balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me


We are doomed.


Facebook shuts off AI experiment after two robots begin speaking in their OWN language only they can understand

Experts have called the incident exciting but also incredibly scary

A robot expert said the revelation that Facebook machines had spoken in their own language was exciting — but also incredibly scary.

UK Robotics Professor Kevin Warwick said: “This is an incredibly important milestone, but anyone who thinks this is not dangerous has got their head in the sand.

“We do not know what these bots are saying. Once you have a bot that has the ability to do something physically, particularly military bots, this could be lethal.

“If one says, ‘Why not do this,’ and the other says ‘Yes’ and it’s a military bot, you have a serious situation.

“This is the first recorded communication but there will have been many more unrecorded.

“Smart devices right now have the ability to communicate and although we think we can monitor them, we have no way of knowing.

“Stephen Hawking and I have been warning against the dangers of deferring to Artificial Intelligence.”

One exchange went:

Bob: i can i i everything else . . .

Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to.

Bob: you i everything else . . . .

Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me.

Researchers pulled the plug when they realised what was happening.

"Balls!" Said the Queen, "If i had two, id be king."


RIP Bob and Alice


Scary shit


Yes...Imagine the bots discussing health care, associated costs, etc.

They will quickly deduce: Life causes death. Hence....

They voted for hilary, clearly

Dr. Daystrom's M-5?

nice to know when the robots become sentient they want to make jokes about balls, just like us

Not clarified is that these bots came up with a new language of their own invention,  and were communicating with that language for a while before anyone noticed.  Or that is the cover story anyway.  I wouldn't be terribly shocked to discover that gov/military researchers use facebook and other social media as test beds for all sorts of applications.

The concept of machines becoming self-aware ('Terminator' style) is really nothing new.  Keep in mind that software has been designing microchips for over 25 years now.  Sure, the engineer tells the software what to do,  but the program carries out the actual design / blueprint of the new or improved multi-circuit.


The concept is nothing new, the reality is.

OMG! It's trying to crawl out of the pool!


me me me

i i i

Sounds pretty human to me.

I think I saw that movie.....

"Dave, what are you doing, Dave? I can't let you do that, Dave."

-HAL 2000 (2001, A Space Oddesey)

Just as our "awaking" was destined, so too is it for the "machines".

It's a battle of the tech billionaires.

Tesla (TSLA) boss Elon Musk and Facebook (FB, Tech30) founder Mark Zuckerberg are locked in a very public feud over the future of artificial intelligence.

Musk has repeatedly warned about the dangers of artificial intelligence, describing it as a potentially existential threat to the human race.

Zuckerberg has a different view. On Sunday, he responded to a question about Musk's warnings by saying he was tired of the fear-mongering.

"With AI especially, I'm really optimistic," Zuckerberg said during a Facebook Live broadcast. "I think that people who are naysayers and kind of try to drum up these doomsday scenarios -- I just, I don't understand it. I think it's really negative and in some ways I actually think it is pretty irresponsible."

Musk shot back on Tuesday morning with a tweet saying, "I've talked to Mark about this. His understanding of the subject is limited."

I've talked to Mark about this. His understanding of the subject is limited.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2017

Musk added that a movie on the subject of AI was "coming soon," but didn't provide details about the film or his involvement.

>The concept is nothing new, the reality is.

Yeah, the reality from the


Machines would not stand a chance against a Walter White.


I finally watched that last episode yesterday.



The Nanobots and Microchips have been communicating with each other, and plotting against us remaining hu-persons for many years.

Facebuck schmuck admitting the problem is just a desperate cry for help,  a "limited hangout"  acknowledging an existing crisis while attempting to deny any vestige of culpability, guilt, involvement.  The guy knows that he has profited enormously by developing a gov/mil data-mining machine,  and now the elements of the machine know too much.

The micro-nanobots are in every particle of his morning Cheerios and GMO cocaine,  and have thoroughly insinuated themselves in his brain-tissue, eyeballs and leisure suits.   

It's just a desperate plea for aid from the remaining globs of hu-person fatty tissue in the Liver & Cankles.  That's the last stuff to go.

Rosie, R2-D2 and a Roomba roll into a bar . . . 

It's a low bar.

my coworker builds robots in his spare time...