Chemical Warfare: Bad/ Drone Strike: Good



"The right way to kill Syrians."


Is there a wrong way?

Shhhh... We don't talk about the drone strikes.

But since you mentioned it...


In 2016 we dropped 26,172 bombs in 7 different countries. 




"Dead" Syrian gas attack victim opens eyes.

You think it's a hoax, 73? 


And the chart I posted reports total number of bombing missions, not total number of bombs dropped 


If Obama was Republican folks on the left would have referred to him as Obombem

I have no idea , OC, but there are photos of "brave" first responders handling the victims in hazmat suits but no gloves.


Ex UK Ambassador says it wasnt Assad.


Ron Paul says it makes no sense for Assad to do this.

"Zero chance he would have done this."


Who benefits here?  Not the Russians or Assad.


Assad could have killed his own people any number of ways. 

Why would he pick the one way sure to unite the world community against him, given the nature of chemical weapons?

Something seems fishy.

Someone desperately wants WWIII.





Maybe Putin testing Trump.

>Ron Paul says it makes no sense for Assad to do this.

Jesus Christ. You guys both follow Alex Jones or some other whackadoodle?





And yes, this is a test. Trump will talk tough (blame OBAMA) and then move on. he wouldn't dare defy his puppet master Putin.

And when the idotis buy onto  absurd conspiracy theories that the chemical attack was a hoax, Trump will use that as a cover to walk away from taking any action.



Flaying: Bad / Firing Squad: Good

What method of execution would you choose if given the "choice"?

But I get it, "out of sight, out of mind" is basically how we get away with allowing our drones wreak havoc in faraway lands without it being in the forefront of our minds ... perhaps except for the unsuspecting kid who get the tap on the shoulder to be recruited by the military after being under surveillance after getting the top score on the modern day equivalent of Frogger.

But the weird thing is, we probably haven't seen anything yet re: the destructive capability of drones in so far as how they might evolve and inflict unimaginable horrors that parallel chemical weaponry.  Imagine a giant swarm of insect sized drones that have blades spinning at high speeds that cut someone up to ribbons yet leaves them still alive, or the ability to inject people with poison or other chemical agents repeatedly at high speeds.   Let alone what we see re: Star Wars two legged giant drone land walker things, or those which will take the humanoid form such as in the Terminator. 




Trump will do the same thing Obama did. Nothing.

Easy to campaign. Harder to govern.

<<<You guys both follow Alex Jones or some other whackadoodle?



I don't. Cant speak for Paul.


Classic Nancy. Cherry pick the "weakest" part of a post and then all the poster an idiot.


Anything to say about the information?

Think the ex UK ambassador is a whackadoodle?



Use your brain. It makes no sense for Assad to do this.

You are being manipulated.



<<Agent 73



still not sticking, but I have to say, I kind of like it.

But since you want to talk nicknames....we both have spent 15 years ish on this black screen.

In that time, we both earned nicknames from our peers. Im happy to talk about mine.


What was yours again?

Im sure someone else could step in and remind you if its not ringing a bell.


i completely agree that it make ZERO sense for assad to have done this. benefits him in no way. 



>>>I have no idea , OC, but there are photos of "brave" first responders handling the victims in hazmat suits but no gloves<<


Assad is finishing his civil war.

First responders in a war zone run short of gloves. 




>>>Why would he pick the one way sure to unite the world community against him, given the nature of chemical weapons?

It is a good point.  Ever since the Russians got involved, Assad's forces have been doing much better on the battlefield and have taken back significant territory from the opposition forces.   Just don't see how they would get any real tactical or strategic advantage by nerve gassing some civilians.  I know some have speculated Assad is testing the limits with the new Trump administration, but that seems like a stretch too considering the almost certain reaction from the world community that could even jeopardize Russian support, which is the best thing he has going now.   By contrast, the rebels are sort of on the ropes and I wouldn't put it past them to have set off the gas in hopes of triggering world reaction in their favor.

This is a real head scratcher, but I don't see Trump as having much appetite to do anything about it regardless of who set off the gas.




<<<First responders in a war zone run short of gloves. 



That would explain it.


Thanks for the link, Surf.


I read the article and the title says "Why Assad keeps dropping gas bombs on Syrian civilians"


In the article, they say they cant prove it was Assad ("Still, it is proving impossible to legally link the Assad government to the attacks") and the reason they give as to why would apply equally to an actor trying to attribute it to Syria.


There is a lot of heresay and speculation though.


