Castle For Sale


Hey, want to be my neighbor? You'll be right down the road from Johnny Dep's farm (also currently for sale) and myself, and within a short distance from active Horse farms and Woodford Reserve and other bourbon distilleries.

If you land the property, please invite me over for a glass of bourbon.

Lots of different $'s but no listing price

Whats up??

From its wiki page...

In November 2010, the property was listed for sale at $30,000,000.[1] Post said he would continue to operate it as an inn while it was listed.[1] It was sold in 2017.[4]

Yes, it was bought only in 2017. Instead of listing the price, they are doing a 'call to offer'. Basically, from March 11th to the 17th, people can submit an offer of what they would pay.


hopefully your bids will seal the deal. FYI; Bill Shatner also lives nearby.


Ok Lager, but what are the chances of McConnell getting his ass kicked out of office there?

Slim to zip?

I'm a little short. Can someone loan me a few bucks?

Step up, Kentucky.

Lots of different $'s but no listing price

Whats up??


If you have to ask...




Fucking ugly octagonal towers slapped on the sides of a stone veneered two story southern porch with "columns".


There is so much wrong going on there.  Someone with no taste or idea of what a castle is built this as a monument to their own tackiness.