Anchor brewing company sold to Sapporo



Weigh Anchor: Historic brewing company is sold to Japan’s Sapporo


Not exactly great news. Actually, what a bummer.

Is Almanac in The Mission still brewing? Their craft pilsner is the best beer in the world. 

I should go there this weekend and see if they're still brewing the craft pilsner. They had cans out here for a month or two but none for the last two months. It's summer. IPA's and Belgians don't work in the heat. 

Anchor Celebration is my favorite holiday turkey/ham dinner beer. Goes great with all the fixins and pie. 

Fritz Maytag took a long time picking the buyers of the brewery a few years back. They said they were going to keep it local.

That's a travesty!

Yup, front page news this morning.

First Lagunitas, now this.

Ca$hing out...

Steam isn't better than most other beers and the other twenty 

flavors are a dime a dozen.

>>>Steam isn't better than most other beers and the other twenty

Disagree.   It's pretty much the perfect beer in my book 

> >>Disagree.   It's pretty much the perfect beer in my book 

No it's not it sucks. That has to be why they are selling, they can't compete with better beers, which is MANY MANY beers.

I live 2 miles from Anchor so I can say this!

I read the news today, oh boy....

In better beer news, Toronado turns 30 this month.


Anchor Porter is ok, but Steam is terrible. 

Like hotnanny said, there are much better beers out there.

Sapporo is also terrible, so they should be able to maintain the quality one expects from anchor.

NOOOOOOooooooooo!   When I was about to go to CA to see a New Years run, and before the microbrew craze,  an old hippy family friend gave me $100 and told me to spend it on Anchor. At the time he was a sommelier at a very swanky place in DC.  Of course there are many better beers but Anchor holds a special place in my heart. And the bottle is still the best! I hope quality doesn't suffer.

Of course only half went to Anchor, the remainder went to another CA classic wink

fieldwork is really good beer. we used to buy kegs of it to go with the ramen. my favorite was petit verdot grand gose...a really well done sour ale brewed with petit verdot wine grapes. it is pink in color and does not really taste like beer or wine...just kinda its own thing. also been wanting to try rare barrel for thier sours when i can get back to the bay

Anchor has been around for ages and remains a solid beer, even by today's standards.  I sometimes pick up bottle of the Old Foghorn at the grocery store and usually have a pint or two when I have a layover at SFO.  Not bad at all.  



Sapporo is a very Japanese beer. Those folks drink lots and lots of beer and like it light and fresh, and good to go with heavy broth food like ramen. I've been there 4 times and tried a lot of beers

"they can't compete with better beers, which is MANY MANY beers"

Anchor Brewing is the granddaddy of those many other beers, and locally brewed and owned since 1896.


Bummer.  I like a nice Anchor Steam.