CPAC Rolls Out the Golden Calf


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Is that real?

love this scene from the GOP Ten Commandments...

"Cowabunga, Dude!"

Yes it is real. It's amazing in 2021 they can still makes us say that

Seems like all those good Christians haven't read the Bible.

2dank can explain what is going on in the picture. 

Creeps Posing As Christians

Clearly mr potato head has not been canceled 

The stage is in the shape of an Odal Rune used by Nazis, too.

These freaks love the stars and bars, which symbolize the failed Confederate States of America, and the symbols of the Third Reich, another massive failure. Do they think these things through?

Small, Gaudy, and Cheap. Check3.

Also, they gave their king a scepter.

Small hands. He really must be pissed about that. 

There's coincidence and than there is the QOP

So sad really

I'm always hoping some anarchist slipped under the radar and pranked them Borat style. However, I suspect most of the time, like when Cruz was caught liking cuck pron and blamed a staffer, that probably isn't the case.

And it was made in..................... MEXICO! 

They also caused Francis Scott Key to roll over in his grave... 

(warning, amateur hour alert on the national anthem)


and then this, lol

Was that in the key of "L"? Sounded like "L".

Poor girl. And THAT was going to be her shining moment? Should've never had an amateur in such a well-covered public performance. I feel for her - there's no getting that back. Tough song to sing and she obviously wasn't ready for the bright lights.  

> amateur hour

She's obviously Antifa.

Wow, I could sing better than that, but of course I'd fail the the NeoNazis' required blonde and blue eyed youth casting call.

The black woman standing next to her made it in. 

Groovy white moon boots though.

It's a very difficult song to sing, and having performed on stage most of my life, i've got great empathy for those attempting it on the local level...  but the locals do better than that, LOL.

When you wrap yourself up in patriotism, the flag, the constitution, and God, then have a flop like that on the national level, yikes...  


Here's a sweet young 8th grader having an oopsie moment, she can sing great, but between nerves and the crowd, forgot the words, but Coach Cheeks (before a playoff game even) lent a helping vocal hand, as the crowd sang along, for a heartwarming moment (I remember seeing this live)


And even hippies / beatnecks who allegedly can't sing nailed it;

Yeah, the woman of color answered the casting call for 'token black woman' 

Should've never had an amateur in such a well-covered public performance<

Trump Admin in a nutshell.

> sweet young 8th grader

That was fucking awesome. You can almost feel the whole arena pulling for her.

Marvin in 1983. This was a landmark performance.

I'll bet Heidi Gardner of SNL is already practicing singing "in the cracks."


And SNL's costumer has already ordered those boots.

Need to note the irony of folks on a dbmb discussing (and appreciating) versions of the National Anthem right about the same time the Republican Party is bowing down to lick their Führer's boots.

They're on hiatus for three weeks. This won't get a skit. 

^ Marvin in 1983. This was a landmark performance.

Remember seeing that live, WOW, breathtaking version, WOW, he can really do that, Amazing!  But, alas, there's this....   


Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Racism and the National Anthem

By Thomas Dolby

<<But I was a bit concernced as we had not yet recorded ‘The Star Spangled Banner’, and we were due at the Grammy’s rehearsal in about 10 hours’ time. So I went to look for Stevie in the maze of small rooms scattered around the building. Usually he is pretty easy to find as there’s an entourage of several people with him. But on this occasion he was nowhere to be found.

I eventually tracked Stevie down. He was all alone, in an attic-like room on the top floor of the building filled with old files and papers. He was on his knees, playing a beaten-up upright piano.

I announced my presence, and reminded him we had an anthem to record. He asked if I had any ideas for it. I said, what about a really slow sexy groove on a drum machine, and really spread it out? Stevie thought for a moment, then said ‘uh-uh. Marvin tried that one time man. He sang it that way at an NBA all-star game, and you know what? he never got on TV again until the day he died. Because all the network executives couldn’t handle a black man singing a sexy soul version of the National Anthem.’>>

And Marvin's daughter singing it again w/ virtual Dad

Don't know if it's true, but I just heard the Shiny Cheetolini thing was assembled in Mexico.

By Highnote (Stringtwang) on Saturday, February 27, 2021 – 06:55 pm

And it was made in..................... MEXICO! 

CPAC is ComicCon for people who have been muted on Facebook by their entire family.


~someone who tweets~