. His cognitive decline in the last five or so years has been fairly obvious to me.

I expect to probably deal similarly if and when I live to be 77 years old.

i already said I would vote for him.

But it's not armchair quarterbacking to state the obvious. 

I'm not asking this to be snarky, but other than speech things, what have the other signs of "mental decline" been? Has he wondered off, increased his somewhat inappropriate touching, forgotten key things?

"Mental decline" is a big thing, and it's different than slowing down and aging.

Appreciate the article Denny. It clears up a few things I've been interested in knowing about. 

"postmarks will become the hanging chads of 2020."


for sure

Good stuff from the national debate coach of the yeat

hope joe holds form


Heard a Trump supporter say that Joe Biden is afraid to debate Trump. He said Biden is going to suddenly announce that he has coronavirus, so he can cancel the debate. 


Tim Murtaugh, Trump's campaign communications director said,  "Eight years as vice president, three decades in the Senate, two debates as vice president and he just came through about a dozen debates in the Democratic primaries where he vanquished two dozen opponents — that’s the Joe Biden we’re expecting."


I am acquainted with Tim, he's a smart guy. Thinks who he is, but still a smart guy 

Joe's mental health>chumps mental health


Trump has no mental health. He's just one long fever dream filled with tortured shadows and teeth.

wasnt trying to state my position on bidens or trumps mental health, was just stating as a matter of fact that it is one of the biggest non policy/non covid discussion points of the 2020 election, its literally discussed every day by pretty much everyone all over the political spectrum except for mainstream establishment democrats and what i assume is a decent sized chunk of never trump republicans that dont see the debate as fitting in with their vision of a polite society. 

regardless of whether or not claims he is mentally unfit are true, its a widely discussed subject that has seen support from republicans, libertarians, independents, and even many progressives in the populist and/or libertarian left category.

my position is that he has shown signs of obvious mental decline that a very large percentage of people his age also show, but i have not seen anything that makes me feel sure of any kind of dementia or anything like that. an almost 80 year old dude is in decline. mentally and physically. thats just the way human life works. nobody suddenly becomes immortal because we really need him to beat trump. joe biden, like most human beings on the planet earth approaching age 80, is showing clear signs of mental decline. there are many ways in which trump is "not all there", but as far as the basic metrics of what we see on the campaign trail, such as ability to speak coherently, ability to improvise/riff, and ability to engage in any kind of wit or banter, it seems obvious trump is more competent in those areas than biden.

that does not mean he will be a more competent leader or president, just that he would be the obvious winner in an episode of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" between him and biden.

IMO biden will clearly make the better president, but to imagine that bidens mental state is not on the minds of a large percentage of americans, and hasnt been a major 2020 talking point, is downright delusional.

biden will benefit far more than the average candidate from a strong debate showing, and if he has any serious problems in the debate - not just a small gaffe or stutter but the kind of deranged rambling we see in the world famous "corn pop" video, it could be devastating to his campaign. he has more on the line than the average candidate...i dont see how anyone anywhere on the political spectrum would disagree with that. we all have ears and eyes and have seen how much discussion this topic has raised.

if anyone can explain to me what this quote means, i will never make fun of joe biden or mention his mental state ever again. this is an exact quote;

"And in those days, you remember the straight razor? You would bang 'em on the curb, get em' rusty, put em in a rain barrel, get em rusty."

Here is a link to the whole video with full context, however its timestamped to start when he says the above quote;

why would banging a straight razor on a curb cause it to become rusty? why would someone want their straight razor to be rusty? what happens when you put the rusty straight razor in a rain barrel? is it an additional step to make it even rustier than banging it on the curb, or do you put it in the rain barrel for another reason after you make it rusty by banging it on the curb? when you finally have your rusty straight razor in a rain barrel, where do you go from there? what is the end game once you've got your rusty razor in the rain barrel? how about it nancy? please illuminate the meaning behind this cryptic message that despite the existence of a several years old video from a reputable news source is obviously just russian propaganda. do you think maybe there's some reason putin wants to put the rusty straight razor in the rain barrel? maybe its some kind of ancient KGB voodoo he uses to kill journalists from afar. 

>>subject that has seen support from republicans, libertarians, independents, and even many progressives in the populist and/or libertarian left category.

So, pretty much the same demographics that bought into all the Pizzagate bullshit, and other lies about Hillary? Go figure...

You do know that if you take the Republicans out of that group, the people who you'd expect to believe anything negative about the Democratic candidate, what's left isn't a big segment of the population?

So, pretty much the same demographics that bought into all the Pizzagate bullshit, and other lies about Hillary? Go figure...

not really...some libertarians and republicans bought into it, many did not, and i dont remember any progressives whatsoever who were on board with pizzagate - can you name one person who identifies as progressive, populist left, or libertarian left that supported the pizzagate theories? and despite the assertion that independents dont make up a big segment of the population, they actually do, and if you include all those who do not register as D or R, make up well over half of US voting age population. are you suggesting that the 20-30% of all registered voters who are registered as independents, or that well over half of the US population who in some way dont have a party affiliation bought into the pizzagate story?

what's left isn't a big segment of the population?

IME indepedents or people without party affiliation make up a very large percentage of american citizens. 

New data from Ballot Access News, which tracks registrations in the 31 states that require voters to register by party, shows that independents account for 29.09 percent of voters in them, compared with 28.87 percent for Republicans. As recently as 2004, Republicans outpaced independents by nearly 10 percentage points.

