This Day’s Already In The Shitter

>>>This Day’s Already In The Shitter

I disagree. The Build Back Better plan passed the House, and we have a black woman President for the first time ever! 

But I do need to fix my toilet also (the fill valve). 

Must be the week to fix the fill valve. I just replaced mine a couple of days ago because it was crusty with lime scale from the hard water we have here.

I'll be sure to light a candle for Acting-President Harris.

We're getting a whiny, squealing noise occasionally that fluctuates if you turn on the water in the sink. It stops if you flush the toilet or move the fill valve around a little at the top, so I'll just replace it and hope that gets it to stop. I'm NOT calling a plumber for a diagnosis. 

jiggle the handle...

The Mad Shitter was here!

still laugh about that one....animals