Ann Coulter gest shut down in Berkeley; have "safe spaces" gone too far?


Even learned a new word: "polemicist".   The author referred to Coulter as a polemicist.

From the article  


"Now, rather than giving campus Republicans the booby prize of having to sit through an Ann Coulter speech, an experience more likely to evoke shame than pride as they age and mature into adults, her critics achieved the booby prize of postponing it."


Is bobby part of this?

The City of Berkeley is getting tired of violent people coming to our town (and gown) to beat each other up, destroy property, and cause all sorts of trouble.


We have better ways to spend our tax dollars, people.

Coulter's going to Berkeley because Berkeley is easily trolled. She wants press and they will deliver a headline.

Best way to handle a troll is to ignore them.

^^ What Johnny said. It's more about safety. And my understanding is that a lot of the rabble-rousers are not from Berkeley and have no affiliation with UC Berkeley whatsoever.

>>>It's more about safety

I call BS.   I don't give a rats ass about what that Skeletor looking nut job has to say, but she sure has the right to say it. 

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin.

Isn't Coulter a former male who went through the surgery to become female ??

I thought Berkeley supported transsexualism and gender-fluidity.

They do, Stu.

Self-proclaimed racist bigots, not so much.

>> Self-proclaimed racist bigots

Please show me where Coulter said she was a "bigot" or a "racist".

ender...there was that one time she called Obama a "big-lipped coon". other than that, no.

>>>>>Best way to handle a troll is to ignore them.


IMHO, it's a bit more complicated than that.  The Berkeley Police has been evolving in their response to these people who show up just to get into brawls, destroy property, and even attempt to burn down buildings, some of which include residences and/or are very near residences.



Before the most recent brawl, The Farmer's Market was canceled (costing local small businesses and our Berkeley recycling program their regular source of funds) and the BPD placed people on notice that anything that could be used as a weapon was not allowed in the "staging area" (my quote).  Still people beat each other up with flag poles, skateboards, bear spray, and knives.


Police were hurt and did their best to allow willing participants their freedom to kick each others' asses.


IMHO, most Berkeley residents ignored this gathering and many of us attended the much more pleasant Tax March in SF.  Still, MSNBC called the Berkeley Brawl a "Tax March."


Unfortunately, it looks like Berkeley also doesn't arrest people based on profiling, so these stupid people in black ninja costumes and USA flag boxers can overrun our community and wreak havoc.


Even "nice looking boys" can cause problems....

I'm not here to work for you.

Its in her promo material. Look it up.

Today, officials at the University of California, Berkeley, where I’m a professor, canceled a planned speech by Ann Coulter, citing safety concerns.

In a letter to a campus Republican group that invited Coulter to speak, university officials said that they made the decision to cancel Coulter’s appearance after assessing the violence that flared on campus in February, when the same college Republican group invited right-wing provocateur and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos to speak.

This is a grave mistake. Coulter should be allowed to speak. 

How can students understand the vapidity of Coulter’s arguments without being allowed to hear her make them, and question her about them?

It’s one thing to cancel an address at the last moment because university and local police are not prepared to contain violence – as occurred, sadly, with Yiannopoulos. It’s another thing entirely to cancel an address before it is given, when police have adequate time to prepare for such eventualities.

Free speech is what universities are all about. If universities don’t do everything possible to foster and protect it, they aren’t universities. They’re playpens.

“If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream. It’s a personal fantasy of mine.”

Trolls will troll.

^^^Thanks for the link, ender.  I'm a big fan of Robert Reich.

I happen to agree with Reich.

"I'm a Christian first, and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and 

don't you ever forget it."  ----Ann Coulter

WOW, I stand corrected. She will really say anything for attention.

So, I'm waffling to take the position that Free Speech Activists who are so inclined (paid or volunteers) should hold a rally to protest UC Berkeley's decision and to protect our Constitutional rights.


Unfortunately, I probably have something more important to attend to.

Thanks for your response. 

She's getting desperate.  Afraid that Tomi(?) harpy will supplant her.

I read that earlier, Ender. In principle I agree, but ultimately I disagree - and maybe the only time I disagree with Robert Reich. I'm just tired of shit getting fucked up in the surrounding community, mostly caused by outsiders coming in for the mere purpose to cause mayhem. Is UC supposed to bring in the National Guard to allow this event to go on? (I don't know shit, really; I'm just thinking out loud...)

