An Honorable Deputy


Say what you want about cops, and like every job, there's bad ones, but I'm grateful this deputy honored his oath and his community. It's nice when things work like they're supposed to. 

One of the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial told him a "joke" about the shooting of Jacob Blake (which spawned the protests) while being escorted to his car after day 2 of the trial. This deputy, upon hearing the sick attempt at "humor", marched this juror's sick ass right back to the courthouse to report it to the judge, and the juror was removed from the trial.

The juror said "my feeling is it has nothing to do with the case." He declined to retell the joke when asked to.

Here's a link to the full story:

From the story - Earlier in the hearing, prosecutor Thomas Binger said the man told the joke to a deputy escorting him to his vehicle after court on Tuesday evening. Binger said he was told the joke went something along the lines of, "'Why did the Kenosha police shoot Jacob Blake seven times? Because they ran out of bullets.'" 

Honorable ?? LOL

Unless you always play the nice politically correct ass kisser and don't joke around ever, anything you say can be construed as something terribly WRONG. Dumb ass juror ?  Maybe, but this country's fucked from soup to it's over sensitive nuts.

< say what you want about cops

Cops are just like people. Like you said, some are ok, some suck. Don't give em a reason to fuck with you and they're usually ok. Usually.

Nice to see Minneapolonians are sensible folk.

No cops ? That's an absurd concept.

Minneapolis voters reject plan to replace Police Department | Star Tribune

You don't get extra credit as a public servant for doing precisely what is required of you.

You just get to stay employed.


So say what you want about cops

That this little act was newsworthy in the first place pretty much says it all.

The REAL travesty here is picking an all white jury. 

Hopefully that smug shit Rittenhouse gets multiple life sentences.  And the good ol blue boy club, can't live with them and can live without them. 

It's really fucked up that the juror didn't think his joke had anything to do with the case. And he said it to a deputy? Jesus, what a dumb motherfucker. 

The fucked up part is that even smarter juror(s) whom plays along only to help spring that little prick.

...hate to slightly change the subject but this caught my eye after some rumors over the Summer (that apparently turned out to be true):


Geez, tough crowd. Just trying to find a little light here and there. Sorry to acknowledge the positive when I see it.

Yeah, he IS expected to do what's right, BSS. But so often that's not done. Which is why some of the problems continue. 

You got a guy in a decision-making position in the legal system trying to make a "joke", ostensibly to indicate to the deputy he is sympathetic to law enforcement. Could be interpreted as a "Don't worry. I got your back" moment. Instead the officer immediately reports this juror's bias to the judge to keep the proceeding fairer than it would be if not reported. John Wooden said, "The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching." This white officer could have done nothing, and accepted the racist comment and left the guy in the jury pool. We're talking Wisconsin here. While Raz is noting the overwhelmingly white makeup of the 20 person jury pool (there is one person of color Raz - a black guy in his late 20's), this white officer supported the rule of law and did the right thing in this racially charged situation. If there's something wrong in recognizing that, even if it IS what he should do, oh well.

I kinda felt the same way when a rural Utah highway patrolman pulled over a suspected drunk driver and ended up arresting the police chief of a local town in his patrol area. That's a small fraternity. He could have easily just let the guy skate or given the guy a lift home (wink wink). But he treated him equally to any other citizen. Surprising. 

Yeah I get the situational overview part, and Coach Wooden was damn near always right about most things.

I'm saying you're assuming this particular officer was escorting the juror alone, and that it wasn't possible anyone else heard any of the exchange.

Which could of course be true, but then the article left that part out.

And it could just as easily be that the officer *knew* the exchange had been overheard, and felt compelled to err towards keeping his job under the circumstances...