

The Washington Post reports Trump gave classified info to the Russians.

“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”


No wonder the American press was excluded from this meeting.

lock 'em up.

What? We must investigate and arrest those who are leaking this information about our President colluding with Russia. Fire some more people at the FBI and make the rest swear allegiance to President Trump. I'm sure Erdoğan can give POTUS some tips on how to deal with all of this, if Putin hasn't already. 




Trump is the biggest mark ever.

The President can declassify something whenever he wants to.  To bad he's doing it because he's an idiot and not because it needs declassifying.

lock 'em up.  <<<<


This ^^^^

Can't he just be suspended with pay while he is being investigated???

This is what happens when you elect a guy with no grasp of history or reality. Doubt he broke any laws, but I'm also starting to think he will be gone before the two year mark.

he will be gone before the two year mark. <<< I Really Hope so. = What a Tool and a Clown !


My guess was, and is still, Russia in both cases. Here's my reasoning.

Whoever got this information years before and is leaking it now has to

1) be capable of hacking the NSA and/or the CIA, and 2) willing to publish it all. Countries like Israel and France are certainly capable, but wouldn't ever publish. Countries like North Korea or Iran probably aren't capable. The list of countries who fit both criteria is small:

Russia, China, and...and...and I'm out of ideas. And China is currently trying to make nice with the US.


Last August, Edward Snowden guessed Russia, too."

b. schneier

>>>The President can declassify something whenever he wants to.

That's what it says in the story in the original post.  But just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

While he is at it, can he let us know what really happened at Roswell in 1948?

Show of hands of everyone who thinks this Congress will impeach.

And crickets from the GOP

>U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

12 mins · 

President Trump, in a reckless and dangerous manner, has revealed highly classified information to the Russians at a meeting in the Oval Office, information that could expose extremely important sources and methods of intelligence gathering in the fight against ISIS. Further, this could endanger intelligence sharing with a key ally in the Middle East. Protecting our national security is one of the most important tasks a president has, and Trump is failing at it. This new disclosure comes one week after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey who was in the midst of an investigation of possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russian government in the recent election. All of this makes it vitally important that Trump make public any recordings he has of conversations in the Oval Office. We also need to proceed as soon as possible with the appointment of a special prosecutor.

so bernie knows the info that was "leaked", huh? i'm tired of all this winning. every damn day it's just one crazy thing after another. i doubt we'll get to the 2 year mark.

Loose lips sink ships. 

But But Hillary was Flawed

With every passing day the Republican brand gets more and more associated with Trump. I’m looking forward to the incident that finally breaks the camel’s back. Except we seem to be Edwin Edwards,  the ex-governor of Louisiana  territory right now.

The only way I can lose is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy. Edwin Edwards

no way 




The only way I can lose is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy. Edwin Edwards<<


I thought that was Huey Long.

On top of that...

Paul Ryan could be indicted for covering up Trump crime:


We should be focusing on the source of these leaks so these heroes can be properly awarded...

>Paul Ryan could be indicted for covering up Trump crime..



kooookooo for cocoa puffs. you can't make this shit up, nor defend it. 

isn't that right, my "right-winged" zoner people(s)?

How many minutes before this hits the backburner? 

Well  guess this leaves Tiffany to run the family biz...

I'm sure Thoms checking the library to find a democrat that leaked classified info in the 18th century to use as an excuse for the current shitshow in the whitehouse.

Paul Ryan could be indicted<<<

... and if Pence can't escape the black cloud, then we're looking at Orin Hatch.  Never thought I'd see the day when I'd welcome him to be POTUS!

Headlines on most major news sources focus on this....

Faux news sub headline down the list......

"Press laser-focused on Comey fallout, but the country not as engaged"  




are we great yet?

>>I'm sure Thoms checking the library to find a democrat that leaked classified info in the 18th century to use as an excuse for the current shitshow in the whitehouse

By "the library" you mean, Brietbart, right?

^to be fair, Thom likes to cite the gateway pundit as well.

Impeachment NOW

but Obama...

THE question is firing squad or hanging.

Downward spiral. 

Trump is like Willey Coyote. He's gone off the cliff, but hasn't acknowledged the gravity yet. 

>> By "the library" you mean, Brietbart, right? isn't any better.

Like I said, give this guy enough rope...


It's really just a matter of time.  

He's got the speed wobbles and is miraculously still on the bike, but the crash will only be that much more spectacular when it comes.


Those projections were great! Terrific! The best projections ever! Bigger than the projections on Obama's hotel! Oh, wait... Obama didn't have a hotel where he took money from foreign governments.

^ Good stuff




Buckle up kids - he is heading to Saudi Arabia in a trip that is sure to cause more trouble. 


Saudi Arabia?

The Repugnant Party's best friend since the daze of Jr and Dick?

Would the trouble be related to their financing the bombing of the World Trade Center?  Good thing the travel ban doesn't reach their peaceful oasis....

