Can Ryan Adams Act?


So I was part of a brainstorm yesterday about a possible Iron Eagles meets Purple Rain type movie starting Ryan Adams as young recruit at flight school (code named Mockingbird) who hates rules and can’t stand authority.  His wingman (Wonderland) will be played by John Mayer.  Ryan will argue and constantly but heads with the hard nosed tough flight instructor played by Jill Lesh and Mandy Moore will play his love interest and the daughter of Jill Leshs character.

”::::montage of Scenes of jets spinning in mid air, explosions, high fiving John Mayer, RA on a Vespa with Mandy and a guitar::: 

Deep male Voice over: "this summer, courage 

Flies on wings. of. steel" 


'YOURE my wings of steel mockingbird. You've always been.'

"Look Mockingbird, Operation Cold Roses isn't some fly by night in and out operation that some punk kid who lucked into flight school can handle!"

"Nice boots, Mockingbird. Do they come in mens'?"

*jock cadets high five*

lol, wow.

At the end can you advance the film 30 years in the future and have the older Ryan Adams part played by Jeff Tweedy?

Oh shit, just watched the last YouTube, look out bluelight, you got some competition 

If Bluelight plays his cards right he could get a job on a mega movie and quit the minis.

 "Mockingbird, you just did an incredibly brave thing. (PAUSE) What you should have done was land your plane! You don't own that plane! The taxpayers do! Son, your ego is writing checks your body is a wonderland can't cash!"

“You keep this up and I’ll send your ass right back to that backwater town of Magnolia Mountain and you can kiss your dreams of being a fighter pilot goodbye faster than a Mötorhead song.”

One of my favorite scenes is courtesy of beast:

”Momingbird rolls up to flight school on Vespa. 'Nice Morrisey patch faggot! How do you fit a dick in those tight jeans!'

Mayer dies and Mockingbird takes the Vespa to the tattoo shop and gets #1derland inked on his tit.


At the funeral it starts to rain as Fuck The Rain starts to play

I heard they got Louis Gossett Jr. on board for this.

i'd reverse the casting of Mockingbird and Wonderland.

"I heard they got Louis Gossett Jr. on board for this."

Jussie Smollett