Criticism of Bernie is unfair, he wrote a best seller


WASHINGTON — Senator Bernie Sanders, in a rare and forceful rebuke by a presidential candidate of an influential party ally, has accused a liberal think tank of undermining Democrats’ chances of taking back the White House in 2020 by “using its resources to smear” him and other contenders pushing progressive policies.


Mr. Sanders sent the letter days after a website run by the action fund, ThinkProgress, suggested that his attacks on income inequality were hypocritical in light of his growing personal wealth. The letter is tantamount to a warning shot to the Democratic establishment that Mr. Sanders — who continues to criticize party insiders on the campaign trail — will not countenance a repeat of the 2016 primary, when he and his supporters believe party leaders and allies worked to deny him the Democratic nomination.


The letter takes issue with ThinkProgress’ commentary on the acknowledgment by Mr. Sanders, who represents Vermont in the Senate as an independent, that he himself became a millionaire partly by writing a best-selling book. One ThinkProgress post deemed the revelation “very off-brand and embarrassing.” Another post contained a video seeking to demonstrate that, as he grew wealthier, he altered his repeated denunciations of “millionaires and billionaires” to no longer include as many references to millionaires.

In his letter, Mr. Sanders accused ThinkProgress of “dishonestly” questioning his attacks on income inequality.


"Circular firing squad."

they got nothing on bernie. he’s got a million bucks? lol. rich. 

Mayor Pete.

Mayor Pete is a member of the Democratic party.

are we stating facts now?

bernie is the dem-nom. front runner. 

The  democratic socialist is an honest  bonafide self-made millionaire, while Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth  hides his taxes,  is dishonest about his net worth and can't keep his lies straight. I suppose we have to give Donnie credit for being the "better" con man- Bernie is now apologizing for his wealth in advance of releasing  his taxes because you just know that Donnie is going to try and shame him for being successful at making money. The irony is rich. 

but not just donnie — also the mouth breathing moderates on the dem side. the same

people who aren’t sticking up for ilhan omar. 

Only Democrat not on board is Joe Manchin. Major kudos to Pelosi for unifying the Dems

who are the adults going to vote for in the crowded pool of dems?

Does it really matter? Any/all of them are better than Trump,  then again so was Hilary last time. Don’t fuck it up this time. And spare me the bullshit about the DNC being to blame. Trump won because Bernie bros didn’t listen to him and vote for her, and the other morons who didn’t get out and vote. 

 But yeah, Bernie or any Dem running should win if people pull their head out of their asses and show up and vote for the Democratic candidate 

Mayor Pete is gonna be a great President.


The perfect anti Trump.


Are monetary wealth and socialism mutually exclusive?

>Trump won because Bernie bros didn’t listen to him and vote for her<

in the states where she lost the electoral college votes?

the narrow places where she and or the dems should have or be focusing on are: Michigan, Wisconson, Penn, and Florida....


Mayor Pete will be the next president. Mark my words today. 

Trump is gonna win in 2020.  Idiocrasy has already taken hold.  Mayor Pete, Bernie??  Here's a hint, neither will ever be president.  

<<<<Mayor Pete will be the next president. Mark my words today


been telling friends the same thing for a few months now.


I'll hold the book if anyone wants to place a bet? 


da fuck is "mayor pete"?


Mayor Pete is a younger, gay, Christian Bernie.


Well, not really. 


He's just  a very smart, charismatic, well spoken  and popular Democratic candidate with some great ideas for America. If he brings on Stacey Abrams as a running mate, he's a shoe in. 

Is Biden going to debate Mayor Pete? Who gets to debate who? 

oh yeah, that guy.

i'll vote for whatever person they finally come up with.


how's the getting rid of the "corrupt" electoral college trump railed against going?


what is the dnc doing in those swing states that they blew?

do they know how these things work?


Well here we R in April of 2019.  The flavor of this month is Pete.

I'm not convinced that anyone knows how these things work.

One can hope that out of this morass, someone will shine enough to change the road we are now on.

It won't come easy.

Trump will be victorious in 2020. Unfortunately.


Dems will Fuck it up again somehow....not sure how, but will!

It still boggles my mind he is our president. And the fact he has any female supporters is beyond comprehension!




Mayor Pete, 2020!

<<<I'll hold the book if anyone wants to place a bet



Just hold my beer.


<<<Dems will Fuck it up again somehow



Water is wet!?

mayor pete could maybe be bernie’s VP. maybe.

anybody catch bernie’s town hall from trump country Pa on fox news last night? 

did bry and thom turn off the tv for an hour?

How come the wars of aggression never stop, regardless of who becomes president? How come the bankers continue to fuck the people, and the president is powerless to do anything about it? 

because war is big $ bud.

when the tax payers fund the military industrial complex at the level they do, they need to use all the shit WE bought...

^ I think Ron Paul's entire platform spoke to this dilemma- too bad he was fucked over, just like Bernie in 2016 by the Neocons like Hillary, the Bush's, etc



does WE include bankers and people who work at Boeing?

I bet bankers and people who work at Boeing pay lots of taxes.

Lots of Americans support military spending.    eg

Does WE include Americans who support military spending?


ps, what "wars of aggression" are we currently waging?

But you’ve been telling friends for months that Pete will be the next president.  Why not make a little coin?

Trump already won 2020.  I’m not sure what reality space some people occupy but it sure isn’t USA 2019. 

Check out Neocon Weird Steve defending the bankers and war mongers!

Have the powerful bankers ever done anything wrong Steve, and if so, what? How about the war profiteers, are you always down with them as well?

I get that you don't like me, which i'm more than cool with, but Jesus Fucking Christ dude, you know what i'm talking- stop with the games already


Yeah, stop bullying poor Lassen!!!! Why don’t you LIKE him? 



If you can’t stand the heat in the pizza kitchen, dude..crying foul because you are losing the debate is very Trumpian. Figures.



>I bet bankers and people who work at Boeing pay lots of taxes.<


sorry kids, no health care. werid steve likes subsidizing the death industry.

>ps, what "wars of aggression" are we currently waging?<

have you paid attention to any of the news for the last 30 years?


Hi Nancy, you're a good troll.. respect

Quick question.

If ‘we’ don’t agree with ‘other’ Zoners politics, then the other Zoners R trolls? 

R we all trolls?


<R we all trolls?>

Yes, you're in good company Troll Dave!


 Troll Dave cool


>>>>do they know how these things work?


Unfortunately they have no clue.   

Bernie Bros>>>>

you just lost all credibility with me.

tbh the Bernie supporters I know from 2016 were 10-to-1 women.

hillary was a horrible candidate.

maybe the democratic candidate this round will actually set foot in the Midwest rust belt states? 
