Floops News


I heard from Floops the other day. His case was resolved and he won't be deported. I expect he'll drop by here before long to share the news himself, but in the meantime, there ya go.

Great news! 

Right on.  Wondering what happened to him.

That is great news. Floops is a great guy and deserves a lot less trouble than he has had.


well that's nice

Great news. Be weird to deport a guy who loves his kids and wants to help raise them. 

Well, alright!

Great news for him.

That sounded like a serious amount of stress....

Glad to hear it.


I'm so happy to hear this relieving, wonderful news. Yay, Floopie!

Thanks, Mike.

((((Floops Family)))

Next thing you know, he'll raise the sunken boat.

Go Floops.

No. Stay, Floops.

Such great news.  I'm thrilled fo you Floops!   Truly must be a huge burden off your shoulders. 

Very happy for Floops. I remember reading his posts throughout this and it was obviously an extremely stressful time.  Stress long term just sucks.  So glad to hear this news. 

Hope your happy and celebrating, Floops. Congratulations!!!, your perseverance paid off :)

That is great news!


Way to go Floops.  Stay for ever.

oh wow!

of course it's YOU Mike!

was so much just having him on my noggin this weekend

fo realz!

soooooo happy to hear it is good news


Hey, good people. Your kind words are appreciated. 

I have been totally depressed and unable to talk about my situation unless I have to, so I avoid it. Sorry, that I haven't come here earlier, though. You are good people. 

Yes, I have found a way to stay, and I was all excited, but of course I've run into a snag or three, and I'm so sick of it. I really barely have energy to keep fighting. Why must I fight to just live a normal life? Fuuuuck!

Anyway, I hope you are all well. I have missed youse. I'll go read some threads now. 

Much love to yall,




Wishing the obstacles to vanish...you've been through too much

Wow, sorry to hear.  Anything we can do to help???

Thanks, guys. I appreciate the offer, but I can't imagine what... unless you know someone who owns a place in South Holland I can rent. I just can't find it. 

Soooo close, and yet so far away. Housing here is absolute shit. They build rich neighborhoods, though. They fix the streets. Fuck the homeless. Fuck the young. I know... it's amazingly balls everywhere. Fuck!


Okay, conspiracy time. They know we broke it, so they're passing policy to shrink the population. It seems like insane greed and bumbling, but... logistics. 

i hate it for you, friend

all you have wanted to do is be a good dad 

know that you have succeeded, despite how it may look or feel

life can be a real fuck if you are not one of the wealthy privileged

for the ones that are

may they fall


hugs to you always and here's to that reasonable southern flat ASAP