I've read some things lately that are starting to make me think that Trump might just be in this for himself and his buddies. 

Buckle up kids - he is be-headed in Saudi Arabia in a trip that is sure to cause more trouble. 


fixed that for ya...

One could only wish...

Wonder if Trump is jealous of that guy's tan.

^He probably received highly classified Russian Tanning info in exchange for this ISIS "stuff."


TOTALLY worth it, IMHO.

personnel grooming intel for classified intelligence seems like a fair trade.

The length of Trump's tie corresponds to the degree of his lie...

No secret, Lavrov uses Nu Skin  tanning products Chaffetz can hook up Trump...

Ah, I hate to break the news but as the ultimate authority on what remains classified any President can release pretty much any information to whoever he wants.  Hard to call that treason.  You people passed the point of ridiculous a long time ago, but it's fun to watch.

If you're really concerned about protecting confidential information you might show some interest in who keeps leaking it to the press.  But that would require an amount of integrity sorely lacking in these swamp infested times.

Thom you're either on the bus or thrown under the bus...


Thom, I see that you are still comfortable with being an apologist for this criminal, and likely treasonous administration.



And you certainly passed the point of pathetic long ago, so...


Wave your​ flag, Thom, wave it wide and high





>>>If you're really concerned about protecting confidential information you might show some interest in who keeps leaking it to the press.  But that would require an amount of integrity sorely lacking in these swamp infested times.

it's probably the the Russian people in the room since they keep gaining leverage every time they leak what happened then watch Trump team  lie about it. 

Let see what Erick Erickson conservative pundit has to say about the source of the leak:

Erickson knows one of the sources and supports their decision to go to the media, he wrote Tuesday in a blog post for his website, The Resurgent.

“This is a real problem and I treat this story very seriously because I know just how credible, competent, and serious — as well as seriously pro-Trump, at least one of the sources is,” Erickson wrote.

“You can call these sources disloyal, traitors, or whatever you want,” he added. “But please ask yourself a question — if the President, through inexperience and ignorance, is jeopardizing our national security and will not take advice or corrective action, what other means are available to get the President to listen and recognize the error of his ways?”​

Thom is 100% correct, in that Trump gets to declassify info on the spot. What he did was not illegal, in the leaset.

It was, however, extremely ill-advised, and it jeopardizes a lot of things, people, assets and critical relationships.


"lawful but awful"

Treason without Reason.

All of this was not only predictable — it was also predicted. Read, again, the statement issued by 50 prominent Republican national security experts issued last August. Note that it was not “pro-Clinton” or left-wing, or even ideological at all. It simply pointed out that Trump — a man who would not, under normal circumstances, ever be given a high-level security clearance — was unfit to be president. Here is the central section:


In our experience, a President must be willing to listen to his advisers and department heads; must encourage consideration of conflicting views; and must acknowledge errors and learn from them. A President must be disciplined, control emotions, and act only after reflection and careful deliberation. A President must maintain cordial relationships with leaders of countries of different backgrounds and must have their respect and trust. In our judgment, Mr. Trump has none of these critical qualities. He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood. He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate personal criticism. He has alarmed our closest allies with his erratic behavior. All of these are dangerous qualities in an individual who aspires to be President and Commander in-Chief, with command of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

Can't wait for the Trump's Sally Yates bashing  after tonites airing of the CNN interview...

What's almost as amazing as the poor judgment is the how the White House staff continues to blunder in its handling of the fallout from these missteps.   Its obvious that trying to stay on script just doesn't work when cleaning up after Trump because Trump will just then send out some tweet or say something in an interview that flies in the face of the "official" storyline.   Spicer and Co. just need to shut their mouths and seems like the administration would be well served to stop talking with the press altogether and just let Trump be Trump.   They certainly aren't helping to instill any confidence in his presidency.  

Script? This is the Improv-Administration...

"Everything Trump touches dies" - Rick Wilson

I'm calling Spicer & Co: Featuring Sara Huckabee Sanders as my next GD cover band:   Improvisational spin trainwreck music  

Wish I could read Thom's reaction if Obama brought the Ruskies into

the Oval Office, barred the American press then gave out intelligence just to boost his ego.

Wait, Obama never did anything remotely that stupid.

cb - Where Can i Buy That Ball Cap - i would wear it Proudly.

They found the leaker - It's TRUMP. 





Either time to stop sharing intelligence with Trump, or time to start feeding him false information to pass along to the Russians. 

The "Bread Crumbs" will lead to Treason...

Comey left a paper trail.

High crimes and misdemeanors. Obstuction of justice.


Mossad must be pissed.

Darrell Issa is screwed...

up for mid-term election in Ca district 49

and this...


so we get to compare Trumps recordings with Comey's notes?

If there are WH tapes I expect Trump to balk at turning them over until he's ready to blackmail his associates.