Childhood's End vs Wave to the Wind


If you had to pick just one.


Childhoods End from the 94 Phil n Friends show

Childhood's End because it shares a title with a novel by Arthur C. Clarke.

Wave to the Wind - huge mistake.

Along with Samba I'm in Pain.

Wave To The Wind.  It got played more and developed some jams.  Childhood's End was a snoozer, just as If The Shoe Fits was a buzzkill, an old man literally ranting at us to get off his lawn.

The Wave To The Wind at the Dean Dome in Chapel Hill, North Carolina in 1993 actually had some lift off.


Here's the 3-25-93 Chapel Hill show:

Along with the night before, some high quality 1993 Grafeful Dead.  Check out the Morning Dew that ends this show.

The 3-24-93 show has many highlights:


Some sneaky good shows in Spring of '93.

Wave to the Wind for sure. Childhood's End is on the bottom with If the Shoe Fits. Yikes!

Seems like Mirror of Thalassa should be part of this conversation too. That one just never did it for me.

I saw all 3, WTT Wind 3 times, Shoe Fits twice, Childhood once.  If they got played on a good night, no issues, but only 3/8/92 in Landover was a $$ show.  Rest just meh..

Phil '97:  If the Shoe Fits was a collaboration with a friend, Andrew Charles, who has also written songs for Santana.

Childhood: words & music by Phil.  Wave written by Hunter?

Shoe Fits was a buzzkill, an old man literally ranting at us to get off his lawn>>>

Give it up, 'cause you can't win
Let it go while you still can
Gave it all you had, now you're feelin' bad
So you're gone, ready to roam
You come on so strong with that same sad song
Wherever you go
Run along, take your ball and go home


Shoe Fits was a buzzkill, an old man literally ranting at us to get off his lawn>>>

Sounds more like quitcherbitchin' to me.

> Run along, take your ball and go home

Go on home, your mama's callin' you.

Childhoods End if it's the Pink Floyd version...

Wasn't Shoe Fits about Healy?