The Coronavirus Is the Worst Intelligence Failure in U.S. History


It’s more glaring than Pearl Harbor and 9/11—and it’s all the fault of Donald Trump’s leadership.

The White House detachment and nonchalance during the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak will be among the most costly decisions of any modern presidency. These officials were presented with a clear progression of warnings and crucial decision points far enough in advance that the country could have been far better prepared. But the way that they squandered the gifts of foresight and time should never be forgotten, nor should the reason they were squandered: Trump was initially wrong, so his inner circle promoted that wrongness rhetorically and with inadequate policies for far too long, and even today. Americans will now pay the price for decades.



Intelligence told him the truth.


Moron Donald ignored intelligence.  He hates our intelligence community, he calls them the deep state.


This was a failure of morons and delusional people who did not vote for Clinton.  More so those in states that mattered, but even in Cali, the numbers have a moral vibrancy that should not be ignored.  We needed the strongest possible antiTrump movement in 2016, not the continuous wave of Clinton hatred we got from Berniestan.

Donald has always been an obvious moron lunatic.


Most of the voters you call morons don't have any way of convincing the rust belt voters to not vote for Donald. 

He hates job stealing Mexicans as much as rust belt voters. How do you convince them not to vote for him?

There’d been only a couple of reported Covid-19 cases in town, both contracted someplace else. So far as anyone could tell, no one in Berkeley had caught the virus from someone else in Berkeley. And so we’re still waiting, for an answer to a question. Italy or Germany: Which will we be? Italy has only twice as many cases as Germany but almost 50 times the deaths. Maybe the Italians are especially old or vulnerable, but it’s more likely the Germans have tested huge numbers of people and the Italians have tested only people with serious symptoms. That is, some vast number of Italians have had the virus but were never tested, either because their symptoms never sent them running to the hospital or they never even knew they had it. We in the U.S. have tested far fewer people than the Italians. We’ve tested fewer people than basically every advanced country — which raises another question? Are we still one?

When do we get checks for eBay toilet paper?

Right now Canada is back logged the lab cannot keep up. They are 10,000 tests waiting for the lab to get to. Trudeau response is like molasses maybe worse than trump

not paywalled anymore, this is solid data:


If Utah looks like Italy, what will New Orleans look like?

“When you look at the data, Summit County is a hotspot for COVID-19 statewide, nationally and globally,” said Rich Bullough, Summit County health director, in a statement. “At this time, Summit County has 20 times the number of cases per capita as Salt Lake County. Our cases per capita rival those of the worst areas of New York City and many parts of Italy.”

Got two friends of mine home and miserable who got it from the first reported guy in Park City. 

The greatest intelligence failure in US history is evidenced every day on the Zone in threads like this one.

Yes Thom, it will all be over by Easter.

I love the U.S.A.

Our Worst Intelligence Failure is sitting in the oval office

Not for too much longer tho.  

A few thousand more deaths ought to wake up his base to his colossal fail. Or just outright eliminate em

"The churches will be packed for Easter!"


But JC staying away - practicing social distancing don't cha know.

After all, he's rather elderly and has pre-existance conditions.

What's done is done. What R we going 2 do moving forward? 
Let's try to do what we can to stay healthy. Even if that means silly Zone sandbox stuff. 
A little common sense also might make sense, at least for some.
The physical degradation is one thing.

The mental anguish is also of concern .
Let's try 2 do the best we can & perhaps even try 2 B kind 2 each other. 


>A few thousand more deaths ought to wake up his base to his colossal fail<



Was taking to a Trump supporter the other day,  he told me that he is only watches the President's briefing. He said, "They are the only ones telling the truth."