There are still way more registered Democrats; 39.66 percent of voters are registered with that party.

This marks the first time since party registration began in the early 1900s that the number of registered independents in the United States has surpassed members of either major political party, according to Ballot Access News.

according to this; there are 153.07 million registered voters in the USA as of 2018.

29.09% of 153 million is around 45 million. our population over the age of 18 is 255,200,373 as of 2019( which means there are over 147 million people who are not registered to vote, registered as independents, or registered with no party affiliation.

thats around 57% of the country's population over 18. sounds like a pretty big segment of the population to me. those who align with a mainstream political party that dictates their worldview are in the minority. normal, reasonable people interested in learning, in ideas and in debate dont have a letter in parentheses after their names.

straight razors rust - my dad used one for like 75-80 years!

cleaning them involves getting them wet ( tub of water  reference - the banging them on the curb reference is not clear, but perhaps the person shaving is outside, and begins to clean by knocking the soap / skin / whispers off)


imo trump is completely lost and meandering and confused - yet he does always keep a sharp focus on insulting, and saying  outrageous untrue things

because he speaks such bullshit - it is hard to decipher  when he is just plain senile or diminished or morally / politically whacked


your position on this is a bit strange IMO  - devils advocate/  intellectual, and / or just likes to argue - regardless  I ;-love you and and your contributions

Either way, it's not that many people who will be watching the debates to assess his mental state. He has already proven, over and over, that he's fine. It's a select few who are looking for yet another reason to not like him. It's stupid and shouldn't even be discussed.

There was even a progressive on Viva who was spouting Pizzagate crap. Many, many more bought into all the other lies about corruption, and all the other stuff.

progressives believed the pizzagate bs? maybe the fringe (non progressive) supporters who were gonna vote trump anyway. 

hrc's record speaks for itself, straight up war hawk. 

In this day and age, unfortunately debate coverage is condensed into sound bites. 
Because the Don will say anything at any time and doesn't play by any rules, he becomes a difficult person to debate. 
That said, Joe needs to at least hold his own. The Don has already demonstrated his lack of competence.  His fervent supporters couldn't care less  Joe needs to demonstrate some sense of proficiency.  If there are any voters left who are undecided, that may make a difference.  


^ lol


Joe didn't make his comments about the razor in the context of shaving, he was talking about street fighting.

A straight razor really isn't a very effective weapon for street fighting, but years ago (when joe and corn pop were kids, probably more so when their parents were kids) straight razors were plentiful and cheap enough that every gentleman likely owned at least one. Carrying a straight razor in your pocket, or boot, as a defensive weapon was somewhat commonplace among street folks like joe and corn pop.

Obviously a dulled razor (dulled by scraping across a rock or masonry), makes for a more difficult and painful cut, and also one that could be more difficult to suture. By allowing an amount of rust (perhaps from a rain barrel) to also form on the blade, one can compound the danger of a dulled razor's edge by further introducing the possibility of tetanus or secondary infection as a potential complication. 

"Got a roundhouse right, got a straight razor in my boot"


Anyone looking for anything remotely "normal" about this debate - just lol 

Tell automatic slim
Tell razor totin' jim
Tell butcher knife totin' annie

Perhaps the Don & Joe could thumb wrestle. 

Did I read that 25% of Bernie supporters will not support Biden?

The Bros don't even support Bernie anymore. 

good morning, sunday morning

I could be wrong, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that Rusty Razor was Biden's porn name before he got into politics.

<<The Bros don't even support Bernie anymore. 

his body has been metaphorically buried in the endzone of Giants stadium. 

The endzone where Jimmy Hoffa's buried, or the other one?

Bernie made a excellent speech yesterday. Content was spot-on - talked about Rump's plans to steal the election.. He looked and sounded great. He even came off as, dare I say it, "presidential", which was often not the case when he was running.

^he looked and sounded exactly the same compared to when he was running. 

that's the corporate media talking right there. incredible. 

Not part of any corporation or media group, and I didn't consult one before or after I watched the speech. Just my thoughts.

I've always said I agree with most of Bernie's positions - just didn't think he was electable. I'd be fine if he was magically transported into the WH as president. He just seems more statesmanlike and less strident now.

Heat,  I begin to wonder for how long you will be (In my words) obsessing over Bernie and ( his rejection)

FYI most  of us want way better healthcare, and our government evolving to catch up with the rest of the world


give it up heater.  Bernie would have been a total disaster during the campaign, alienating all the Karen's in the suburbs and making Florida basically unwinnable. 

i just got a $250 bill for jamming a hose up my nose...

that's w/ a co-pay, a "good health plan", $500 deductible...


it's because "they" can charge more than what the other "they" pays out.

oh maybe because they are guilty of fucking price fixing???


In the ER, Turts? I also have a $250 copay for the ER, with a $500 deductible and $1,500 out of pocket max.

You should have seen my medical bills for my crap last winter and spring. Added up, it was over $200,000. I guess that $1,500 out of pocket wasn't a bad deal.

no it was an office visit. 

i wouldn't have said yes if i knew it was going to cost more...

i mean, I already know what's wrong... 

I bet they billed it as a surgical procedure. They like to do that when they shove a tube up your nose.

good luck w/ biden, jr.