Can we talk about the guy in John Lennon's driveway?


For some reason, this scene has always stuck in my mind from long ago ... and ned just triggered the memory in another thread:

Clearly, John was trying to help in any way that he could, but did he intentionally downplay the significance of the meaning of lyrics?


Charlie Manson & Co. had a knack for interpreting the secret meanings behind the Beatles' songs.

Didn't that guy grow up to father "Buffalo Boy"?

^ nice find!

Too bad about him being dead though.

Reminds me off all the conversations in deadland regarding set lists, song selections, etc.

Yes, they played He's Gone for Bobby Sands etc, but they really weren't trying to tell you anything when they played Bertha. They just wanted to play Bertha, and it's about a box fan.

>>>>he intentionally downplay the significance of the meaning of lyrics


After seeing Get Back, I now realize how many of the lyrics were used simply because they fit the song not so much for what they mean...

" I had a good shit today"


Hi Fans, my name is Ernie Claudio. I am Curt’s older brother. 
My email is [email protected] 
Curt was never in the military. He was a straight “A” student in high school and earned a scholarship to University of California in Davis, California. Then he started using drugs and dropped out of school. He spent most of his life working on farms. We worked at Ford Motors in Milpitas, California until they closed the factory. Ford gave their employees $12,000 so could re-train for another job. I asked Curt,”What are you going to do with your $12,000?” Curt said, “I’m either going to buy a Harley or an ultra-light airplane.” He bought the ultra light, and that’s what killed him. He was flying too low and too slow and the plane stalled. It happened in Fremont, California. The plane came down, bounced off a carport roof, and landed in a tree, six feet off the ground. The high impact caused his aorta to separate from the heart. Dead was instantaneous.

Garcia once said in an interview something along the lines of "I don't tell deadheads how to interpret our songs. Whatever the song means to them is great - as long as they're not "obeying" them, heaven forbid"


'The other quote was when asked about having a cult following "It's all fun and games until they come for you with the cross and nails"

Naked pole guy 

Those eyes though.