Black Bush ignores Standing Rock



In 2014 he spoke at Standing Rock and promised to have their backs.  Now he allows violence against peaceful protesters. 

As I have been saying for almost 8 years now, he is nothing but a house Negro dancing to his Massa's tune.

You have been vindicated

ha hahahahaha yesssssssssssss




His poster boy image has been tarnished. Just like every other pres he is in the pocket of the people who actually call the shots in this country. The billionaire oil company CEO's.

Smells like Jersey in here. smiley


Where's Disco? On the way to the computer lab? AKA Dunkin' Donuts

Now this thread feels like the zone of yore

Lol! There's Negman. 



You voted for Trump, didn't you Richie!

No.  I never vote lesser evil.  I voted for Jill Stein.   I have never cast a vote for a Dem or Repub for president in my entire life.

This place is seeming more and more like an old homestead!

smileyHopefully Stu makes it over soon, Voodoo. My guess is that his internet has been down so he probably has no idea there's a new zone or that the original zone is done.

Nice to see you posting Negman.  



Good to see you!


What's your nickname for Donald Trump?

>As I have been saying for almost 8 years now,


i never noticed 

 >>>I voted for Jill Stein

Has MikeW shown up yet?  He will want to kick your ass.

white negman



Hi Richie!

Nice to see you on a black screen again!

Glad your back shakes

You know, Richie, if he's just he same as every other President he isn't a house Negro. He's just another bought politician.

Pure zone right here. Clap Clap Clap


Love ya, Shakin'!


But the "Black Bush" thing remains as dumb as ever.


Like . . . Trumpkin dumb.

Who is "Black Bush?"

Richie -- good to see ya back on the new black screen -- the ZoneClone


but... doesn't this thread belong in the Politics folder?

>>> nickname for Donald Trump?


Orange Obama?

Black bush > Orange hitler.

Noble Peace prize winner

Is there a quota on how many children you have to kill with drones before you're eligible for the novel peace prize? Asking for a friend.

Trumpkin Head?


 GaryFish on Friday, December 2, 2016 – 03:34 am
Richie -- good to see ya back on the new black screen -- the ZoneClone


but... doesn't this thread belong in the Politics folder?

 Roarshock on Saturday, December 3, 2016 – 06:05 am
"Politics folder, please."

Other Stuff should be the folder for wide open conversation and presentation with few, if any, limits on subject and content. It's SO easy not to click and/or not to read threads that don't interest you and/or bother you, just like it's always been.

It is good to see Richie back on the Zone.

Hopefully we all stand with Standing Rock.

Stupid question but why don't they build a refinery in ND instead of piping it to illinois.   At 3.8 Billion, surely that's cost feasible.  

I'm with Roarshock.

And I'm happy to see Richie back as well.

I thought of him last week when I was watching Charles Lloyd just destroy some shakers.

You're good Shakin', but you're not Charles Lloyd good.

And there's no shame in that.

Obama is an empty suit, a sellout to the corporate new world order.. he;s always been this way from day one.

But he';s black, so that makes him cool right?

Where;s that jersey guy that loves the photo of  Obama sucking a fat phallic cigar?



Well, Black Bush pulled through on this one.   A ton of political pressure and he probably didn't want to be known for leaving office while blatantly fucking over the Indians.   Anyway, thank you Obama.

pipeline moved...impressive

Black Bush does it again

I wonder how orange putin will handle these issues.  



>>>House Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted his criticism, calling the intervention "big-government decision-making at its worst. I look forward to putting this anti-energy presidency behind us."


Can we reroute under his house?

The people that protested this pipeline deserve the credit. Obama simply carried out their will.. I am thankful that he did the right thing though..

no doubt.  

How many pipes run under Manhattan, and how many people live their?

How many pipes run under Manhattan, and how many people live their?


Not sure they are fracking the oil in Manhattan which is the big question with this project.   To me it's less about the polluting of water which is a huge issue ...than the continued shitting on the native americans.   


As a side we wave our shamey finger at the Germans 

The Holocaust killed 12 million, 6 million Jews and 6 million others, Romany, Poles, gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, communists, socialists, labor unions, the handicapped, and criminals.
Genocide vs Natives killed at least 75 million, some estimates as high as 112 million, in all the Americas. In what became the US, the population dropped from 12 to 18 million in 1492 to 250,000 in 1900.