Dave's Picks Volume 28 on sale tomorrow Oct. 12 at 10 AM PST


Check out dead.net !!!  They will sell out quick

Dave's Picks Volume 28 is 6 / 17 / 76 at The Capitol Theatre in Passaic, New Jersey !!!  Grab it while you can

Out of stock.

Sold out in under an hour !!!  Glad i bought the subscription this year !!!

Thanks for starting this thread. When I looked at dead.net a few days ago I couldn’t figure out what show this was going to be. 

You are quite welcome Judit !!!  They did not specify which show it was until this morning.

The subscription is a great value and the best way to do this, and not miss out, even if an occasional show isn’t up to my liking it will still be a good listen. Oh and by the way, I was at this show (And surprisingly quite a few of the official released shows over the years. Guess I was fortunate enough to catch some great ones.) as Passaic is my hometown.  Ahh the sweet memories!

David Lemieux’s riverside chat.



Funny, "sweet" isn't the adjective that usually comes to mind when I think about Passaic.

I forgot about the 'On-Sale-Time'  altogether and went to work all day.

Great pick though.  The June & July shows were all nice small Theatres after the Hiatus w// very rare 1975 appearances.

Then back to mostly larger venues.

“Sweet” was referring to my Grateful Dead show experiences. 

That's cool, Bob. A few I've seen have been released too. 


Soon come...

Nice to see cuts from the next night but was hoping that entire show finally showed up.  This will be a really good one.

Did anyone find it weird that the “newspaper articles” on this show’s packaging has nothing to do with this show but we’re all about the paramount on the opposite coast?

Best sounding '76 release yet.  They're really getting the transfer process down to a science.

I didn’t notice the newspaper articles, weird.

Listened to this twice now, sounds great to me as usual.  If this show were a food it would be marshmallow.