Have You Ever Been Asked If You're Woke?


A gentleman at my work asked me. We are, or were, normally cordial and only talked about non political stuff.

Same guy also asks thing like "Where do you get you news, CNN?" and "Do you see what Biden's doing!?"

All completely unprovoked and with a tone that seemed like he wanted to start a "debate".

I told him "yea, I woke this morning, took a shit, had some tea, took another shit, and came to work, how about you?"

Then "Na, all US news has an agenda and is biased so I get my info from The BBC".

And as for Biden, I said "Not trying to start a civil war?"

He just went "Huh". and walked away.

Hasn't talked to me much lately.

Life is good.


>>>>>, I woke this morning, took a shit, had some tea, took another shit, and came to work,

Good response.  Funny, I run in pretty liberal circles and can't recall anyone I know using the phrase "woke."

One of my guilty pleasures is wasting time trolling the Fox News comment section and it is weird seeing so many people with a myopic view of the world broken down along the lines of "Liberal v. Conservative" and "Fox v. CNN," even when discussing completely apolitical events and world affairs that have nothing to do with US domestic policy.   

Wake Now Discover! 

Yep, the only idiots fixated on "wokeness" are those on the far right. Sounds about right and fitting I suppose.


Meh, probably some idiots on the far left fixated on it too.  Who else is buying these t-shirts?

I haven't been asked if I'm woke, nor have I been waked.

....baked blokes vs waked wokes

I wake and bake every day - does that count?

Woke and Boked 

Gay - Yes

5 Oh - Yes

Woke - No

Perhaps some more interesting questions are:

1.  What is it about the human condition / cognitive apparatus that causes us to be "asleep"?

2.  What is it to be "totally woke"; and is it something we can "handle"?


Having said all of that, my favorite "woke" book I've read in 2022 is:

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents


Isabel Wilkerson 


Plenty of teachers and a couple of employers throughout the years asked if i was awake.

Up and found out I'm am the eyes of the world

People who actually employ the term "woke" in their lexicon are usually the same folks who also call people words like retarded or dike or snowflake.

you know, when they're not busy screaming about voter i.d. or gain of function research......

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. – Socrates

If asked, I'll ask them to define "woke". That should end the questioning. 

^ Nice!