People are missing the underlying issues which stem directly to the larger problems with our county economically. Trump did his part of course but Wall Street and the large companies who have a stronghold on the economy have just robbed our federal tax dollars which we get up and break our backs for every single day. Those companies behind the scenes lobby for every public decision. They didn't want to close their places of business because they wanted to squeeze every penny out of the pandemonium that brings people to mass spending and then just like always the companies get their big bailouts and loans at 0%. The stock market which went down just collected 1.5 Trillion dollars. So whatever stocks were sold can now be easily bought back or traded or whatever the hell they want to do for nothing. They played the United States and Yes Trump what their spokesman. But the senate and house were their bidders. They just took our money without lifting a finger. We are the ones who fucked up in the end. Donald Trump is merely the bullet being shot out but they are the ones holding the guns guys. 

People on here keep talking about how Trump is going down in November and about how the Coronavirus is his downfall. Just read the below article. Rabid populists like Trump can do no wrong with their fervent base. And now that he keeps on showing Wall Street that he's willing to bathe them in free money, there's not a business-person in the country who'll vote against him. Add to that Biden's super winning personality and totally clear communication style...Keep America Great, y'all...

Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Approved by 60% in Gallup Poll

And like Timpane alludes to...the Dems made this bailout possible. Y'all are crazy if you think the corporate dems ('moderates') are rooting for the average Joe or Jane. Bullshit they are. They're rooting for their stock portfolio to keep on filling up.

Lol, from the article I pasted above:

And voters are largely giving Trump positive marks for his handling of the pandemic, with 94% of Republicans, 60% of independents, and 27% of Democrats approving of his efforts. That’s higher than his general approval rating among each group.

Not gonna lie, I’m probably spending that check on stocks.

If only we had listened to more geniuses like this....


The evidence on travel bans for diseases like coronavirus is clear: They don’t work

They’re political theater, not good public health policy.

Well thank God for your Very Stable Genius Thom.

Thom you're a twit.

Hi thom



nice input  on the Jerry on slide thread

that all I got

Thom is happy to see elderly Americans who fought in Korea and Vietnam die, if it means a boost to the economy. 

What's done is done<<<

Not hardly.

What's been going on is still going on.

Make no mistake, the unnecessary death toll will continue to mount as long as Trump is in office.

I bet Thom is still collecting his fat paycheck on the public dime, and that library hasn't seen a student in weeks.

I bet Thom is still collecting his fat paycheck on the public dime, and that library hasn't seen a student in weeks.

>>>If only we had listened to more geniuses like this....

>>>The evidence on travel bans for diseases like coronavirus is clear: They don’t work

>>>They’re political theater, not good public health policy.

I don't even know what your post means? The travel bans are example number 1 of Trumps failed response to the virus. 

Why did the US put in the the travel ban? The European one was put in place at that disastrous address from the oval office that tanked the markets. And why was it put in place? Because little Nazi Stephen Miller (person in charge of putting children in cages) wrote the speech and never misses a chance to blame all of our problems on foreigners. 

What Trump should have done is nationalized industries like we did in WWII to defeat the Nazi's not like the do in Venezuela - back in January. Then our hospitals wouldn't be running out of masks and ventilators. 


So much Winning    I am the Chosen One .. We will win so much .U will get tired.

George Stephanopolous set up the Secretary of Defense:

Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources

"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," a source says.


Josh Margolin


James Gordon Meek

‎April‎ ‎08‎, ‎2020‎ ‎

As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.

Concerns about what is now known to be the novel coronavirus pandemic were detailed in a November intelligence report by the military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), according to two officials familiar with the document’s contents.

The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images. It raised alarms because an out-of-control disease would pose a serious threat to U.S. forces in Asia -- forces that depend on the NCMI’s work. And it paints a picture of an American government that could have ramped up mitigation and containment efforts far earlier to prepare for a crisis poised to come home.

"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources said of the NCMI’s report.

"It was then briefed multiple times to" the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House.


The NCMI report was made available widely to people authorized to access intelligence community alerts. Following the report’s release, other intelligence community bulletins began circulating through confidential channels across the government around Thanksgiving, the sources said. Those analyses said China’s leadership knew the epidemic was out of control even as it kept such crucial information from foreign governments and public health agencies.

