

That's what Donald Trump's cult of fanboys on the reddits calls themselves.

Also just saw a very large and gross one in my basement. Happy summer.

praise kek

Was watching planet earth II and they were showing off the railroad worm that stalks millipedes.   Pretty awesome.   

i was tripping in HI at a nelson show when my lady said "something's crawling on me"....well it was like a 7-8" centipede scurrying up her hip....i flicked it off but was gnarly.

don't think i like them much.

The videogame was pretty awesome though

That videogame!...lol...lil club in Newport, w boomers...omg, i was unbeatable.....for a minute

whos got my extra rare ross MF james pepe?

Cool thread.

gtfo you cuck


Goddamn, Turtle that is fucking gnarly.

They're good bugs, they eat other bugs. I googled it.

Careful, Daylight, Beast got a warning for calling Six a cuck.


Its not the type of post that will attract the desirable zoners and admin thinks you are better than that.



Didn't Foghat say desire is one of the seven deadly sins or some shit? He posted about that in the thread where Gravytrain stained his brain against the wheelchain by reciting some nonsequitor poetry, like a pimply teenager nervously stepping up to the microphone at slam night?

>>desirable zoners  >> better than that

>> fuck that shit

yeah, because there has been such an influx of new posters and old ones who were too scared or bullied to post previously...


and ateix, my eyes went looney tunes when i saw the thing. they are poisonous...

don't stand in wet leaves in maui

What, no Human Centipede images yet?

Come to think of it, it may have had to do with his inclusion of "Dark Niner" in conjunction with the Cuck post that prompted the warning.

Isn't that in the plot of Human Centipede though?

>>>>What, no Human Centipede images yet?

Need to fix that.

south park human centipede.jpg