Day 1 January 3rd 2019



* Maxine Waters subpoenas Chump's taxes.



I’d love to see all of the above, but I have a suspicion that they are going to walk very softly and carry a small stick.

Sorry about that.

Here you go.

White House security clearances (involving Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, national security adviser John Bolton, and others)

The controversial addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census

The Trump administration’s Muslim travel ban

The State Department’s decision to close its cyber office

The EPA’s use of a political loyalty list

The possible participation of Cambridge Analytica’s foreign employees in US elections

The deadly ambush in Niger that left four American soldiers dead

The use of private email by White House officials

Trump’s response to the hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico

The dealings of the Trump Foundation

Potential conflicts of interest between Kushner’s business actions and his policy advice

Payments the Trump Organization received from foreign sources

Russian intervention with state voting systems

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s contacts with foreign officials



Here comes the flood.

With the Democrats having won control of the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump and his crew in the White House and assorted federal agencies can expect to be hit by a wave of investigations and subpoena requests from Capitol Hill. There are dozens of House committees and subcommittees, and each no doubt has its own to-do list.


As fun as it would be if that all went down, I mean, really: You expect the Dems to suddenly grow a pair of balls? It hasn't happened in at least 30 or 40 years. What makes you think they're going to aggressively pursue anything when their historical record clearly shows them doing the opposite?

The new Democratic majority's zeal for congressional investigations goes well beyond Alberto Gonzales and the fired federal prosecutors.

Aided by a new investigative team including a former mob prosecutor and a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, Democrats have launched more than three dozen probes of the administration ranging from the White House to obscure agency heads. The House Oversight Committee alone has conducted 20 investigations.  With few legislative accomplishments in hand -- and only a few prospects in the offing -- it seems plain the 110th is shaping up as "The Oversight Congress."

This is troubling news for the Bush White House and Republicans. No fewer than six administration officials have resigned already amid the congressional probes -- and many more are in Democratic sights.  They are targeting a sweep of people and issues. Some are high-profile, such as the leaking of Valerie Plame's CIA identity or the U.S. attorney firings, subjects that make for compelling cable news dramas.


"We're seeing results when we peel away some of the layers in every department," said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a member of the House Judiciary Committee. "People felt they could do whatever they wanted for whatever reason."



They should investigate voter suppression with the same intensity that the Republicans investigated Benghazi.  

>>>>You expect the Dems to suddenly grow a pair of balls?

I think after last night, the expression would be "grow a pair of ovaries."

Anyway, I do anticipate the Dems will use their subpoena power to investigate some of the items on the list.   What comes around goes around.

They should, however, pick and choose their battles carefully and go after the most important questions that can get the most bang for their political buck, such as Trump's alleged money laundering and funny business activities with foreign nationals.   The danger in doing a full court press with scorched earth tactics on every issue is that it would feed into the GOP's narrative of over reaching by the democrats.  We saw some of that last night when every democratic senator in a tight race who voted against Kavanaugh lost, while the one democratic senator that voted to confirm, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, was able to hold on to his seat. 

DNC establishment needs to take a fucking hike.

1 simple reason is in 2015 Republicans made it much easier to subpoena Presidential Administrationsin order to fuck with Obama.

Today it still stands.

Hence, Kushner, Ivanka, Bolton, Zinke, etc...



Oversight Republicans have blocked 64 subpoena request by the Dems.


So is that a pair of balls?


Was that just a GOP cockblock?

If the Democrats in The House were smart, they would begin to legislate on day 1. It would take the wind out of the sails of the Republicans who are ready to scream "witch hunt". Forget the investigations for now, and put up some solid legislation, and let Mueller do his job. Then when the Senate and the White House ignore the legislation from The House, they can bring up the possibility of investigations. Hang it around their necks until they start to sweat. 

But that will never happen, the Dems are going to open 75 investigations by February 1st, and they will accomplish nothing except to energize the far right. They might get a few people to resign, but there will be no regime change.

>>> But that will never happen, the Dems are going to open 75 investigations by February 1st, and they will accomplish nothing except to energize the far right.

So you're concerned about Dems investigating criminals and energizing the far right?

Lol. -smh


You realize that "USA" is actually a Corporate System with a two-party illusion for entertainment,  right ?

I don't want to ruin your Fun,  but everything has remained the same for my entire lifetime.

Taxes increase,  Public Schools dumb down the Curriculum,  Laws are passed which make everything Illegal or Mandatory.

However,  Weed is legal almost everywhere,  which is Good.

The Nation is approaching the level of Hemp - Tolerance that we had achieved back in the 1920 - 1940 era.

I look forward to the Bright Future that allows me to grow Hemp in some neglected fields,  and produce valuable Fiber.

Dog dude, I keep waiting for some good ol entertainment value out of your posts.

So much for that.

I believe you actually think you're clever and entertaining.

Should try and bounce some of your "material" off something other than your dog.

Because it's all pretty much wet brain derp.


But keep doing you dog doo'd!

Don't hesitate,  investigate. 



>>>I don't want to ruin your Fun,  but everything has remained the same for my entire lifetime.

My guess is we are about the same age. Here are some of the things that have changed in my lifetime because of the Democrats:

Healthcare, millions of people now have access that didn’t before

Gay people get to marry and raise families now. They can serve openly in the military. They no longer have to live in fear.Women get equal pay for equal work

Millions of people on minimum wage get paid a little more now

You can get an abortion from trained medical staff and don’t have to risk your life with some back room illegal clinic.

Credit cards companies can no longer raise your interest rates without telling you

Democrats didn’t elect  a President that openly fanned the flames of racism and misogyny in this country.