The Band Hammer


I thought it might be a thing.

If Jan Hammer had a eponymous band ...

Jan Hammer<<

One of the six people I've seen play a "keytar" live.

The other five were Barenaked Ladies (for that tour's "goof" number).


Keytar - I had to look it up - I've never seen one.

I did see Jan Hammer and Jeff Beck play together once.


I don't think this is the "keytar", but it's all I got.

But it might be. You went to the show? Thanks for the picture.

Cow Palace '83.

Back when I used to lug my camera to every show.

Not sure if this was brought up here,

the Jeff Beck Documentary Still On The Run was a good watch....

Jan Hammer is featured quite a bit, and of course gives props to Jeff Beck for being the bad ass that he is.


Page on keytar 


Hammer Time

Is this still Tweezer?