Border State Check In


Three days into the National Emergency and I'm safe. How is everyone else doing. 

In Colorado, we're mostly concerned about Texans. cheeky

Any Pancho Villa sightings?


pancho villa_0.jpg

My son just finished his undergrad last spring at NMSU in Las Cruces near the border.   One spring break, my brother and I met up with him and we camped a couple nights at Poncho Villa State Park right on the border at Columbus, which Villa sacked in 1916.   You could see the border and the Mexican town of Puerto Palomas ​right from the campsite.  They had a "wall" that extended about a mile along the border in each direction from the town, but no visible barrier past that.   We tried to drive over to check out the unprotected sections, but the road was too shitty and rutted for the Jeep.  There was also a tethered Border Control blimp floating overhead checking things out.

Here is my son attempting to use his "Mexican powers" (he is Mexican-American) to scale the "wall" from the Mexican side of the border at Palomas:

Kai on Border Fence.JPG

 El Chapo is safe and sound on this side of the fence.

And a multi-billion dollar fence will work, Mexico isn't advanced enough to dig underground pathways.


I just tried to escape the Trump State and was almost caught.  Our friends to the south snagged me trying to get over the fence. This after laughing at the old white guy struggling to climb a "wall". I was screaming "I cant take this farce anymore, let me out"! "No" they said. I finally ran off into the Madres swearing to find the Phish Shows en Riviera Playa. Im never going back to US till the orange one eats one too many big macs and croaks.

BTW Ken, is your boy wearing a Chicharito jersey? Nice.

CBP/ Laurier, WA   -- a really mellow place



At the current time (last 12 months) -  there are more illegal border crossings between Vermont and Canada than on the Mexican border or anywhere else in the USA - but no one is considering a wall to be built here. Why is that? If there is a "crisis or emergency" - then how come...?

love that video Noodles.  And Canada.

Maybe I'm confused, have the sweater vest and those that are  anything democratic haters


Explicitly expressed their support for a border wall


it's a high probability that some of these people are not complete morons. 


However the practical logic escapes anyone with a brain greater than the size of a P

unless a diversion delusion deflecting from all the crimes and horrible things owned by the POTUS office is so incredibly important that they can have their heads up their ass

Been an official Texas resident for a couple decades.

This used to BE Mexico.

I suspect Texans probably oppose "wall" at a higher-than-average rate.

Not everybody is an idiot in Texas (Cruz is from Canada, W is a Yale boy...Cornyn IS an idiot, OK)... lots of smart Texans, and a hell of a lot of smart hispanic Texans.

Hey  ,Steve  I have lawn tickets for Deadco in Dallas this year. Perhaps we will have time for a beer.

Jaz, If I'm in TX I'll go and would love to share a beer, but 90% of the time I'm in Utah for family 4th, everybody gathers so I usually do too...lots of kids (young adults now, sigh) involved, of course, being Utah.

"Dos Equis" name for the fairgrounds, not a bad place for a show, should be fun.

Maybe we can convince JRAD to visit dfw sometime soon?  Maybe some show at the Granada or wherever Hedspace is working some day?

Despite the monumental virtual wall of ridiculous housing costs, traffic nightmares, massive state taxes and bad pizza the Bay Area continues to be infiltrated by people from the east at an obscene amount.

Walls just don't work.

I though I saw saw somewhere jrad is playing Dallas in September.  I might be wrong though.

>>Walls just don't work.

What wall has been built in the bay area to stop Easterners. Lance?

what about Canada? keep them crazy fucks out too! I recently saw Poutinne on a menu for christ sake! 

Thats how it starts....

JRAD is in Dallas Sept 12, 2019.   Other than that being my wedding anniversary, all good!

Where I come from
Used to be a border state
Nothin’ but my own reflection
On the dinner plate

"Walls just don't work." Right you are Lance.

Border Lies (to the tune of Borderline)




Things seem pretty much unchanged in my border state of CA.


My house could use more airtight walls for the abnormally cold nights.

>>Things seem pretty much unchanged in my border state of CA.

Are you aware of the Caravan of Easterners who have managed to get into the Bay Area?