"It would be a significant alarm that would have been set off by this," former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Mick Mulroy, now an ABC News contributor, said of the NCMI report. "And it would have been something that would be followed up by literally every intelligence-collection agency."

Mulroy, who previously served as a senior official at the CIA, said NCMI does serious work that senior government leaders do not ignore.

"Medical intelligence takes into account all source information -- imagery intelligence, human intelligence, signals intelligence," Mulroy said. "Then there’s analysis by people who know those specific areas. So for something like this to have come out, it has been reviewed by experts in the field. They’re taking together what those pieces of information mean and then looking at the potential for an international health crisis."


NCMI is a component of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency. Together, the agencies’ core responsibilities are to ensure U.S. military forces have the information they need to carry out their missions -- both offensively and defensively. It is a critical priority for the Pentagon to keep American service members healthy on deployments.

Asked about the November warning last Sunday on ABC’s "This Week," Defense Secretary Mark Esper told Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, "I can't recall, George. But we have many people who watch this closely. We have the premier infectious disease research institute in America, within the United States Army. So, our people who work these issues directly watch this all the time."

Pressing the secretary, Stephanopoulos asked, "So, you would have known if there was briefed to the National Security Council in December, wouldn't you?"

Esper said, "Yes. I'm not aware of that."


Info like that gets vetted before it gets to the president and that takes some that means china knew and was actively covering it up way before late November. What was trump supposed to do place a travel ban even earlier than jan? Once Peter Navarro made It crystal clear what was unfolding trump placed the travel ban. Was he supposed to go against the advice of the WHO who had their best people on It. the w.h.o. waited until the end of Jan to even declare It a public health emergency but still saying there were no human to human transmissions..Besides the WHO and china downplayed it in its early stages..even though they knew the epidemic was out of control ccp kept such crucial info from foreign governments and public health agencies. 

I think there was an impeachment happening as well even though there was no way of winning. Pelosi should have trusted her gut they could have dragged him through the mud with what they had and focus on taking the Senate back.. Instead she caved to pressure and went foward and now the other side uses it as a victory and some sort of vindication even though everyone with a brain knows there was collusion.  It totally backfired and you can bet she will share some of the blame.or at least you can see that coming, right.? Republicans phrasing It that way. The republicans don't care what trump does or says because they are the ones in charge . They knew they would win because they played the situation chess. The dems cant see two, three moves ahead it seems. But it's not that they want trump 4 more years. .he just happens to be the current republican incumbent. And as long as he stays the course they will be in charge for 4 more years. ..unless dems win Senate majority. Imo


Most virus cases in the northeast came from Europe NOT China per NY times.

Orangehole didn't stop flights from Italy hello NY & NJ

The CDC has an annual budget of $11 billion and 11,000+ employees.

What good have they been? One would think, logically, that an organization of this size and magnitude would have a plan and ample resources in place for I don't know...maybe managing the breakout of a fucking virus? 

But it's been like their first day of school. They certainly have a massive campus in Georgia and plenty of nice retirement benefits however. So we have that going for us.

Donald is obviously extra large clown shoes but the man is not smart enough or been in office long enough to really shoulder significant blame. As a boogeyman he works fine but this is multi-generational governmental and societal breakdown. 



^ just toss this fucking imbacil on the heap with greg tinpan bry thommy and pyro.

Amazing such degrees of tardness exist on the zone. Thankfully a very small portion.

ras you're racist catholic trash. 

shut the fuck up.

all you do is go around typing your bs and taking passive aggressive shots.

address people directly, bitch. 

i look forward to your pin-head popping once your centrists candidate gets blown out the most unqualified human to ever hold the oval office. 

Donald is obviously extra large clown shoes but the man is not smart enough or been in office long enough to really shoulder significant blame.

Donald can certainly shoulder significant blame for this. He was smart enough to run a successful campaign.  He has not appointed effective people nor instituted effective policies that should have been put in place - at a minimum - to have mitigated this disaster.