Im not saying I know it wasn't him, but it makes no sense for him at this juncture and no one has provided proof.


The shortage of basic supplies in rebel areas has been well documented. I doubt a shortage of gloves is high on the list of issues​ reporters are covering. Especially given the limited​ access the Assad regime has provided


Ambulances without fuel, blood reserves spoiling without electricity: 3 Civil Defense leaders on deadly shortages


In March 2013, a group of Aleppo residents began the first Civil Defense Unit (CDU), a civilian emergency-response team. Through shellings, barrel bombs and other violence, CDUs—now with hundreds of staff and volunteers across rebel-held Syria—work as first responders to extinguishing fires, evacuating the wounded and transporting victims to nearby medical centers.

Since the formation of the Syrian Civil Defense, deliberate attacks on CDUs have killed 106 personnel, according to last week’s Syrian Network for Human Rights report.

It is not only air strikes and arbitrary arrests on the ground that are deadly for civilians, three Syrian Civil Defense leaders in Homs, Latakia, and Idlib provinces tell Syria Direct.

“People die because the Civil Defense does not have the necessary equipment,” Mohammed Thikra, head of the Maarat a-Numan Civil Defense in Idlib province, tells Syria Direct’sNisreen A-Nasser.

In the encircled northern Homs neighborhood of Waer, for example, fuel shortages paralyze the local Civil Defense. Ambulances do not run except for the most urgent circumstances while emergency blood donations spoil in freezers that have no electricity.

“It’s triage,” says Abu Hamza Al-Homsi, spokesman of the Waer Civil Defense.

“These shortages are real, the consequences are dire, and they keep us from doing our job.”


>>>the rebels are sort of on the ropes and I wouldn't put it past them to have set off the gas in hopes of triggering world reaction in their favor.

UN officials could never prove Assad used them the last time, and it makes perfect sense in a desperate reach for the rebels to set this off.

I dont care about the gloves and open eyes.

Iran, Syria and Russia desperately need this hold in the region monetarily, this is one of the West's largest and most destructive proxy wars of all time, in order to take that control from them.

I am no Assad fan, but after years of following the carnage there, the timing and upside of this attack only benefits the rebels and the west. I mean, werent we about to move into peace talks, and talks of free elections. We know there were neocons dabbled tween  the last admin, and that there are still some in this admin. Those assholes dont want that regions money controlled by anyone with brown skin. 


Who knew the Middle East could be so complicated?

>>>Who knew the Middle East could be so complicated?


<<<I dont care about the gloves and open eyes.



Yeah, I dont either. 

Just some interesting anomalies.

Nothing to hang one's hat on.


<<<Iran, Syria and Russia desperately need this hold in the region monetarily, this is one of the West's largest and most destructive proxy wars of all time, in order to take that control from them.


This is the real crux of the biscuit.

Not Trump.

>Yeah, I dont either.

So then why was that your lead into this discussion?   

And dont give the rhetoric bullshit -- "im just asking the questions brah!". 


Yep, classic Agent 73 conspiracy BS




but Rand Paul said...







So, you dont want to talk nicknames?


Color me shocked. I wouldn't want to talk about it either if I was saddled by my peers with your nickname. Not too flattering a commentary on the time you spend here.  When I get into disagreements with most folks, we are still friends and can have a beer and laugh. You are a lost cause despite my many offerings of an olive branch here and there. 

I never really embraced my nickname because I thought it marginalized the OG Headlight, who I really liked, but hey, the people spoke, who was I to argue?

And then doubling down on the Rand Paul thing when I already addressed it.  Classic Nancy. Demonize and marginalize the poster rather than the content.




<<<So then why was that your lead into this discussion?  


I was never in Toastmasters, sorry.















So, you dont want to talk nicknames, Nanc?


Color me shocked. I wouldn't want to talk about it either if I was saddled by my peers with your nickname. Not too flattering a commentary on the time you spend here.  When I get into disagreements with most folks, we are still friends and can have a beer and laugh. You are a lost cause despite my many offerings of an olive branch here and there. 

I never really embraced my nickname because I thought it marginalized the OG Headlight, who I really liked, but hey, the people spoke, who was I to argue?

And then doubling down on the Rand Paul thing when I already addressed it.  Classic Nancy. Demonize and marginalize the poster rather than the content.




<<<So then why was that your lead into this discussion?  


I was never in Toastmasters, sorry.

That and to see if Nancy could be civil. Strike #3000.