Woman Punched By White Supremacist In Berkeley Speaks Out


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um the citiezens of berkeley need to show up and smash some Fascist faces or be willing to do more than put a bumper sticker on their priuses...

So #annisadeadhead a distant third?

Berkeley Young Republicans are a bunch of alt-righties trying to de-toxify far right misogynistic views by playing the victim.  Why don't they invite a Republican who actually represents Republicans ? Because they want those flag wearing idiot skinheads from Montana to come help them make Berkeley a safe space for Fascists. Do some research on Berkeley Young Republicans.


They get these ideas from the International alt-right - Le pen is doing it in France - trying to distance her party from it's previous anti-semitism by saying they don't hate Jews, just don't like immigrants. These guys are in touch with the ultra-right and are on board to bring ultra-right views into the mainstream.


If I am paying to go to a school. I reserve the right to shut down a speaker who advocates that I am not allowed to be there because of my sex or race. Those views are unnacceptable, as proven by WW2.


Anybody who thinks NAZI's should have free speech, please tell that to your Grandpa and let me know what he says. Or ask anyone of Jewish descent. Let me know how that goes over.

Turtle understands !

Wondering about the speakers list at Liberty University, Oral Roberts, or Bob Jones?

>> Anybody who thinks NAZI's should have free speech, please tell that to your Grandpa and let me know what he says. Or ask anyone of Jewish descent. Let me know how that goes over.

Free speech rights are indivisible. Restricting the speech of one group or individual jeopardizes everyone's rights because the same laws or regulations used to silence bigots can be used to silence you. Conversely, laws that defend free speech for bigots can be used to defend the rights of civil rights workers, anti-war protesters, lesbian and gay activists and others fighting for justice. For example, in the 1949 case of Terminiello v. Chicago, the ACLU successfully defended an ex-Catholic priest who had delivered a racist and anti-semitic speech. The precedent set in that case became the basis for the ACLU's successful defense of civil rights demonstrators in the 1960s and '70s. 

The indivisibility principle was also illustrated in the case of Neo-Nazis whose right to march in Skokie, Illinois in 1979 was successfully defended by the ACLU. At the time, then ACLU Executive Director Aryeh Neier, whose relatives died in Hitler's concentration camps during World War II, commented: "Keeping a few Nazis off the streets of Skokie will serve Jews poorly if it means that the freedoms to speak, publish or assemble any place in the United States are thereby weakened."

I hate Illinois Nazis.

>>>>>"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin.


She can say what ever she wants.  Where she can say it is perfectly fine to limit.  I'm not letting her in my house to speak.

So I'm still curious:

Is "Ann" actually a transgender, or just a male with breast implants and a dress?  Is this person just taking the 'conservative' trip to the limits of reality-comedy?


It's only relevant if you are interested in dating/fucking her. But I guess you did say you were "curious". wink

^ I think it's relevant if the person is an ultra-high level Right Wing impersonator, playing a role just to stir up media hoopla.

But no interest in getting to know AC on a more intimate level.

Change of plans...

A day after canceling a scheduled speech by Ann Coulter, UC Berkeley administrators extended an invite to the right-wing pundit to come to the campus on May 2.

She should rent booth space on Telegraph next to sticker guy. 

I bet she would pet your pup, Stu

>>>>>>>She can say what ever she wants.  Where she can say it is perfectly fine to limit.  I'm not letting her in my house to speak.


I totally agree, TImmy.  The Cal Bears basketball team played at the Oakland Coliseum while their stadium was being renovated.  Why can't Ann C et al hold their gathering in East Oakland?

I have no problem with her speaking.  However, it is true that that the Berkley College Republicans are rife with neo-nazi types.  I have no problem with people showing up to fight with them. The April 15 rally was heavily promoted by Identity Europa, which is exactly as "white identity movement" aka neo-nazi as it sounds and grew out of the National Youth Front, which was also exactly as neo-nazi as it sounds.  Fascists came in from all over to be there.  The speakers were a whos who of alt-right (aka neo-nazi) minor celebs. It was a neo-nazi rally disguised as a pro-Trump rally.  You can expect that anti-fascists will show up at your white power party.  Good or bad, it just is.

While many people traveled for April 15, Berkeley has plenty of home grown neo-nazis these days.  Maybe if the City of Berkeley wasn't becoming an epicenter of white power then they would have fewer fights.

I disagree, Redneck. Nazis do have a right to speak their minds. They have a responsibility to do it peacefully. If they are lucky, they have the privilege of not getting their asses kicked.

