Book of Mormon


I saw it yesterday, and I think I have to be the dissenting vote. It was funny, but not the funniest thing I've seen in ages. And, to be honest, I don't think it is anywhere near as offensive as people have made it out to be. I wished it really crossed some lines. I guess I have a high threshold?

Is there something wrong with me for not loving it as much as everyone else did? Kinky Boots was way better.

I did not like the South Park movie. 

The Fuck You, God! number wasn't enough?

Saw both shows.  Slight edge to BoM.

It was cute, but got a bit repetitive.

And that theater...holy shit, they really pack those seats in, don't they? That was the tightest I've ever seen.

<<< I think I have to be the dissenting vote.


I've said here before that I fell asleep after Intermission for a while.

It really wasn't that funny at all, hammering away at the same 5 extremely predictable jokes.

Maggots in my scrotum again....genius!


The Mormon criticism wasnt even that biting or inciteful and the music numbers all went 30% too long.

It felt like a play for tourists from the midwest.

Haven't seen it yet but did see the Monty Python's Holy Grail one, which also took very funny material and made it Boring as Shit, Broadway Style.  I think that's just the way of the Musical.  Not really my Genre . . .

You didn't like shit your fuckin face uncle fucker, Slacker? Classic stuff.

it was more boring than Team America and that was kind of funny when i watched but not funny enough to watch again

America. Fuck yeah! thats my only take away from that one.

i do like most of the topical stuff on south park when its current. we miss it when its on though because we're stoners without dvr 

>>>>>>> Classic stuff.

Yup and then there's the Kyle's Mom song - I love this version:


That's it! Song! 

I don't like song enough to listen again or at all. 

My thoughts exactly, Smiley.

On a related note, there's a B'way production of Groundhog Day starting previews this month.


Maybe it's about time I saw the movie?

Haven't caught Book of Mormons yet but seeing that it's a stage show I would expect a repetitive theme.  Was that your first musical?

If you can't grasp the musical genius and social parody of The South Park Movie or the direct reference to our countries handling of the middle east in Team America, then go suck a full bag o dicks. 

Comedy isn't for you.

The jokes were funny. The music ain't for me. 

all I have to add to what HL73 already said is it was huge waste of money.

More about being an homage/parody to the broadway musicals.