Can Israel start killing Iranians before the Iranians attack?


Or do they need to wait for something to happen? 

have we given them 3 billion in aid yet?

Israel has been bombing the Iranian military in Syria on an almost weekly basis for the past two years.  So yes.

Total aid given to Israel is more like 3 trillion... but who’s counting..

If the idea is to have an Iran war going in Nov. 2020 so T. Rump can cancel the election, I think he's starting a little early.

Israel can fend for themselves. We should stop funding them immediately.

What's the basis for America sucking Israeli cock? The bible? LOLOLOLOL

Come on guys, if we stop supporting Israel then we can’t fake being in support of the Jewish community anymore. We also can’t that crude oil for da cheap boi. 

"What's the basis for America sucking Israeli cock? "

Unlimited access to ports connecting all of Asia to the Mediterranean.

A strategic vantage point from which to launch, refuel, station military personnel and equipment.


>>>>A strategic vantage point from which to launch, refuel, station military personnel and equipment.

The US already has that with Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain and very few American forces are staged out of Israel, which would make for bad optics.   But yes, the country is situated in a very strategic location and has served as an important foil to Soviet influence in the region throughout the Cold War.

No pesky foreskin?

In case people are interested in details, here is the Congressional Research Service report on U.S. aid to Israel, published in April of last year.
The report also provides citations to supporting documentation. There are also a number of congressional reports available through the Library of Congress with details about loan guarantees, grant programs, military purchase agreements, conditional aid, etc. Some interesting facts can be discovered if anyone cares to research a little.

As for the topic question, if Israel does or already has, I expect the general population would be provided about as much information as any other military operation, including those carried out by our own country.

You may be right Nancy. 

cocked and loaded

shitgibbon is threatening Iran in a series of tweets.  We are cocked and loaded.

Be proud, Dumbfuckistan.

We will see.


The US and Iran have been playing tit-for-tat for months, and it has escalated.

The anti Semites bring Israel into this because it fits their Global Zionist Conspiracy narrative.


>>>>Surfdead on Thursday, June 20, 2019 – 11:48 am     If the idea is to have an Iran war going in Nov. 2020 so T. Rump can cancel the election, I think he's starting a little early.


But just right to swamp the impeachment.

Israel knows exactly where it sits, their influence and their ability(good for them!!) to manipulate.  Go fuck off with any criticism of Israel = Anti Semitism.  The State of Israel's policies speak for all Jews as Trump speaks for all Americans, right?       


This thread, Jonas, is just more of Slacker's blood libel that he consistently spreads, and it's patently anti Semitic. It has zero to do with Bibi's racist policies.

why would criticizing the policies or possible courses of action of a terrorist, nationalist ethno-state be anti semitism?

Like most things, its a mixed bag.

Obviously, not all criticism of the Israeli government or its policies is anti-Semitic and some of it is clearly justified.  However, there is also a fair amount of anti-Israeli propaganda out there that does mix in some of the worst anti-Semitic tropes imaginable.  

<<why would criticizing the policies or possible courses of action of a terrorist, nationalist ethno-state be anti semitism?

because, slacker knows exactly what he's doing when he makes anti-jewish remarks on the zone.  this isn't his first time. 

^ Really dude ? Sorry, but I have to stick up for my man slackster on this one. I've been reading his gibberish for a while now and have yet to read anything antisemitic, or an actual coherent thought or argument that consists of 3 words or more for that matter. So clearly you must be misunderstanding,  reading more into his schtick than actually exists.


Weird that antisemitism pops up on the list today. From todays newspaper >



You're absolutely correct that criticizing Israeli policy and Bibi isn't anti Semitism. Perpetuating a couple of thousand years of blood libel is. That's what this thread is. Saying that Israeli policy towards the Palestinians needs to change isn't anti Semitic. Offering the "solution," that it's all Israel's fault and they alone need to make changes is anti Semitic. Questioning the validity of every nation created by colonial powers is fair. Questioning only Israel's right to existence is anti Semitic. Questioning whether the US should offer financial support to any "religious" state is fair and balanced. Questioning only US support for the religious state of Israel is anti Semitic.

If the White Nationalists are saying it, it's probably anti Semitic. That's a decent litmus test.

Trump took actions to prevent war and save lives.


War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

— George Orwell, 1984

I thought you might quote something I said as evidence. 

This thread, in and of itself, is evidence. It's blood libel. Look it up.

Paragraphs of nonsense no one will ever read. 

Ty, bk. 

Also you, Nanc. Thank you for also for being a good propagandist, you’re like Bk but much better, and less cuck-like. Salaam. 

Orwell is satire, Ateix. But thanks for playing. 


Ateix is daft. Discussions and ideas scare him. Salaam.

No one 

will ever 


Haiku, gentlemen and noisy lady. God bless you in the thunderdome to come. lol.  

You know, Ateix, you're a real joy, a mensch.

This thread and the person propagating this thread is clearly anti-Semitic. 

Sure, brah. 

It's ironically anti Semitic when Gentiles decide what is and what isn't anti Semitic. 


US President Donald Trump says he ordered the strike to prevent a conflict. His administration says Soleimani was plotting a series of attacks that endangered American troops and officials, without providing evidence.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is believed to have briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of time about US plans to kill Soleimani, Hebrew media reported Friday.

Make your point, Slack.

Im so sick of israel shaking their ill-gotten (U.S.-provided) nuclear-tipped big stick at the world. We should divest completely from that POS admin. over there. Fck the ppl criticising the criticism of this genocidal bs (hi bk *pats bk’s head*). 

Bibi is absolutely a racist. He has been fueled by American evangelicals, and Trump's desire to suck their collective cocks. His policies have been "one state," and will take a long time to reverse. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a mistake, as was saying that Israel has the Golan. Expanding settlements in the West Bank has been a terrible policy. Bibi, Trump and the evangelicals have set back a two state solution for decades.

Would anyone like to address Iran's vow to nuke Israel, and their missile deliveries to Hezbollah, or perhaps the clause in the Palestinian Charter about driving Israel into the sea? It's important to not overlook the implications of those things, which are very real.

Oh, and it's pretty hard to claim "genocide" when the Palestinian population has been growing. Uneven? Absolutely, but it's far from a genocide. 

It is easy to throw that word around when you're an anti Semite spreading blood libel. 

The liberal use of that phrase (‘Anti-Semitic’) by tools who need to justify their passé beliefs is both humorous, and sad. 

Some really beautiful holiday imagery this year -

Gov't Mule's Dose logo backdrop loaded with twirling Stars Of David, the other nite at the Palace.  Beautiful

Bk - believe whatever you gotta believe to sleep at nite, my shilly, schwilly ol’ friend.  

To you too, ol' Aitie. Whatever gets you through the night.