Crashed his van and killed a father-of-three


Mexican illegal immigrant who has been removed from the US SEVEN times had 'drunk 12 beers and was driving at 100mph' when he crashed his van and killed a father-of-three


Nemias Garcia-Velasco, 32, was charged with motor vehicle homicide 

He reportedly told officers he had '12 beers' before getting behind wheel

Prsosecutors say he was going over 100mph when he lost control of van

The crash killed Silvano Torres, 58, who was riding in the cargo area of the van

Prosecutors said Garcia-Velasco has been removed from US total of seven times

Garcia-Velasco's blood-alcohol level was .243 when it was checked at a hospital after the crash, according to the Herald.


It's OK

The left supports Sanctuary Cities


A Zoner drive their car into somebody's house



You're right. And once we keep this dude out, we can then move on to tackle the other drunk driving deaths, one every 51 minutes (CDC).

Actually, we should put way more resources into the wall and shit, and take away more resources from stupid liberal things like rehab, health insurance, education, etc. It's more important to keep that one bad hombre out than it is to truly tackle the drunk driving epidemic and social issues that lead to addiction and alcoholism.

That's what America is all about, dammit. 

Was the dead guy an "illegal" too?

If so it's ok with you, right?

Guns aren't deadly, illegals are. Americans with guns are patriots.

...Border Wall.jpg

Cool thread

You people



How much money do you make deadtwo

So according to Brian, Dead2 is offering us a straw man fallacy. Wonderful. 

I'm not sure I was offering anything, really.


Trump-Russia investigators probe Jared Kushner-run digital operation

Investigators at the House and Senate Intelligence committees and the Justice Department are examining whether the Trump campaign’s digital operation – overseen by Jared Kushner – helped guide Russia’s sophisticated voter targeting and fake news attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Congressional and Justice Department investigators are focusing on whether Trump’s campaign pointed Russian cyber operatives to certain voting jurisdictions in key states – areas where Trump’s digital team and Republican operatives were spotting unexpected weakness in voter support for Hillary Clinton, according to several people familiar with the parallel inquiries.

Also under scrutiny is the question of whether Trump associates or campaign aides had any role in assisting the Russians in publicly releasing thousands of emails, hacked from the accounts of top Democrats, at turning points in the presidential race, mainly through the London-based transparency web site WikiLeaks.


Mike Carpenter, who in January left a senior Pentagon post where he worked on Russia matters, also has suspicions about collaboration between the campaign and Russia’s cyber operatives.

“There appears to have been significant cooperation between Russia’s online propaganda machine and individuals in the United States who were knowledgeable about where to target the disinformation,” he said, without naming any American suspects.


This is why we need a wall.

He probably never would have tried let alone made it back into the country. frown


>>>>It's OK The left supports Sanctuary Cities

Dead2, in which sanctuary city (in that liberal hotbed of Nebraska,) was this illegal living?

Justice Department Defies Court Deadline To Release Sessions' Contacts With Russians 


In defiance of a court order, the Justice Department is refusing to release part of a security form dealing with Attorney General Jeff Sessions' contacts with the Russian government.

On June 12, a judge had ordered the agency to provide the information within 30 days, a deadline which passed on Wednesday...


On Wednesday, a spokesperson for the Justice Department had told NPR that the documents would be released by the deadline, NPR's Mary Louise Kelly reports.

The Standard Form 86, more commonly called SF86, is a very detailed form required to be filled out for obtaining security clearance for certain government positions. It's the same form presidential adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner has recently had to revise after omitting meetings with Russian officials.

Sessions has admitted to speaking with Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, at least twice in 2016, which he did not disclose at his confirmation hearing. But in June Sessions testified to senators that the "suggestion that I participated in any collusion" with the Russian government "is an appalling and detestable."

Even the haters have to admit that 7 times removed is a bit much. Jail this douchebag

. . . and make Mexico pay for it.

 take away more resources from stupid liberal things like rehab, health insurance, education, etc. >>


rehab - last eight years the opiod crisis has flourished out of control

health insurance - good job libs..premiums skyrocketed, deductibles are off the chart, choice is minimal. the system is collapsing .and by the way.. You cannot keep your doctor or your plan suckers


education - total mess , the libs ruin everything they touch..


good job 

the dems take advantage of the stupidity of the democratic voters - Johnathan Gruber


You speak English good, Dead2. Make sound like Doland Rumpt. Me like.

You're all over the place. Your thread topic is about a man who killed another due to drunk driving basically saying it wouldn't have happened if he was deported long ago. Good for you and your opinions. Why do you feel the need to take that into everything you said above? Furthermore, I would gather to say nobody here agrees with your Conservative, and often hateful and racist, views hiding behind your keyboard like a coward. What do you actually do to help your fellow man? Let me guess....nothing. I sincerely hope you do not have children. Take your hateful crap elsewhere.

>>rehab - last eight years the opiod crisis has flourished out of control

Addiction is a social issue, not a partisan one. How would Trump and Sessions solve this problem? THe GOP plans cut funding for the opioid problem. When GOP Congress people, from heavily affected states, saw the cuts they screamed foul and monies were added back in. Sessions just wants more jail.