Ann Coulter speaking at Berkeley is really a nothing event. Cancelling it turns a molehill into a mountain, and it plays in to the far Right's narrative.

Honestly, who was going to show up anyway? A hundred or so idiots who have already heard what she has to say?

The event is on again. It's pretty obvious that this thread had a lot to do with the decision, well done people. 

They should just schedule it on a date when there is a more exciting nazi event to bash.  Maybe everyone will be too tired from May Day to worry about creepy Ann Coulter.

how is the chicken shit piece of shit that punched that girl in the face not facing charges or being sought?

it is being used as alt right memes. i cannot fathom how a man sucker punches a woman in the face. and people like this...sickening.


and i do agree that they have the right to speak. the same can be applied to any law. you cannot selectively pick and irritating and frustrating as that may seem.

and on the theme of dosing, and or being generally really not fond of unwilling dosing...however they should be fucking maced with lsd in the face.


I'd ass-bang Ann Coulter.

No lube.

You'll have to get past her boyfriend, Jimmy "DY-NO-MITE!!!" Walker, first. 

>> it is being used as alt right memes. i cannot fathom how a man sucker punches a woman in the face. and people like this...sickening.

My theory is that there is 1% of people all the way on the right and 1% of people all the way the left and we spend all our time talking about their actions like they represent the mainstream on the right/left. I went to research Alias's post and found a bunch of articles on righty sites about people wanting to behead Berkeley College Republicans.

I don't think the great majority of people want to behead republicans college students or are celebrating punching women activists in the face. People are just pimping the extremes to rationalize their viewpoints.

> Maybe if the City of Berkeley wasn't becoming an epicenter of white power then they would have fewer fights

Get the fuck outta here...

isn't that always the case ender?



IMHO, extremists on both ends are equally as bad. There have been a lot of leftist anarchists at these Berkeley events stirring up a bunch of shit - do y'all not get that?

What roland says, both things.


If Berkeley is becoming the epicenter of white power, it's happening right under my nose and I can't see it at all.  I guess Berkeley is even more diverse than I thought.


If Berkeley has it's own home-grown Nazis, they appear to be relatively quiet approximately 360 days of the year.  Or maybe I'm not poking around enough.

"GOOD NEWS FOR CA TAXPAYER! You won't be required to pay $$$$ to compensate me & my crew for rebooked airfare & hotels. I'm speaking on 4/27."


What a kind, caring, amazing human being she is for saving me money.  I'm sure that everything will be swell.

I assume you guys probably neither hang in nor follow these circles, but I bet you realize you do not know everyone in your city. East bay has always had its share of skinheads and white power followers. I could get an Aryan Nation guy a job in two seconds just by telling him which union to call.   These groups have grown and become empowered nationally over the last year or two. Combine that with the growth of the psuedo-intellectual alt-right on campuses and other places and yes, you have a growing neo-nazi community. Do you think it is an accident that Milo was scheduled and this rally was planned? This was not a "free speech rally" or  "pro trump rally". It was white identity rally. Proud Boys, Golden Gate Skins, Identity Europa. I mean we didn't have Milo, a neo-nazi rally, and Ann Coulter in my town in the last two months. So of course, this is not representative of Berkeley or America. But yes, Berkeley probably is more diverse that you realize. So run those fuckers out of town.

I just learned about the Proud Boys yesterday, Alias.

No masterbating unless you are within 3 feet of a woman, you must be able to name five cereals and NO flipflops!

>> So run those fuckers out of town.

Maybe try burning a cross in their yard?

Doesn't that attract them - like moths to a flame?

That would be cowardly ender. Step up and face them, tell them they are odious. And poke them in the eye with a sharp stick.


>>>>>No masterbating unless you are within 3 feet of a woman


Just on the off-chance that some of them swimmers have learned to fly?

I always thought Colorado Springs was "ground zero" for white power ... or at the "command and control" HQ?

As someone of Jewish descent, not only am I all for the allowance of "hateful" free speech, I'm adamantly opposed to any effort to shut it down under any auspice.

The author of the original post has seemed to adopt "safe spaces" (across America's colleges and universities) as a bit of a pet project.  You can easily find a dozen stories over the past year or two:

I find the macro trend disturbing, especially as how it relates to how new generations are becoming conditioned to accepting said paradigm as a matter of course within the context of higher education.  Are college kids now expected to throw their copies of "On Liberty" (John Stuart Mill) out the window after graduation from HS prior to entering college?