Ann Wilson of Heart Live Stream 3/19


Ann Wilson of Heart to stream FREE "Live" concert tomorrow!

Ann Wilson of the classic band "Heart" will be streaming a 2 hour "live" concert straight from the House of Blues concert hall in New Orleans. The concert is scheduled for 9-11PM ET tomorrow, Sunday. The event is totally free but you have to register with the promoter and they email you a link tomorrow before the show starts.

Here's hoping the stream also has Chromecast functionality as well!

You can see more info on the event and can also register here:

Sorry about the duplicate listing.



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Stream #1:

The stream should be the first post on the page.

Stream #2:

The stream is the same, just two different platforms.

Show starts in 30 minutes.

All the best,

the ann wilson of heart team

Sound not so good

Yea disappointing. Hopefully they will fix for it the replay. But doubtfull