>>health insurance - good job libs..premiums skyrocketed, deductibles are off the chart, choice is minimal. the system is collapsing .and by the way.. You cannot keep your doctor or your plan suckers

You're absolutely right. Would any of the GOP proposed Plans insure more, give more choice, have lower deductibles, etc? I'd be behind any Plan that makes good on these promises. The GOP Plan goes the opposite way.

>>education - total mess , the libs ruin everything they touch.

Well, education is still at the local and state level. I'd gather that school boards and Agencies of Education, in Red districts/states, are run by conservatives. The reality is, it doesn't matter who runs the school boards. Schools in wealthier communities do well and schools in poorer districts fail. 

>>rehab - last eight years the opiod crisis has flourished out of control


Right, so did the economy. But, you give credit to Trump for that, though. So muddled your message...

>>health insurance - good job libs..premiums skyrocketed, deductibles are off the chart, choice is minimal. the system is collapsing .and by the way.. You cannot keep your doctor or your plan suckers


YES. We do need a fix. How about you and your POTUS and your GOP led Congress creating laws to stop the spiraling health care COSTS. It's the industry (not Obama) that are in the death spiral, moron.

Right, so did the economy. >>


the economy treaded water

stifled by regulations and taxes..

median income declined

poverty increased

job participation dramatically declined

food stamps dramatically increased

families on government assistance increased...all under obama


 yeah obama


the obama shovel ready jobs was a complete failure


a 2 year old could have improved the dismal situation caused by the financial crisis..


good going libs




Where's that sweet infrastructure bill he was going to pass right away? He has the full house and Senate and hasn't passed any legislation. Losing.....

Those hill billy coal miner supporters don't seem very happy to be losing Obamacare. Even with tweaking they released today it's still a piece of shit that the bickering elephants can't get passed. Loosing...

. The obama economy


The Obama recovery has had a record number of quarters where economic growth was two percent or lower.

Overall, the real GDP growth rate for the Obama economy has been right at two percent–the worst economic recovery since World War II, according to the Congressional Research Service. There has not been a single year under Obama in which the annual growth rate has been at three percent, which is unprecedented for an American president.


. The average real GDP growth of recoveries rate prior to the Obama recovery was 4.3 percent. If the Obama recovery had been right in line with that 4.3 percent, the country would be $2.2 trillion richer today, according to Investor's Business Daily. The editors at IBD explain further: (emphasis bolded)

That translates into more than $17,000 per household. (It's worth noting that many of those previous recoveries had suffered a subsequent recession 28 quarters after they started, so Obama is doing worse despite the current recovery's longevity.)

In other words, if Obama's recovery had merely been average, millions of people who are unemployed today would be working and paying taxes instead of worrying and collecting benefits. There would be millions fewer stuck in poverty today, and millions fewer dependent on food stamps and other government programs to get by.


Under obama there was  a decline in business startups and investment.


There has also been a decline of real household family income. According to Conservative Review, the decline went from $57,000 in 2007 to $53,700 in 2014. Naturally, it follows that the home ownership rate has declined to a near 48-year low.


There has also been a spike of Americans on food stamps. Conservative Review also used data from the Congressional Budget Office to show that the number of Americans food stamps has increased from 26.5 million in 2007 to 44.5 million in 2016. That is a decline from 47.7 million in 2013, but still much higher than pre-recession levels.










>> the obama shovel ready jobs was a complete failure

Right, remember why? idiot.

So, was he drinking imported beer as well?



Dead 2- just go away already. 

>>>>So, was he drinking imported beer as well?

Cerveza Light

If you didn't post those links, I would have thought you wrote all that yourself OP

I hope they finished patching the roof first

Those hill billy coal miner supporters don't seem very happy to be losing Obamacare.>>


the lowly  hill billy..

the people who cling to guns and religion..

the people who get up everyday work hard to support their hill billy families


you on the other hand are much more aligned with the hollywood elites that embrace the left wing cause .

the ones who hold ten thousand a plate fund raising dinners so they can be movers and shakers ..

private jets and lavish vacations



we could eliminate every actor in this country and life goes on

try eliminating hard working middle Americans..


poor libs

hollywood does not care about you

the dems do not care 

they just capitalize on the stupidity of the democratic voters.





Oh my.

You OK, D2?

Trump = private jets and lavish vacations


>> Trump = private jets and lavish vacations <<

NO NO NO ... Trump is a champion of the American worker. Real American workers, if ya know what I mean...

No dead2 I get up everyday and earn an honest living. I'm just smart enough not to be suckered into voting for a game show host con artist. Guy isn't qualified to run a casino let alone the nation. But I have to admit, it's pretty entertaining. One comedy after another. I figured it would turn out this way but the incompetence is overwhelming.  Just shake my head and laugh everyday at the ignorance that bought into him. 

name some things trump has done that don't benefit the elite


He grabbed some broads by the pussy. I don't know how that benefited the elite.